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Chapter 6.

Peter's bent-over dick might have been aching, but he didn't notice. He was too busy with other concerns.

Olivia and Peter walked straight to the gas station's bathroom and locked the door. They needed to change into their proper clothes. Peter removed all makeup from his face as did Olivia with her freckles. Peter pulled down the top of his leotard to remove his sports bra. Olivia unwrapped the bandages that were covering her breasts. She did so without removing her shirt. Peter reached into his tights and pulled out the padding surrounding his butt and hips. He found it impossible to unfold his dick while he was wearing clothes. The final step for both of them was simply to dress over whatever they were still wearing in their proper outer clothing.

Olivia checked to make sure the coast was clear. She didn't want anyone to see her and Peter leaving the unisex restroom at the same time. No one was about.

When they exited, Peter was still wearing his tights and leotards, but they were hidden under his t-shirt and jeans. Olivia was wearing her shorts, boys' briefs, and volleyball t-shirt, but it was under her own skirt and jacket. With the makeup removed, they looked like who they were supposed to be. At home, they would return to their proper underwear also.

Olivia and Peter walked briskly to the car. They got in and drove off.

Peter wished he was driving home. Driving the few feet, he had before was cool. Maybe he could drive farther next time.

Olivia was concerned about her new ID. She never thought about being fingerprinted. It was obviously a new policy. She couldn't deny what she had done anymore if she was caught. They had undeniable proof. There was a document that she possessed that had Peter's name, signed by her, with a picture that she took where she looked like a boy and her actual thumbprint. With this document, she could pass for Peter anywhere. What was worse was that Peter could pass for her now. The card she received even used her social security number as the ID number. Peter now had access to that too.

Olivia decided that this was only for the Y, that it was no big deal. She shouldn't worry about it. Besides, it was her idea.

“Peter, when we get home, I'm going to teach you how-to put-on makeup.”

“OK, but I want to drive farther next time.”

“You what?”

“You heard me. It's fun! Besides, you will be in the car.”

“How far?”

“Just a few blocks.”

“OK, that is what I was planning anyway.”


“You have to learn how to walk like a girl too.”

“Sure whatever.”

“I'm going to make a special panty with padding. Stuffing things into your tights won't work.”


“It'll make it easier for you to get dressed and it to look right.”

“I already said whatever.”

“Monday we'll start. That's when I have to be at volleyball practice, and you have your first dance class.”

“I took gymnastics.”

“I know, I know.”

“Hey, we aren't going home,” Peter remarked when he saw Olivia make a turn.

“I told you we need a padded panty for you.”

“We are getting it now?”


“Can I drive?”

“No, not now. You can't drive when you look like a boy.”

“I guess not. But driving is so cool. I want to do it again.”

“Shesh, only drove a few feet.”

“That's a few feet more than my friends.”

“You can't tell your friends anything about this.”


“No buts.”

Olivia was right, he couldn't tell his friends that he was driving Olivia's car without them asking about it.

Olivia bought several pairs of stretchy panty briefs. She also bought some foam rubber to be used as the padding. She would have to shape the foam and sew it into the panties. It took a while for her to get the shape right. In the end, if Peter wore the panty brief under his tights Peter's bottom would have to look good enough to fool anyone even if he wasn't wearing a skirt or skort. Olivia didn't want to change it though. Also, since the brief was much tighter than a regular panty, it could keep Peter's penis in place between his legs no matter how he moved.

Olivia decided that any special clothing should be kept in the car where mom wouldn't find it. That would be the best decision.

Olivia gave Peter a course on how-to put-on makeup. She decided that he would need four types of makeup: foundation, blush, lipstick, and eye shadow. At thirteen, Peter's face was already smooth. Olivia would have to give his face a feminine appearance.

“You start with foundation,” Olivia instructed. “You use a big brush like this, but a light hand. You have to cover your entire face, especially hiding your freckles.” Olivia gave detailed instructions on how to apply each type of makeup and which brush to use. She played up any feminine aspects of Peter's face that existed.

Peter played along. He was more pumped about driving a car than he was for seeing girls 'naked' in the locker room. Seeing naked girls was something he thought he should want to do. He was more curious than horny at his age. He was hardly passed the stage of saying 'girls have cooties'. But driving a car sounded cool. It was something none of his friends would be doing for years.

Olivia left Peter to practice his technique. She needed to create a padded panty brief to give him the illusion of a girl's hips and butt. She needed to create something for him that he could pull on quickly without having to adjust to the proper shape.

She bought many pads just in case she would need to start over. She needed something that would accentuate the hips and butt, that wouldn't leave any doubt. That was her theme with all her efforts. Peter would have to be even more shapely and use more makeup than a natural girl because he didn't have any real underlying feminine features.

After some trial and error, Olivia had created a panty which was padded that would give Peter the shape of a girl with a 24-inch waist, 32-inch hips, and a nicely rounded butt. The difference between Olivia's real waist and hips wasn't that large.

Peter was still practicing his application of makeup when Olivia returned.

“Try this one!” she told him.

“OK, but how to I look.”

“It's very good. Try this on.,” she reiterated.

“OK, OK.”

“Don't forget to tuck!”

“I won't, I won't!”

Peter exited the bathroom wearing just the panty and his makeup. His chest was boyish, but his waist and hips definitely had feminine curves. His front was flat, his hips were wide, his butt was round.

“What do you think?”

“Looks good, but I'd better see you with your leotard and tights. Oh yes, and the sports bra too.”

Peter dressed up in his skirted light pink leotard, matching tights, and a white sports bra. If Olivia didn't know any better, she would think that Peter was a girl. He wasn't wearing his wig which hurt the illusion somewhat.

“Turn around so I can see you from all angles.”


“What was that?” Olivia exclaimed. Mom had arrived home.

“Get changed!”

“Maybe we can fool mom. You tell her I'm your friend.”

“No way, get changed!”


Peter went into the bathroom. He stripped as quickly as he could. He pulled his left arm out of the leotard, then his right, and pulled it down onto the floor. The tights were next. He had to sit on the toilet to get them off. He pulled his sports bra over his head and then pulled his padded panty down too.

He threw on his underwear and a t-shirt. Then he pulled a pair of jeans up his legs.

His discarded female apparel he hid in the tub. The shower curtain was pulled to prevent anyone from seeing them.

He remembered the makeup and cleaned that off his face. He had been applying and removing the cosmetics several times, so he knew how to wash his face properly.

He exited the bathroom looking as ordinary as possible. When he saw the coast was clear, he returned to the bathroom with a bag. He threw all the discarded clothing into the bag and then threw them into Olivia's room.

Olivia could deal with those clothes without a problem, but Peter knew it would be hard to explain to mom what he was doing with those things.

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