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Sarah Delcid, age eight had been given a great gift. She was granted the power to swap traits with anyone as long as the two people agreed to the swap. She hadn't used the power yet but was excited. She didn't know what her first swap would be. She didn't have anything in mind when she entered her third-grade class today.

Sarah had always liked school. She used to find it very easy and fun. She particularly remembered kindergarten. Nothing seemed like learning back then. It was all fun and games. They even had stuffed animals in the room she could play with. No one seemed to mind when she sucked her thumb. There were lots of thumb-suckers back then. It was wonderful to go every day. Sometimes the boys were mean, but that didn't happen often, she was taller than most of the boys back then.

The third grade was a lot tougher than kindergarten. There didn't seem to be as much time to play. The students had to stay in their seats at all times. There was a lot to memorize, like the addition table and times tables. She would prefer to return to kindergarten.

During recess, Sarah looked specifically for a kindergartener to swap classes with. Someone who wanted to be in a later grade with the 'big' kids. It didn't take long for Sarah to find such a person. When recess was over, she was back in kindergarten. She couldn't be happier.

A short time later, Sarah hadn't remembered swapping at all. She was now simply an eight-year-old in kindergarten. No one seemed to mind or think that she was out of place. Being the oldest and biggest in kindergarten had its advantages, she could get what she wanted from the other kids. Most of the time she didn't have to say much, she was idolized in her new classroom.

Chapter 1.

Ms. Alaina Hinkley sat in her office. She was one of the school counselors at Valley Overlook School. Valley Overlook School is a typical elementary school covering grades pre-K to fifth. Valley Overlook Elementary is a pretty brick building with many windows. It is surrounded by tree-covered lawns to give an inviting look. There is a parking lot that is mostly used by the buses that bring the students to and fro. Only a small area of the lot is used for the occasional visiting parents. Although not officially part of the school grounds, a playground with slides, swings, monkey-bars, and other apparatuses abut the school. The school uses these public facilities as necessary for their outdoor activities.

Ms. Hinkley's office has a professional look but is also decorated with work from students of all grades to make her office look inviting to all. She also sprinkled framed photographs of herself with many students as well as teachers and staff. The playground can clearly be seen from the window in her office. She would prefer to keep that window open, but sometimes it is too noisy outside to do so.

Jasmine Delcid entered Ms. Hinkley's office. Ms. Hinkley requested that Jasmine come to her office and talk to her. There was a problem with her daughter, Sarah.

Jasmine was a mother of two. Sarah was eight and her brother Frankie was seventeen (nearing eighteen). It was obvious to everyone that Jasmine's family was about to expand. She was obviously pregnant.

“Have a seat,” Ms. Hinkley offered.

“Thank you.”

“Let me get straight to the point. Your daughter Sarah is acting out in class.”

“Acting out?”

“Yes, she is much bigger than all the other students. She pushes them around. She is acting like a queen and everyone else is there to do what she wants.”

“I don't understand. She wasn't like that.”

“I know. It seems to be a recent development. Now that I see what is happening, I think I know the reason.”


“She was always the baby in the family. That is obviously going to change. She knows that. That's why she is acting out.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Yes, she is acting like the biggest baby in kindergarten. She throws tantrums, she pushes the other students around. She always has to be first.”

“What can be done?”

“Discipline. You have to keep her under control. Make sure she doesn't get away with things. Let her know her childish ways won't work.”

“I'll try.”

“Wonderful. Because other than this, we think she has great potential. She is the smartest in her class. In many ways, she is way ahead of the other students.”

“Do you think she should be advanced to a higher grade?”

“Not at this time. Despite her grades, she is too immature.”

“OK, thank you for telling me. I'll talk to her.”

Chapter 2.

Jasmine arrived on time for her meeting with Ms. Hinkley, but the meeting started late. There was an unscheduled fire drill, the school had to be emptied. But as soon as possible the meeting took place.

“Hello again Ms. Hinkley”

“Hello, Mrs. Delcid. I'm afraid we have run into another problem.”


“It's the school uniform. Sarah won't wear it properly. She says she is old enough to dress as she likes.”

“I don't know what's gotten into her.”

