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Chapter 6.

“Please, one more chance,” Matthew texted Melissa.

Melissa didn't want to give Matthew any more chances. She knew he was bad news. She told him so, but he was so persistent. Melissa thought that the best way to get rid of him was to have her dad go out with him and put Matthew in him in his place. Melissa had to wait though until dad's date with Hannah was over. Then she would swap with him. She just had to wait it out.

“Just one more chance and then you'll leave me alone if I ask?”



“I swear.”

“Hmm, let me think about it.”

“Just one more date. I'll be perfect! I promise.”

“Hmm, I can't go out now. I'm having my period. It's really bad.”

“I don't care.”

“We'll have to wait. I feel icky. You don't know how it feels.”

“If I could take that feeling off your hands I would.”

“Do you mean that?”


Matthew was putting her through hell. Maybe he could do something to help her out. Not permanently, but just this one time. Besides, it'll serve him right to have to deal with all the discomfort and mess of a period. Melissa explained about her power.

“If I have your period, you'll go out with me tomorrow night?”

“Yeah, but only one time and if I don't like it you'll never ask again.”

“I can do that.”

Melissa didn't have any intention of going out with Matthew. She would continue to swap with dad, so she considered it a win-win.

“OK, when I state the swap all you have to do is agree.”

“I will.”



“I want to swap my periods with Matthew and everything that goes with them.” Melissa meant the pain and bloating.

Melissa waited a moment. “Say it!”

“I agree to the swap.”

Matthew not only got Melissa's periods, but also her complete genitals. In his pants, Matthew has Melissa's vagina. He also has a sanitary napkin affixed to his briefs. In Matthew's bathroom were several packages of feminine napkins as well as a box of tampons.

Matthew didn't know initially about his swap of sexual organs, what he felt was the discomfort of the period. His pants felt tighter due to the bloating. There was also some pain as well as some anxiety.

Matthew's hand moved to the source of the pain. That is when he realized that his dick was gone.

“It worked!”

“Of course, it worked. We'll swap back when my period is over.”

“So, you'll go out with me?”

“Yeah, a deal is a deal.”

“I'll see you tomorrow.”


Matthew got off the phone and pulled down his pants. He saw his new crotch. He wanted to touch it. He wanted to play with it, but he couldn't. The period was breaking his mood. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. Now when he felt like he did. It just felt icky.

Melissa discovered her mistake. The symptoms of her period were gone immediately. She could feel the penis in her briefs. She rubbed it from outside her pants. It felt good.

Melissa decided to take advantage of the situation and see what it felt like to cum as a man. She pulled down her pants and looked at her cock. She had never seen a real one before. She was only fifteen. The excitement made her dick grow hard. She touched it gently at first. Her hands were soft on her dick.

Melissa rubbed for a while, but couldn't find the right tension to cum. She walked into dad's bathroom and found some hand cream. She hoped the lubrication would help. She also obtained some toilet tissue so she wouldn't make a mess.

By the time she orgasmed, she didn't remember that she didn't always have a dick. All she remembered was that she had a date with Matthew that she would have to swap with dad.

Melissa waited for dad to come home, but he was out very late with Hannah. He wasn't going to tell her that he and Hannah had spent time in a motel.

Melissa woke up in the morning and got ready to go to work. Dad didn't need to get up early, he was suspended from school for fighting.

“Dad, wake up.”

“What is it?”

“Matthew is still bothering me.”

“I already talk to him. I got suspended.”

“I know, but I need you to help me. Daddy, please!”

'What do you want me to do?”

“I made one last date with him. I want you to go out on that date and break up with him. It'll work this time.”

“Go out with him?”

“Yeah, I can finally use my power. We'll swap social lives. You go out with him and break up. Then we'll swap back.”



“I can't tonight, I have to babysit.”

“That's at 8 o'clock. It's an early date. How long will it take you to break up with him?”

“I don't know.”

