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Chapter 10.

When Peter entered the room for the dance class, Sarah saw him immediately. She came right up to him and gave him a big hug.

“I'm so glad you're here,” Sarah gushed.

Peter looked around and found that there were other students from his gymnastics class who was also in his dance class. The group quickly formed a clique within the class.

Several discovered that they had another thing in common, they were patients of Dr. Morris.

Despite Peter's original trepidation, he found that he enjoyed dance as much as gymnastics. In many ways, the two classes complemented each other.

Olivia had a similar experience in her strength training class. Several of the students there were part of Olivia's volleyball league, although not on her team. They became buds in the class. She discovered that they had other things in common, such as that Dr. Morris was the physician of several of them.

Olivia also discovered the use of steroids rampant in the strength training class. It wasn't difficult to persuade Olivia to ask Dr. Morris for a prescription.

“Hey, Pete!” one of Olivia's teammates called out.

Mike Simms is one of Olivia's best buds on the team. They had become close since Olivia started going to the Y. It was Mike who brought Olivia to the attention of Coach Brackney.

“Hey!” Olivia returned the greeting.

“I need you to do me a solid.”

“Sure, anything.”

“You know Jessy Leppert.”


Jessy was a girl who came to the volleyball matches and sometimes watched Mike's practices.

“I asked her out.”

“Kewl. What did she say?”

“She's twelve. She told me she would love to go. But her mom won't let her go out with a boy alone.”

Olivia could sense what was coming next.


“Well, Jessy has this friend Bonnie. You know her.”

Olivia knew both girls. They usually hung out together.

“Uh huh.”

“I need you to go out with her. You know as a double date.”

“Can't you ask anyone else?”

“Bonnie really likes you.”

“I hardly know her.”

“I need you to do this for me.”

Olivia couldn't tell the truth for obvious reasons. She also couldn't tell Mike that she doesn't like girls. She had to be one of the boys. If word got around, there would be a lot of trouble. She was treated as part of the group of boys and had to maintain that illusion. She also did want to help Mike. They were buds!

“I don't know.”

“Come on. It's just one date. She does really like you.”

“You're just saying that.”

“No, really. I heard her talk about you.”

Olivia couldn't back out. She had to help Mike. It was the guy code. “Alright.”


“How will this work?”

“My mom will be doing all the driving. She'll take us to the mall where we can eat at the food court and see a movie.”

“I see.”

“I can pick you up.”

“No, I'll come to you. What time?”

“4:30 on Saturday.”


Olivia had to work out the details. The easiest part was to get to Mike's house. She could just drive. But she couldn't leave her house dressed properly for the date. She would have to change from her girl persona to her boy persona on the way.

Olivia would have to go into Peter's room and steal some of his nicer apparel. She would need a collared shirt, a pair of slacks, black socks and nice shoes. The male briefs she already had access to. She folded what she needed and then put the apparel in her car.

Olivia decided not to tell Peter what she was doing. She did have to tell her mom though.

“Mom, I'm using the car on Saturday. I have a date.”

“You do?”


“Is he a nice boy?”



“No, not serious. It's a double date.”

I see.”

“Do I know the boy?”

“It's not someone you know.”

“You're driving?”

“Yeah. I guess he doesn't have his license yet.”

“When will you be back?”

“Not too late. Before ten.”


“Where are you going?”

“Just to a movie at the mall.”

“If you are going to be late, call!”

“I will, but that won't happen.”

“Have fun.”

“I'll try.”

Olivia had to go through the steps of getting ready for her own date. She had to pick out a pretty outfit and fix her hair. (She would be wearing Peter's wig.) As well as the millions of other details she would need to do.

She left the house in a rust-colored plaid mini-dress with spaghetti straps. She wore it like a jumper over a cropped cardigan in complementary colors. She accessorized it with a pendant necklace, hoop earrings, a faux-leather cross-body bag, and jelly slide sandals. Even her lingerie was coordinated for a date.

Olivia looked good when she left her house. But she would have to change into the garments of a thirteen-year-old boy for her date.

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