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Chapter 5.

Inspiration struck Jose. He looked into the purse he was holding. There might be some car keys in here.

Jose opened the purse and looked inside. It was full of various items. There was a wallet, tissues, makeup, some papers, and also some keys. Jose fixated on the keys. He recognized which was the car key. It had the Toyota logo on it.

Jose stood up from his crouch and looked at the parking lot. There were hundreds of cars in the busy parking lot. Which one was the Toyota that this key fit? He didn't know. He didn't even know the color or the model.

He looked through the woman's wallet. There must be documentation for the car. This wasn't necessarily true. The woman might have that type of documentation in the glove compartment of her vehicle.

Jose found the woman's driver's license. He didn't notice that the picture on the license was his own. It looked different than his picture, the beard was gone, and the hair was different. He wasn't paying attention anyway. He saw the woman's name: Tawanda Johnsonn. He didn't care. What he needed was the woman's registration or insurance card. That would list the type of car she had.

He found the insurance card and discovered that Tawanda owned a 2020 red Toyota Avalon. He also discovered the license number also 8NW-628. At last, he knew what he was looking for. He looked for red cars. There was a lot. This wasn't going to help.

The solution was staring him in the face. Jose pressed the button on the key fob and listen for the chirp that would be returned by a car. He didn't hear anything. He would have to wander around the parking lot until he found right the car. That was Jose's only option.

Jose might be embarrassed to be dressed as he was, but no one else seemed to make a fuss. Although he kept his head down, he stood up straight and walked up and down the aisles until a car chirped back at him. It took over half an hour of walking before he found the car. He got inside and drove off.

Chapter 6.

He had to get to his home and change. How would he explain this to his wife, he didn't know. He hoped that his wife was home though since he didn't have any way to get inside his own house without her.

In the car, Jose felt safe. Something about being off the street calmed him. He didn't expect anyone to look into the car he was sitting in. Besides most of what he was wearing was hidden from the general public, especially his pumps, hose, and skirt. Instead of driving straight home, Jose took a moment to collect himself. He was also a it tired and his feet hurt from scouring the parking lot searching for this car.

“What am I going to tell Crystal (his wife)?' Jose didn't know. He didn't have an explanation for himself. One moment he was wearing men's apparel, the next moment he was dressed like this. He didn't know why or how such a thing could happen.

“I must have been drugged.” But that explanation didn't make sense. If he was drugged, how could he have been standing when he returned to awareness?

“Was he standing?” he asked himself. Jose thought he was. He didn't remember standing up to look at himself in the mirror. He seemed to remember that he was already standing and looking in the mirror when he found himself in these clothes.  He looked down at himself again. He saw the blazer and skirt.

“It doesn't matter, Let's get home,” he thought.

Jose put the key in the ignition. His purse was laying on the passenger seat. He had put it there without thinking about it.  He turned the key and the car started normally. He put his foot on the gas pedal. It felt different. He had never driven with heels before. The angle of his foot felt odd.  Jose considered taking his shoes off. But he decided against it. He simply tried to get used to driving like this. It wasn't any harder, he just hadn't done it before.

Jose looked over his shoulder as he backed out of the spot. It only took a few seconds before his car was in one of the aisles of the parking lot.  He went to the end of the aisle and made a right to the exit.  He looked in the rearview mirror to discover that it wasn't in the right position for him.  He adjusted it to his liking.  A moment later, he did the same with both side view mirrors. Despite his predicament, he had to see properly to drive.

On the way home, he tried to decide what to tell his wife. No ideas came to Jose. He didn't know what happened himself.

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