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Evan sat looking over his hymn book. His legs were crossed like a lady's. He wore a demure black knee-length dress with pantyhose, black shoes with a modest heels, gold hoop earrings, and a crucifix.  The crucifix he never took off, not even when he was sleeping or taking a shower.  He had to memorize the wording exactly. It was important to him.  He read the words silently to himself, "Guide me, O Thou Great..."

Evan's life had been guided, but not by God. His guidance came from the mortal realm. Everything about Evan had changed since his mother had sent him to live with his Aunt Evelyn.

It began over a year ago when Evan's mother gave him a gold chain with a crucifix attached. The chain belonged to Aunt Evelyn. Aunt Evelyn told mom what to do.

"Aunt Evelyn gave you this," Evan's mother informed him. "Please wear it for her."

Evan looked at the heavy crucifix and thick gold chain. He knew it was made of 24-caret gold.  He was sure he could sell it for a shit-load of money. He put it on. It looked for him to wear it with his ratty t-shirt and sagging jeans.

"What do you think?"

"I like it," Evan lied. He liked the money it would bring though.

In his mother's hand, she held a remote that looked like a pen. She clicked it, which activated the pendant around Evan's neck. He was ready to accept any instruction that his mother gave him. The command would be implanted by the pendant directly into Evan's mind.

"Stay with Aunt Evelyn until you became a person like your Aunt Evelyn," mom commanded him.  Aunt Evelyn told mom to say those exact words.  Mom loved and respected her sister. Aunt Evelyn was kind, giving, and intensely religious. She wanted those qualities for her son.

When Evan had returned, Mom's command had come true. Gone was the directionless, addict, and bully Evan had been. Gone was even his apparent gender.  In his place, Evan returned as a graceful and modest plus-size MILF very much like his Aunt Evelyn.  His nickname, Evie, is even identical to hers.

His conversion started when he attended Aunt Evelyn's Baptist Church for the first time. Since then, he had 'grown' in many ways: Firstly, he is now over a hundred pounds heavier than he was. His choice of fashion (if you could call it that) of oversized ripped jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers had been replaced with fitted dresses, elegant church suits, hose, and heeled shoes. The only addiction he currently has is to rich desserts.  The only pills he takes are female hormones. The closest he comes to bullying is to nag, cajole and shame old friends and new admirers to go and contribute to the Baptist Church.   

When he smiles, he can get men and boys to do almost anything he wants. In many ways, the modest Evie has more power over boys than the bully Evan had been.

Aunt Evelyn was overjoyed with the changes to Evan. It was time for Evan to return home. Aunt Evelyn saw Evan memorizing the new hymn book. It was time for 'Evie' to return home.

Photo by Maxime Bouffard and Amani Nation on Unsplash

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