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Chapter 7.

Jose arrived in his neighborhood and parked in front of his house.  He walked to his door and rang the doorbell.

Crystal came to the door and opened it. The door was ajar with a chain preventing it from being opened more than a few inches.

“Crystal, you're not going to believe this...” Jose started to say when Crystal cut him off.

“Do I know you?”

“Ha, ha, very funny. Let me in!”

“Let you in? WHO ARE YOU!”

“Jose of course. Let me in?”

“Jose who?”

“Your husband, Jose. Let me in before people see me.”

“Miss, I don't know who you are.”

“I'm Jose. I know I'm dressed funny. But.”

Crystal didn't recognize Jose. Crystal thought she saw a middle-aged woman in a pretty suit. She didn't think that Jose was threatening per se, but she wasn't going to let a stranger in her house. Crystal closed and locked the door.

Jose started to bang on the door with a closed fist. “Crystal, I can explain! Let me in!”

“GO AWAY! Or I'll call the cops.”

Jose didn't stop. Crystal did as she threatened. Jose could hear Crystal's panicked voice.

“Send the police quick. There is a strange woman who is banging on my door. She won't go away! HURRY!”

Jose could tell that Crystal was serious.  He ran to the car, got in, and drove away. He didn't know where to go. But he didn't want the police involved.

Jose found a place to park. He had to think. Crystal called him a 'woman'.

“I'm not a woman,” Jose said as he felt his chest with his hands to confirm he didn't have any breasts. He could feel the cups of the bra underneath his blazer though.  Then he reached for his skirt to see if he could feel his cock underneath.  He thought he could feel it through the clothes.  But to be sure, he snaked his hand under his skirt. He found the pantyhose he was wearing blocked access to his skin. The pantyhose was pulled up past his hips. But that didn't matter, his hand even though separated by his pantyhose and panties, confirmed he had his penis in his skirt.

Jose looked at his face again in the rearview mirror. He hadn't changed. His face was as masculine as ever. How could Crystal mistake him for a woman? He was obviously a man. Then he noticed something he hadn't before. His lips were painted red with lipstick. It was hard to see because of his mustache and beard. But it was undeniable now that he inspected it closely.  He also had a bit of eyeshadow on the lids of his eyes. It was in a natural tone. Tawanda preferred understated makeup.

Jose decided to take a better look at the contents of the purse. The first thing he looked for was the identification in Tawanda's wallet. This time he took a better look at the picture. The hair was longer and in a feminine style, but the face on the ID was a masculine face. He hadn't noticed before. Then he looked again and noticed it was his face. He hadn't seen his face without his facial hair in many years. That might be the reason he didn't recognize it originally. But now that he looked again, he knew it was his face.

He looked at the information again:

Name: Tawanda Johnsonn

Address: 67-34 Oak Lane

DOB: 03/21/81 (which made her in her lower 40s)

Sex: F

The only information that pertained to him was the picture.  It was his picture, but some woman's information. Despite the way he looked, was he now Tawanda Johnsonn?  No not he, she?  This couldn't be possible.

Jose drove to his best friend's house. He walked up to the door and rang Matthew's doorbell.

“Hello,” Jose said. He wanted to see if his best friend recognized him.

“Hello, Sweetie. Can I help you?”

Jose knew from Matthew's demeanor that he was being perceived as a woman. Jose got into character.

“I've been driving for hours. I'm lost can you tell me how to get to Oak Lane in Morris?”

“Sure, it's not that far.”

Matthew gave directions and Jose listened quietly. He was looking for any indication that a trick was being played on him. He didn't detect any indication that Matthew was being deceitful.

“Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Jose got into his car. He didn't know what to do or where to go. There seemed to be only one option. There was only one place where he would be welcomed. That was Tawanda's house. Jose headed in that direction.


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