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Chapter 2.

To complete her plan, Olivia had to get the cooperation of her brother. It would be him who had to get his mother's permission to join the league. Most importantly, it would have to be Peter who got a check-up by the doctor. She had no other option but to ask him to do this for her. She had already said she would join the team and cut her hair. Olivia was committed.

After Olivia explained what she wanted, Peter said, "Let me get this right, you want me to tell mom I want to join a volleyball league, get her to sign a permission slip, and finally see the doctor?"

"Yeah, that's it. Will you do it?"

"What do I get out of it?"

"What do you want?"

After a little bit of thought, Peter said, "I want you to dress me up so that I look like you."

"Why would you want me to do that? You aren't queer, are you?"

"No far from that. I want to look like a girl so I can go into the girl's locker room while they are changing, and you know sort of look around."

"You're such a perv!"

"Whatever, will you do it?"

"If you do what I want."

"OK, you first."

"Me first?"

"I want to see if it works. If I can't pass, then why should I help you?"

Olivia looked at Peter critically. If she was going to make him look like a girl, she would have to make him girlier than she was. He would have to wear a skirt (to hide his dick). He would have to wear more makeup than she liked to wear. He would also have to wear a wig which she would have to buy which would cover his short hair. It could work, but it would take more effort to make Peter look like a girl than to make herself look like a boy.

"OK, let's go to my room and get some stuff. Which do you want to start with first: clothing or makeup?" Olivia asked.

"Let's start with clothing," Peter suggested.

Peter and Olivia went up to her room. Olivia was mumbling to herself as she planned what she would have to do to make Peter look like a girl.

She opened her top drawer and picked out a pair of white opaque tights and handed them to Peter. "Put these on!"

Peter gave Olivia a face. "These?"

"Yeah, put them on."

"OK," Peter turned to get on dressed and put on the requested garment.

"Where are you going?"

"To change."

"You can change here."


"Oh, you're so embarrassed all of a sudden? You wouldn't know how to put that on anyway."

"How hard can it be?"

"I didn't say it was hard. Only that you don't know how to do it."


Peter took off his sneakers first, then his shirt and pants. Finally, he took off his socks.

Peter was about to try and put on the tights when his sister said, "Hey, get naked first."


"Get naked. You don't put on tights with underwear, especially boys' briefs."

Peter was embarrassed, but he did as he was told.

"OK, now what you do is roll the legs into a ball like this and then guide it up your left leg." Olivia showed what she meant with one of Peter's discarded socks.

Peter did as requested. Once the legging was balled up, Peter began with his left foot. Olivia gave careful instructions to make sure the tights didn't rip and were smooth up Peter's legs. Peter was only thirteen, so he didn't have any problem with hairy legs or underarms. The tights were pulled up to just below the knee and then he worked on the other foot. Then he pulled it up to his thigh, and then to his crotch, finally all the way up to his waist. The outline of his penis could be seen under the tights.

"OK, now you have to fold that so it's between your legs."

Peter gave her another look.

"Hey, it has to lie flat, or it won't look right."

Peter knew she had a point. He did as requested. He put staked his fingers under his tights, grabbed his dick, and folded it for the first time under his crotch. Saying it wasn't comfortable was an understatement, but it had to be done.  The tights held his dick in place. That is why she wanted to use tights; they would be 'perfect' for this type of thing.

Looking in another drawer, Olivia found a black tank leotard. She handed it to Peter.

Peter was about to put it on. "Wait for a second," Olivia admonished.


"You need one of these first," Olivia handed Peter a black sports bra. The bra had a little bit of padding.

Peter pulled the bra over his head like it was a t-shirt and put it in place. Peter was about to step into the leotard when Olivia stopped him again. You are going to need these." Olivia handed Peter back his socks.

"I mean you need more on top if you are going to be thought of as a girl."

"Fine," Peter said as he put them into his bra cups. There was an agitation in his voice. Olivia tried to refrain from smiling. She was enjoying dressing her brother up as a girl.

"Here let me help you."

Olivia formed the socks into a near-tear shape to simulate natural boobs.

"Now can I put this on?"

"Yeah, and that is called a leotard."

Finally, Peter stepped into the leotard and pulled it up until he had it over his shoulders. Olivia liked that the leotard both flattened his crotch area and helped smooth his breasts into a proper shape.

"What do you think?" Peter asked.

"It needs something else. You just don't have a womanly shape."

It was decided to use other clothing under his leotard and tights to give the illusion of wider hips and more of a rounded butt. But it could still be seen that it wasn't real. The curves weren't right.

"OK, one final thing and you'll be set," Olivia announced. She found a pleated skirt with an elastic waist. This will be perfect as the pleats would hide his front and make the padding look more natural. Not to mention it also hid the fact that his thighs were also too straight and narrow to be the thighs of a seventeen-year-old girl.

Olivia was satisfied. Peter's body could pass for a young woman. But it was still funny to see a boy's head on top.