“I understand how the kindergarten uniform looks ridiculous on her. No one expected there to be a girl in kindergarten who is six feet tall and over two hundred pounds. But the dress code is for everyone. It is clear, that she has to wear: a yellow polo with a Peter-pan collar, a blue plaid jumper, white socks, and black mary-janes. All the girls wear it. She can't choose to wear something else.”

“She told us, she can wear slacks and a button-down shirt like the boys.”

“That isn't at all true. The girls and the boys have separate uniforms for obvious reasons.”

“I see.”

“Wait, what time is it?”

“It's 1:30.”

“You mind if I make a call. I didn't expect to be here so late. I need someone to look after Sarah's brother, Frankie.”

“Is he in elementary school too?”

“No, he's a senior in high school, but he can't stay home alone. He is in the early session at school. I wish that Sarah didn't get out so late, or she could watch him. But I'll call a neighbor.”

“OK, I can wait.”

Jasmine called Frankie's usual babysitter. Frankie is seventeen years old, but he is small for his age. The size of a typical eight-year-old girl. Despite being in high school, Frankie was treated like a small child. He was never left alone without an adult or Sarah watching him.

Jasmine phoned Frankie's babysitter.

“Hello, Frankie will be home soon, and I can't make it back...Yeah, I need you to watch him...Not long, just until I get back...Sure no problem, see you soon...Thank you.”

“OK, Ms. Hinkley, Anything else?”

”I think that covers it.”

“I'll talk to Sarah. I'll make sure she follows your rules. I'll tell her if she doesn't then she can't have her after-school job.”

“What does she do?”

“She works at McDonald's.”

“I see. That might be part of it. I suppose if she wasn't in her jumper, then she wouldn't have to change.”

“That might be part of it.”

Sarah was summoned to the office where Jasmine talked to her.”

Chapter 3.

Jasmine arrived at Ms. Hinkley's office. But this time she wasn't alone. She came with her husband, Greg. Greg was a handsome man in his forties. He was dressed in a blue collared shirt with a tie and a pair of khaki slacks. He was a foreman on a construction site. In his right hand was a doll. Baby Stella as Greg loved to call her, was huggably soft. She was wearing a pink dress that was fastened in the back. Greg cuddled her with his right hand and had the thumb of his left hand firmly in his mouth. He was sucking it quietly.

“Hello, Ms. Hinkley. This is my husband, Greg.”

“Good Afternoon, Mr. Delcid.”

Greg took his thumb out of his mouth to hold his doll. Then he pushed out his right hand to shake Ms. Hinkley's offered hand. After the handshake, Greg took the seat nearest the window. The playground and the children playing there caught his attention. He looked outside enviously that he couldn't join the fun. He loved playgrounds. Especially slides. Greg wished they would make slides taller for people his size. He wasn't as tall as Sarah, but he was close at five feet ten.

“What's the problem?” Jasmine asked.

“It's Sarah's friend.”

“Sarah's friend?”

“Yes, a very pretty young woman who drops Sarah off and picks her up after school is over.”

“I don't know anyone like that.”

Jasmine didn't know that Greg had been having an affair with a young woman approximately twenty-five. He wasn't anymore, that woman was now having an affair with Sarah as all of Greg's preferences were swapped with Sarah's. Sarah didn't have any more interest in kiddie stuff, all of her interests were completely those of a mature man now.

“You don't? She drives Sarah to school every day. She waits for her every afternoon.”

Unbeknownst to anyone, Sarah had quit her after-school job at McDonald's. She spends that time at her mistress's apartment.

“So, she'll be here today?”

“I suppose so. She comes every other day.”

“I'll wait for her. You point her out.”

“There she is!”

Jasmine looked outside to the parking lot. There was a sexy blonde with big boobs that was wearing a pink halter top that left her midriff exposed. She paired it with Capri-length pink leggings and stylist pink canvas sneakers. She was leaning on her car waiting for Sarah. Jasmine decided to wait also. Greg didn't care about any of this, he played in the playground instead.

When Jasmine spotted Sarah leaving the school, Jasmine followed her to the woman.

“Who is this!” Jasmine demanded.

“Just a friend.”

“A friend?”


The argument could be heard by everyone. Soon, security had to be called to break off the fight. Sarah, Greg, and Jasmine drove home. Sarah and Jasmine were in the front seats. Greg sat in the back next to Frankie's child safety seat. They were still arguing as they drove off.

