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The former Justin Bracker sat on her couch in the breakroom and wrote his mother a letter. Justin felt sad for running away from home, but he just had to. Regardless, wanted to let his mother know that he was safe and that this wasn't her fault.


Dear Mom,

I LOVE YOU! It broke my heart to run away from home, but I just had to go.   I tried to act the happy teenage boy you wanted me to be, but that wasn't how I was really feeling inside. Every day was a struggle between how the world saw me and how I really felt inside.

I know you did your best, as did I. You have to know that it wasn't your fault, I just couldn't continue with things the way they were.

I've found a job and can support myself. All my dreams haven't come true, but I am doing the best I can. It's better this way.

Please, don't come and look for me, you won't find me. I used the Medallion of Zulo and I look quite different from the troubled teenage boy I used to be.

Always remember, that I will always love you.

Your loving son,



"Margaret, your break is almost over," a voice called out.

Justin folded the letter and put it in his purse. he would mail it as soon as his shift was over. Justin had to support himself with his hands to get back to his feet. Something he never had to do before the transformation.

Justin had to give up a lot to become a woman, he was older now, even older than his other. He was much, much heavier and certainly out of shape. He even needed to wear glasses for the first time.  He knew he couldn't even slim down to reasonable weight for two reasons: 1) he was addicted to snack food. He couldn't last twenty minutes without putting something in his mouth and 2) his husband wouldn't allow him. In many ways his husband had more control over him that his mother ever did. 

The only thing he maintained from his old life was his haircut.  But none that that mattered, because for Justin it was worth the sacrifice just to be a real woman.

Standing over the food, Margaret reached over and took a bunch of fries. She dumped them in the rich sauce and before stuffing them into her mouth, called out, "I'm on my way!"

Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

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