Olivia knew she would have to get him a wig to pull it off. Longer hair would be better than shorter hair. Maybe painted nails would distract from his 'ordinary' looking hands. She should probably buy a leotard that already had a skirt attached or a skort. And he would need a lot of make-up. More than she had ever put on herself. To make him suffer, Olivia might even suggest that Peter get his ears pierced.

"Olivia, do I really have to wear all this stuff? Can't I just wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a bra underneath?"

"No, you have to fit in. You want to go into a girl's locker room, and you think you can half-ass it?"


"But nothing, it would look really suspicious if you are in a locker room dressed in street clothes and not changing into activewear."

"I think I see what you mean."

"Now that I look at you, I'm not happy with the skirt."

"I don't have to wear a skirt?" Peter asked hopefully.

"No, you do. Well sort of. We'll have to get you a pleated tennis skort."

"You mean skirt."

"No, a skort."

"What's that?"

"It sort of has shorts inside. I'll show you when I get one. Anyway, turn around. I want to see you from all angles."

Peter slowly turned around. He did look like he had the body of a girl. The clothing really helped. She liked that she could see the outline of the bra from the back. That his butt was sticking out sort of like a girl's butt. He seemed to have the illusion of hips. His boyish legs were well hidden under tights and the pleats of the skirt.

Olivia thought to herself, "He might need something to make his waist seem thinner. At least in relationship to his hips." She could hide that with a long shirt, but she didn't want to do that.

"How does it look?" Peter asked again.

"I think it's pretty good, but we will need a couple of things. The skort as I said, and you will need some girlie sneakers. You won't fit into my shoes."


"One other thing, you can't be hanging out in the locker room all day while I'm playing volleyball. Someone will get suspicious. You will need to work out most of the time."


"I have a better idea, let's sign you up for something. Then you'll have a reason to be there."

"What should we sign up for?"

"What would you think of taking up dance, gymnastics, or aerobics?"

“I don't know.”

“Let's look at the course descriptions at the Y.”

The pair got online. Then found the proper website and looked through it.

“Let's see for the dance they only have ballet. It says, 'A combined level class that will introduce young dancers to the vocabulary and basic technique of classical ballet through exercises at the barre, in the center, and traveling across the floor '. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?” Olivia told him.

“Next,” Peter replied sarcastically.

“OK, for gymnastics it says, 'This year-round class, will teach your girl basic gymnastic skills on four events: Bars, Beam, Floor, and Vault. Must be able to do a front roll, back roll, cartwheel, and bridge before enrolling.'

“Everyone can do a cartwheel, and I'm sure I can do the rolls, but I don't know what a bridge is.”

“Then I guess it's ballet for you!”

“Wait, do you know what a bridge is?”

“Sure, I do.”

“Can you teach me?”

“I guess.”

“OK, lie on the ground.”

Peter did as requested. He was still wearing the skirt, leotard, and tights. Olivia looked Peter up and down. The skirt and padded sports bra were doing the trick. It gave Peter the illusion of curves where it should be curves and 'flatness' where it should be flat. Although maybe a couple of extra pairs of padding in his bra and on his ass would probably be better.

“Now what?” Peter asked as Olivia was looking him over.

“OK, bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor.

Your hands by your ears with your palms touching the floor.

Now thrust your body up into the air.”

Peter threw himself up.”

“No, no, no. Do it with your feet and hands still touching the ground.”

Peter tried again. This time he immediately fell on his side.

Olivia laughed out loud into Peter's face. “Looks like it's ballet class for you.”

“Let me try again.”

Peter tried a second time, this time with Olivia's help to lift him up.


It took a while before Peter's bridge was passable.

“OK, we'll sign you up for gymnastics. Are you sure you don't want to take ballet?” Olivia loved needling her brother.


“The next step is to tell mom. You tell her you want to take volleyball and I'll tell her I'm taking gymnastics.”


“It'll give me a reason to be out of the house and drive you. You don't expect mom to believe I'll drive you twice a week out of the goodness of my heart.”

“There isn't anything good in your heart,” Peter mumbled.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. Can I get dressed now?”


'That is good because my dick was starting to ache. It doesn't like being in that position.”

“Hey, I've been taking these pills for minor aches. They're like baby aspirins. You can take them.”

“Let me see.”

Olivia fetched some pills from her room. They were in a package with 28 pills. (A four-week supply.) The pills were labeled Sunday- Saturday: three sets of 7 white pills and one set of reddish pills.

“What are they?”

“I told you, they're like baby aspirin. It'll make you feel better. Take one every day.”

“Even days I won't be going to the Y?”

“Yeah, every day. It works best that way.”

“I see.”

“Try one now.”

“Are they safe?”

“Yeah, I've been taking them for a while. Don't worry.”

Peter took the first pill. It was chewable so he didn't need any water.

“That's it. Just take one every day for it to work best.”

Peter took an eight-week supply (approximately two months of birth control pills) to his room. He put the pills in the back of his drawer where his mother wouldn't find them.

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