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Chapter 3.

Returning to their original apparel, Olivia encouraged Peter to ask their mother.

“Mom, I want to take volleyball at the Y,” Peter blurted out.

“You do?”

“I do.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am. I'll show you.”

Peter showed mom the proper page with the description. Mom looked it over.

“Are you sure,” mom asked again.

“Yes, I told you.”

“Because it's expensive and you have to pay it all in advance.”


“You know what that means?”

“No, what?”

“It means once you start you can't quit. I don't want to waste so much money. Plus, how will you get there?”

“I'll take him!” Olivia interjected.

“You will?” Mom was surprised that Olivia would volunteer.

“Yeah, I'll be going there anyway. I'm going to take gymnastics.”

“You want to take gymnastics?”

“Yeah, I think it'll be fun.”


“Peter and I can go together.”

“Are you going to pay for that?”

“Sure, I have enough.” Olivia was 17 and Peter only 13, so mom paying for Peter but not for Olivia seemed to make sense. Besides for gymnastics, a student could pay as she went. Volleyball requires much more of a commitment because the team needed to be filled and stay that way during the entire season.

“Are you both sure this is what you want to do?”

“I am,” Olivia said first which was repeated by Peter a moment later.

“Fine, you can go.”

“Volleyball needs a medical OK,” Olivia said.

“How do you know?”

“I was looking with Peter. I noticed it.”


“I guess I can make an appointment with Dr. Morris.”


Mom made the phone call.

“We are on our way,” Olivia told Peter with excitement.

Peter couldn't wait to start seeing naked girls. If all he had to do was spend some time learning gymnastics, it would be worth it.

Mom made the appointments for the physicals. There wasn't anything special about them. Olivia and Peter simply had to show up to their respective physicals and be themselves. There wasn't anything physically wrong with either of them to prevent them from taking part in activities at school or the Y. Mom never suspected the deception, why would she.

Signing up for Peter's gymnastics class could be done over the internet. Peter had already been enrolled at the Y, now Olivia had to officially enroll herself for Peter. She downloaded the application. It was a standard form. She started to fill it out. Peter would have to sign Olivia's name when done but she could fill out the rest by herself.

She started by checking the box that said type of membership. She clicked STUDENT.

The first line for the primary member. Olivia guessed she was the primary member, with Peter done next. Under Title, Olivia neatly printed Miss, under FIRST NAME: Olivia, MI: L (for Louisa), LAST NAME: Flavel, there wasn't a SUFFIX.

Olivia entered her birth date, checked FEMALE under GENDER, and PREFERRED CONTACT was email. REFERRED BY: Peter Flavel. All the information required was self-explanatory.


Olivia needed the signature of her mom and Peter (signing her name). She got both signatures in short order. They would have to take a photo at the Y when they got there.

All Olivia and Peter would have to do was to show up tomorrow to complete the application and get their picture taken and have a new ID issued.

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