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Chapter 6.

When Todd awoke the next morning with his usual morning wood, he had been thinking about Richard. Todd exited his bed and went immediately to the bathroom.  He was happy that he was dry.  By the time Todd pulled down his diapers, his erection was gone.  He peed in the toilet and brushed his teeth like he did every day.

Todd was showering in the mornings now. That became a natural part of his schedule. If he wet in the night, it was best to shower in the morning.

Todd believed that he had never used his power. He reasoned that he hadn't come up with something he wanted to swap.  Several of Todd's friends knew about his power though. He remembered telling them. Since gaining the power, several traits had been swapped between Todd and his friends. Some traits had even been swapped back and forth returning Todd to the way he was before. It didn't matter, after half an hour no one remembered the swap had ever taken place.

“I talked to Richard,” Sarah informed Todd. “He'll pick us up at 5:30 on Friday to see the game.”


“I'll pick up chips and stuff to take with us.  Do you want me to get anything special?”

“Naa, I can get hot dogs and stuff at the game.”

“Fine, no chips then?”

“OK, chips are fine.”

Todd walked to school.  He took his usual route.  He happened to pass Piper on the way. He didn't have any interest in her. He didn't remember ever having any interest in her.  Instead of slowing down to trail her and look at her assets, he ignored her. She was just another person in his class.

At school, Todd played handball with his friends before class. Nothing had changed with his relationships with his friends since yesterday's swap with his mother.  The pretty girls didn't interest Todd anymore although he did recognize that some were very pretty. The boys were just kids to him. He certainly didn't have any sexual feelings for the little boys who were his friends.

Todd didn't have any extraneous thoughts about Miss Vasci who is young and pretty. Many of the boys thought she was hot. Certainly, sure is, but Todd didn't care. Mr. Ramoo, Todd's science teacher on the other hand appealed more to Todd now than before. Todd appreciated the man's sense of humor.  He also thought that Mr. Ramoo's smile really brightened his face. Todd wouldn't let himself think of anything more serious than that. Mr. Ramoo is his teacher, and it was inappropriate to think such ways about his teacher like that.  Todd had a more mature attitude about all the people in his life.

Todd was looking forward to going to the game with his mom and Richard.  Todd liked Richard a lot and wanted to get to know him better.  Todd thought that Richard might be good for his mom. Richard also had a nice smile and was seemingly a gentleman. Todd wasn't sure if Richard really was that way or if he was acting for Todd's sake.  Todd recognized that people could be like that. But Richard's first impression in Todd's eyes was a positive one.

Back at home, Sarah cleaned up the kitchen and then straightened the house. It didn't take long before she was on her computer.  An ad that featured a young woman with big boobs caught her interest. It wasn't long before her mind turned to sex.

Unlike, Todd, she didn't have any software that restricted her access to porn sites. She controlled the 'Nanny' software, she wasn't restricted by it.

She searched the web until she found some adult sites. It excited her to see people engaging in sexual activity.  Her hand reached into her pants, and she started to rub herself as she watched the videos.  A few moments later, she unbuttoned and unzipped her pants to give her hand easier access to her privates.

Seeing the hot women in their erotic poses excited her. She recognized the strong men with big dicks, but Sarah focused on the women more.

She had multiple orgasms in the hour that she engaged in this activity.  She never thought about Richard during her excitement.  She mostly concentrated on the women, especially the younger-looking ones.

Sarah was dressed for a casual date when she came out. Sarah wore a V-neck tunic with matching leggings and flats. The lingerie she wore underneath didn't have a hint of satin or lace; they were designed for comfort.

Richard unlocked the car doors with a key fob. Sarah got into the front passenger seats and Todd got in behind her.  Then Todd slid across the back seat to be sitting behind the driver's seat. Richard entered in front of Todd.

What do you think of the team's chances?” Todd asked.

“They are in second place now, but they are moving up.  I think this is a key spot in the schedule.”

“Yeah, I think...” Todd and Richard talked about the game the entire ride to the ball park

Richard led the way to the gates. Todd was walking next to him. Sarah lagged a step behind.

When they got to the seats, Richard sat in the middle of Sarah and Todd. The talk about the team and the game continued between Todd and Richard. Sarah was there but she wasn't involved. Todd moved in close in order to be heard better over the din of the crowd.

It was natural for Richard to put his arm around Todd's shoulders.  Todd enjoyed the feeling of closeness this gesture entailed.   He snuggled up closer. Todd really liked Richard. Todd especially liked Richard's smile.

Sarah didn't mind the closeness between Todd and Richard. She didn't care much for the game, but there was a girl in the row in front of Sarah. She was wearing shorts. Sarah took many discrete peeks at the girl's legs.