“Daddy, please help me.”

“Alright. How does this work?”

“I just have to say what I want, and you have to agree.”


“I want to swap my social life but none of my friends with my dad.”

“Me too.”

That was all it took. Dad now had a date with Matthew. Dad felt bad about what happened at school. He shouldn't have gotten into a fight with Matthew. That was why he allowed himself to go on a second date with the boy. He was going to apologize.

At work, Melissa called Hannah.

“I've been thinking about you. I really enjoyed last night.”

“I did too.”

“I got some tickets, and I was hoping you would attend a concert with me.”

“I would.”

“Pick me up. We'll have some dinner before the concert.”


Melissa and dad got ready for their respective dates. Dad got dressed more casually than he did the night before. He wore some black leggings with a cranberry-colored cardigan and matching flats. He was accessorized with silver-colored jewelry.

“Honey, I'm going out!” he told Melissa as he left.

Melissa was getting ready for her own date at the time. She wore men's slacks with a blazer and a button-down shirt.

Any other day, Matthew would have contacted Melissa (or dad) throughout the day. But Matthew had changed since the swap. His brain was bathed in estrogen now, not male hormones. It calmed him.

Dad walked up to Matthew's door and rang the bell.


“I just wanted to say I'm sorry,” dad told him.

“I am too.”

“It should have never gotten that far. I don't know what came over me.”

“I'm sure I was to blame also.”

“But I hit you and I'm sorry.”

“It's alright. Where are we going?”

“How about Applebee's?”

“That'll be fine.”

“I have to babysit at eight, so, I can't stay long.”

“I don't mind. I'm not feeling too well anyway.”

“What is it?”

“It's my time of the month.”

“Do you want to call this off and go another time?”

“No, a nice dinner and pleasant conversation are just what I need to get my mind off things.”


Dad escorted Matthew to his car. Matthew got in and they drove off.

“How are your classes going?”

“Good, except for Mrs. Weisbrot's class.”

“I had her. She's tough.”

“Don't get me wrong. I'm going to pass. It's just taking a lot of my time.”

“I can help you if you like.”

“It hasn't gotten to that.”

Matthew wasn't such a bad boy, not anymore. Without testosterone making him more aggressive, his true personality could come out. Plus, on this date, dad was the one in charge. After seven, dad dropped Matthew off. They kissed gently which both enjoyed. Matthew wanted to invite dad inside. Dad couldn't stay though, he had to babysit.

Melissa's date with Hannah was very nice too. Hannah had to pick her up, Melissa didn't have a car.

“You look lovely!” Melissa told her.

Hannah was wearing a blue illusion, beaded-trim A-line dress. It was very elegant.

“Thank you. You look very handsome.”

“Shall we go?”


Melissa remembered the other night. Inside her trousers, her penis was hardening a little bit. Melissa wished for a repeat of the night before, but twice in two nights wasn't likely. It didn't matter too much as Melissa just liked being with Hannah. Hannah was the only woman that Melissa loved since her mother died. She didn't want to lose her. It was strange that she was dating one of her best friend's (Sarah's) mother. Not that that was going to stop her. Melissa loved Hannah a lot. Maybe she would even marry her.

“What am I thinking?” Melissa thought. “It's too early to think of marriage. Was it really?” Hannah was everything that Melissa loved in a woman. She wasn't only fun-loving; she was also a lady in every sense of the word. She had a grace about her that was irresistible. Melissa didn't want to let her get away.

At the end of the evening, Melissa and dad talked. Both were washing off their makeup and getting ready for bed.

“How was your date?”

“We had a really good time.”

“With Matthew? I thought you didn't like him.”

“I thought that too. His first impression was awful. When I got to know him better, he's really a sweet guy.”



"So, you'll see him again?”

“Certainly. How did your date go?”

“We had a wonderful time. I can see myself falling for Hannah.”

“You can?”

“I might have already fallen.”


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