Chapter 4.

Ms. Hinkley called Jasmine. She wanted to discuss what to do with Sarah. Sarah was eight months pregnant and could give birth at any time. The school was accommodating Sarah's pregnancy the best it could. But it was best to discuss the procedures in case Sarah went into labor while at school.

“Good morning, Mrs. Delcid. I was wondering if you could stop by my office so we could discuss Sarah.”

“What did she do this time?”

“Nothing, this isn't about that. It's about her upcoming happy day.”

“Oh, is that it? Well, she isn't my problem anymore.”


“She told me she's eighteen now and she doesn't have to listen to what I say. So, I threw her out of the house. She is living with her girlfriend now.”

Ms. Hinkley looked over Sarah's records. Sarah did indeed turn eighteen a few days ago. It didn't surprise her, despite Sarah still being in kindergarten.

“I see. Do you have her number?”

“That hussy? No!”

“I guess I could discuss this with Sarah herself.”

“I guess you could. She's gone and she can do what she wants.” Ms. Hinkley recognized the hostility in Jasmine's voice.

“I'm sorry to bother you.”



The phone was hung up. Ms. Hinkley sent a monitor to Sarah's classroom. It was time to talk to Sarah directly. As she waited for Sarah to arrive, Ms. Hinkley mused that Sarah would be the first person at Valley Overlook School who would be attending classes in the same school as her baby. In five years, Sarah's baby would be in kindergarten just as Sarah is now and Sarah will still be attending the school in fifth grade.

Chapter 5.

Ms. Hinkley phoned Jasmine.

“Mrs. Delcid, you have to pick up your daughter! She has been suspended.”

“Sarah isn't my problem anymore.”

“Yes, she is! She is your daughter; you have to get her.”

“Her girlfriend.”

“Girlfriends aren't family. Come now.”

“OK, I'm coming.”

During the interval between the phone call and Mrs. Delcid arriving, a swap was made between Sarah and Ms. Hinkley. Ms. Hinkley wanted to swap back immediately, but Sarah wouldn't. The former Ms. Hinkley bided her time. She would tell Jasmine what happened. But by the time Jasmine arrived, neither party remembered the swap at all.

Sarah sat in front of her desk. The six-foot broadly muscled woman was wearing a woman's business suit with a skirt and an ivory-colored blouse. She also had on her tan hose and wore a pair of pumps with a small heel. The suit was gathered in front to accommodate her pregnant condition.

Alaina, the forty-seven-year-old kindergartener wore the school uniform of a jumper with a yellow polo, white socks, and black mary-janes. Alaina sat nervously waiting for her family.

Sarah saw the Delcid family drive up, Jasmine was the only one sitting in the front. She got out first. Jasmine was a thin, pretty middle-aged woman wearing a knitted top with black leggings and flats. She didn't remember being pregnant although she remembered Ms. Hinkley being in the family way.

Greg got out next. He was sitting in the back seat. He pulled out his dolly with him and stuck his thumb into his mouth. Instead of heading toward the school, Greg ran to the playground.

Jasmine fetched Frankie from his high school. It was better than hiring a babysitter for the short time that she needed one. Frankie was a slight boy who despite being a high school senior looked and was treated like a young child. He was sitting in a child safety seat in the rear. Jasmine retrieved the boy and took him by the hand into the school.

“What is it this time?” Jasmine demanded.

“I don't want to go into it now. Let's cool down first and talk about it some other time. Regardless, Alaina is suspended for two weeks,” Sarah informed her.

“What did she do?”

“She sneaked into my office and...I don't want to go into it.”

“I don't know what I'm going to do with you!” Jasmine told Alaina.

“It wasn't my fault.”

“Yeah, right!”

Jasmine called out to Greg who came immediately. The family drove home. Jasmine and Alaina are in the front. Greg and Frankie are in the back.

Sarah had had a long stressful day. She couldn't wait for the final bell to ring. Before the final bell, Sarah spotted her sexy girlfriend. She was wearing the pink halter that Sarah loved so much. The one that left her entire stomach area bare.

“Only a few minutes left,” Sarah said to herself. “I'm out of here.” She left her office and joined her girlfriend. They kissed passionately as soon as they met.



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