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Chapter 4.

As the weeks passed, Jeremy was losing hope of ever returning to his former life. He had seen Maxine naked on many occasions but didn't have a stray thought about her anymore. He wouldn't let himself do anything wrong. He hoped that God would save him eventually.

At first, he would only read the bible. He was looking for something, anything that would offer him a way out.

After a while, Jeremy needed to relax and decided to read something different. He found some old books that Susan used to read. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to read them anymore, so he kept them hidden from momma. He just needed an escape from his problems.

One of the books that caught his eye was a Nancy Drew book. It was called The Secret Intruder. Jeremy supposed that he could call himself that as well. He wasn't really 'Susan', he was a secret intruder in her life.

God was the only one he could talk to and ask for help. Jeremy knew that he couldn't ask momma. He didn't know what she would do, but he didn't think it would be good. She might even call him evil or a devil if she found out.

Momma was always watching Jeremy. She was determined for Jeremy to be a lady in every way. He couldn't slip up. He had to force himself to act and think like a lady.

At the Sunday church service, Jeremy took another opportunity to pray for deliverance during the time for silent reflection.

“Please Lord let me return to normal. If you do, I'll continue to be your servant forever!” he prayed silently. “If I can't be a man again, then Lord, allow me to forget that I was ever Jeremy. Let there only be Susan.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Paster Timothy announced. “Today we welcome a new member to our church. This young man has truly found his place with the Lord. He has been born-again of that I have no doubt. I would like to have this young man come up to the altar and say a few words.”

This wasn't the only time that the Paster Timothy made an announcement like that. He liked to announce the new members and make them feel comfortable. Although usually, it was an entire family, not one boy.

“Jeremy Leavitt please come up to the altar and say a few words.”

Jeremy couldn't believe what he heard. He looked around. He saw several people standing. They were making room for Jeremy Leavitt to pass. It was him. It was his old body. The body he had seen in the mirror every day of his life up until a few weeks ago.

The 'new Jeremy' was dressed for church. He was wearing a navy-blue suit, white button-down shirt, a blue tie (in a somewhat lighter color than his suit) with black shoes and socks.

Jeremy was speechless as his former body approached the stage. He hadn't been thinking about what had happened to his former body. Jeremy was much too busy with his own problems. Jeremy assumed that his old body was in a coma somewhere. Now he realized that Susan must be in his body. Maybe if he talks to her, he can get his body back. She could use the magic stairs as he had and opened the door. Then he could be returned to normal. His hope was at an all-time high. But first, he would have to talk to her. Susan must want to get back into her own life as much as he wanted to get back to his.

After the service, Jeremy couldn't get away from momma. He wanted to talk to Susan privately. Momma kept an eye on Jeremy as she always had. She didn't like her little lady to be left alone anywhere. Jeremy hadn't minded this close scrutiny before. It was easier to avoid people.

Jeremy felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see it was his former body.

“I locked the door and climbed down the stairs,” Susan informed him.

“You did? Why?”

“It's God's will. I was praying for a miracle, and it happened.”

“This isn't a miracle. IT's a nightmare. We have to fix it.”

“It is!”

Momma noticed Susan and Jeremy talking.

“What are you two talking about?” Momma asked.

“I was just telling her that I liked her dress. I think it's very pretty.”

“Yes, it certainly is.”

“Have you said thank you?” momma asked Jeremy. “A lady always says thank you when she receives a compliment.”

“Thank you. Thank you very much,” Jeremy told Susan. Jeremy's training into becoming a proper young lady had been very intense. Momma kept a close eye on Jeremy.

“You're very welcomed.”

“I'm really happy for you that you found God,” Momma told Susan in Jeremy's body.

“I think he's always been there. I just finally found the right trail. Suddenly a door opened and there was a stairway to a new life. A life I think I was meant to follow,” Susan told her.

“That is the way with God. All things are possible. He wants all his children to be happy.”

“I am happier now than I have ever been!”

“Are you sure?” Jeremy broke in.

“Of course, he is sure! The way of the Lord is always right. Aren't you glad you gave up acting like a boy?” momma asked.

Jeremy knew better than to contradict momma.

“Yes. God's way is the only way,” Jeremy said dutifully.

“I have to go. Nice to meet you,” Susan told Jeremy and momma.

Jeremy gave Susan a pleading look. He couldn't say anything. Not with momma right beside him.

Susan walked away. Jeremy couldn't do anything but watch her go.


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