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The former Justin Bracker sat in his straight-back strappy chair and wrote his mother a letter. Justin felt sad for running away from home, but he just had to. Regardless, wanted to let his mother know that he was safe and that this wasn't her fault.


Dear Mom,

I LOVE YOU! It broke my heart to run away from home, but I just had to go.   I tried to act the happy teenage boy you wanted me to be, but that wasn't how I was really feeling inside. Every day was a struggle between how the world saw me and how I really felt inside.

I know you did your best, as did I. You have to know that it wasn't your fault, I just couldn't continue with things the way they were.

I have found a place where I fit in.  This is a place where I can be the real me.  I couldn't be happier. Everyone here treats me so nicely.  I am back in school. I know you wanted me to finish my education, I'm doing that now.  I have to start with the basics, but this time I'll see it through to the end this time.

Please, don't come and look for me, you won't find me. I used the Medallion of Zulo and I look quite different from the troubled teenage boy I used to be.

Always remember, that I will always love you.

Your loving son,



"Margaret, get ready for your swimming class," Justin's new mother reminded him.

"One second, just let me finish this."

"Don't take too long. The carpool will be here soon, and you have to change into your swimsuit. I left it on your bed."

Margaret folded the letter and put it in an envelope. The enveloped already had his former mother's address on it as well as a stamp.  He was going to mail it at the hotel where the swimming class took place. He hoped his mother would understand.

Justin ran to the room he shared with his 'older sister'.  She was eight-year-old. After the transformation, Justin is not six.  He pulled off his jumper and his blouse. He was naked now except for his My Little Pony panties. He stepped out of those next.  His one-piece swimsuit was here his new mother said it would be. It was white with pink dolphins. It had thin straps and a modest cut.  Justin put back on his blouse and jumper over the swimsuit.

"Margaret, what's that?" Justin new mommy asked.

"It's a letter to Santa."

"But it's still summer."

"Santa gets busy. I want him to see this."

"OK, honey. The carpool is here."

Justin gave his new mommy a kiss and ran off.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov 

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