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“I don't want to!”

“I don't see why not. She owns a lovely house. She is married to a man who loves her dearly. She keeps in shape and takes yoga. In the next semester, she is taking a cooking class and a fashion trends class. Look at the course description, it 'examines significant cultural phenomena that shape new sensibilities in fashion.' Sounds like a lot of fun.”

“But I'm not a woman. I don't want her life.”

“It could be worse. It could be much worse.”

“That doesn't mean anything. Why do I have to become someone else?”

“You just do.”

“Who says so?”

“Me! Now go over there!”

He didn't have any choice in the matter, he would have to take her life. No, he wouldn't kill her. She would go on living, but she wouldn't be herself. He would be her. He would be Mrs. Lauren Carlson. He didn't want to be her any more than she wanted to be him. But they would become each other. That is how the world would see them.

He rang the bell.

“Who is it?”


“I didn't order anything,” Lauren said as she opened the door.

He pushed by her and inside her house.

“I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this. I really didn't,” he tried to explain.

Lauren was a tall (she was approximately five foot eight and 125 pounds) pretty young woman about thirty years old. She had chestnut brown hair in a shaggy bob style with brown eyes and an oval face. She was wearing a floral knit surplice V-neck top with flutter sleeves and an elastic waist that flared underneath. Below the top, were mid-rise straight legs five-pocket pants in an almond wash. On her feet were brown flats.

A woman whose house was being violated like this might worry about being raped, but Lauren didn't think that. Especially after he apologized.

“GET OUT OF HERE!” she yelled.

But Lauren had been pushed into the interior of her own house and the door had closed behind them. No one heard her shouts.

“I can't. I didn't want to do this, but I can't help it. Now listen, your name is Charles Gugliuzza.”

My name is what? You're nuts get out of here. I'm calling the police!”

“Go ahead. Remember, when they ask you. Your name is Charles Gugliuzza.” Charles told Lauren. He didn't seem menacing anymore. He took a seat on the couch. Charles looked around at the surroundings: the walls, the carpet, the furnishings.

“I'll do it. I'll call the police. I'm warning you, get out.”

“Go right ahead.”

Lauren picked up a cordless phone and dialed 9-1-1. Charles didn't move to stop her.

“Hello, police? Oh. I need the police. Someone broke into my house and won't leave. I'm Lauren Carlson, I live at <she gives her address>. He's right here. He won't leave. Just sitting on the couch. Send someone quick!”

“They'll be here in two minutes,” Lauren informed Charles.

Soon enough the police arrived. Lauren ran to the door and let them in.

“There he is officer. He won't leave!”

The officer looked at Lauren, she didn't look like a woman to them. She looked like a man in drag. Lauren was wearing makeup and a feminine top, her pants might be men's or women's, but it was hard to tell.

Charles got up from the couch and gave the officers a look indicating that this 'man is crazy.'

To the officers, if there was a woman here, the woman would be Charles. She might be wearing more unisex apparel and no cosmetics, but she was definitely a woman.

“What's going on?”

“I'm Lauren Carlson and he broke into my house.”

Charles shook his head without saying anything.

“You are? Do you have identification?”

“I certainly do. Wait, aren't you going to do something? Arrest him!”

“ID first.”

Lauren found her purse and fished inside for her driver's license.”

“Take it out of the wallet please,” the Officer Rosario requested.

She did so and handed the license to the officer.

The officer looked it over. It belonged to a Lauren Carlson; the address was right. It indicated SEX as F. But the picture on the license wasn't the picture of the person who handed the license to him. It was the picture of Charles. The only obvious woman in the room. (Charles hadn't changed physically, just how the world perceived him had changed.)

“What's going on here?” Officer Rosario asked Charles.

“I'm Lauren Carlson, I had just got home when I found this stranger in my house.”

“I see and you called the police?”

“I was about to, but he did first.”

The police looked at Lauren. They had no-nonsense looks on their faces.

“Who are you?” Officer Rosario asked Lauren.

“I told you, I'm Lauren Carlson.”

“No, you're not? Who are you?”

“I am, I am. You have to believe me. I'm Lauren, not Charles what's his name.”

“Who's this Charles?”

“I don't know. That is what he told me to tell you.”

“Put your hands on your head and turn around.”

“What are you doing?”

“I'm arresting you?”

“Me? For what? He's the intruder.”

After some struggle, the police managed to get Lauren into handcuffs. She was taken away. The police stayed for a little while to take a report.

Lauren was taken to a mental hospital for a 72-hour observation. When the fingerprint Identification came back, the police discovered Lauren is forty-seven-year-old Charles Gugliuzza.

“What happened?”

“I told you, I was out. I got home and he was here. I don't know what he was doing here. Although want to know something strange?”

“Yes, Ma'am.”

“I think he was wearing my clothes. I recognized that top.”

“I see.”

There was a knock at the door. It was Lauren's neighbor Rachel.

Rachel entered the premises and moved toward Charles to comfort her friend.

“Laurie, what happened?”

“I was just telling the officers here. I came home and there was this guy sitting in my living room. He was on the couch making himself at home.”


“That's what happened. He was just here.”

“Did he attack you?”

“No, he just sat there. Then he started to yell at me. He said this was his house and I must leave. It was surreal. Someone telling me in my own house that it was his!”

“What time did you get home ma'am?” the officer asked. Officer Rosario wanted to get control of the interview.

“I guess at about two.”

“So, fifteen minutes ago?'

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Where had you been?”


“He didn't grab you or hit you?”

“No, nothing like that.”

“Can you come down to the precinct and provide a full statement?”

“I guess. But does it have to be now?”

“It would be best if we did it as soon as possible.”

“You already have my statement. I don't know what more I can tell you.”

“I can take you if you want,” Rachel told Charles.

“I think it would be better if I do come tomorrow.”

“OK, Ma'am. Here is my card. Call if you have anything else to say. But I'll see you tomorrow.”

“I'll be there.”

The police backed up and left. Rachel stayed with her friend.

“It must have been terrifying.”

“Not really. I don't think I was really scared. I didn't think he was going to hurt me.”

“Well, as long as you are safe.”

It wasn't long before Doug Carlson, Lauren's husband, arrived home. He ran to Charles and hugged him. Doug hugged him for several seconds. Then he pushed back a little from Charles to give him a kiss.

“Lauren, I rushed right home when I heard. I was so worried.”

“Now that I think about it, it wasn't as bad as it seems. There was a man in our house!”

“I know. But I don't think he was going to hurt me. He seemed confused. He kept saying he was me. He needs help.”

“He needs something.”

“Yeah, he was wearing Lauren's clothes,” Rachel informed Doug.

“He was?”

Charles nodded.

“Sick! Just sick!”

“I don't know what to say.”

“You aren't hurt. That's the important thing.”

“I'm fine.”

“Why don't you get dressed up and I'll take you out to a night on the town and dinner!”

“I don't know if I'm up to that.”

“You said you are fine,” Doug reminded Charles.

“But going out? I have to go to the police tomorrow and file a report.”

“You can do that anytime. Tonight, we are going to celebrate.”


“Yes, celebrate that nothing happened to the love of my life. Go put on something pretty and we'll go out. I'm not taking NO for an answer.”

“OK, then.”

“I'll make reservations. 6:30?”

“That seems fine.”

Charles got undressed and took a shower. Today was the beginning of a whole new life for him...her. She is Lauren (Laurie) Carlson from now on.



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