Sarah got up to get some snacks for the trio. When she returned, she entered the aisle from the opposite side she left. Richard and Todd decided to move over a seat. The new order had Richard on the far right, Todd next, and Sarah sitting next to Todd.  She was two seats closer to the girl with the shapely legs.

The home team won in an exciting walk-off fashion.  Everyone was already on their feet and when the final winning run was scored, Todd jumped in excitement.  Soon he found himself caught in Richard's arms as they celebrated the team's win. Todd gave Richard a kiss on the cheek during the celebration.

The home team inched closer to first place.

"I'm going to tomorrow's game.”

The home team was playing for first place. If they won, they would achieve that goal. Plus, two of the best pitchers would be competing against each other. Richard was going to go to the game instead of taking Sarah out that Saturday.

"You guys enjoy the game?"

"Yeah!" Todd enthusiastically replied.

"I have tickets for tomorrow's game. Want to come?"

"No, you know how I feel about sports," Sarah told him.

"Come on Mom, Let's go!"

“I don't think so,” Sarah told him. “One game a week is enough.” Sarah didn't have too much fun at this first game.

“Mom,” Todd whined to his mother once they got home. “we should go to the game tomorrow. Richard would have taken us.”

“I told you one game is enough.”

“But if they win, they will be in first place tomorrow.”

“I don't care.”

Sarah didn't feel the way she remembered feeling about Richard anymore.  She only went on this date for Todd's benefit. She didn't see much of a future for her and Richard.

“If you don't want to go, let me go with him,” Todd suggested.

“I don't think that's a good idea.  I don't think he wants to go with you.”

“I'm sure he does. We had a great time.” Todd didn't mention how he felt in his pants when Richard hugged him tight after the win.

“I don't think so.”

“Let me ask him.”

“Todd, come on.”

“Mom, I have something to tell you.”


“I have this power, I can swap anything with anyone as long as I have their permission.”

“A power?”


“I don't believe you, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Let's swap who is dating Richard. Then I can go to the game with him.”

“That's nuts.”

“We can swap back after.”

“It's still nuts!”

“The way the power works, everyone will think it's normal. It'll be as if I was always dating Richard.”

“You can't date Richard.”

“Just for the game. I promise I won't do anything, you know.”

“I'm not going to let my teenage son date a grown man.”

“It's just for tomorrow. We'll go to the game and come back.”

“What if he wants a bite to eat after.”

“We'll eat at the game.”

“Please, I really want to see this game.”

“How does it work?”

“We just agree to swap dates.  All we have to do is agree.”

Sarah didn't want to date Richard. She didn't have any interest in him. Although she remembered dating many men throughout her life. She didn't realize that she didn't feel anything towards men anymore.

“I don't believe your power works, but you can show me.”

“I haven't tried it out, but I think it does something like this. I say, 'I want to swap dates with Richard.'”

“OK, now what?”

“You have to agree.”

“Sure whatever. You can date Richard.”

That was all it took; Todd was dating Richard.  Sarah wasn't dating anyone, as Todd didn't have a girlfriend.

“Did it work?”

“It should have.”

“How will we know?”

“I don't know. We could ask Richard, who are you dating?”

“That doesn't sound like a good idea.”

“I could call him. You know tell him how much I enjoyed the game. Then see if we are dating.”

“I still say this is nuts.” Sarah didn't want her son to be dating an adult man.

“Let's see if it worked. Then we'll swap back.”

Sarah didn't realize that she didn't remember dating Richard anymore.  She still remembered going to the game with Todd and Richard though. She also remembered what Todd told her about making the swap and that they tried to do it.

Todd phoned Richard. Richard's number was on Todd's cellphone.  This detail was overlooked by both Sarah and Todd.

“Hey Rich, great game.”

“It sure was exciting.”

“I wanted to thank you for taking us.”

“It was my pleasure.” Reality had changed. Richard had taken Todd and Sarah this time to get to know Sarah better. Sarah was Todd's mother and Richard thought he should meet her. Richard really liked Todd. Richard wanted Sarah to get to know him better.

“I was hoping that your offer to see them play tomorrow still stands.”

“Is Sarah coming?”

“No, this time it'll just be you and me.”

“Of course, we can go to tomorrow's game. I would love to take you and only you.”

“You're so sweet.” That was Todd's true feeling about Richard. Now that they were dating, Todd could tell him how much he loved him in more personal words.

Richard and Todd talked on the phone for almost an hour. Somewhere during the conversation, Todd forgot about the swap he had with his mother. Todd had been dating Richard always as far as he knew. Sarah also knew that fact.

Sarah didn't mind that Todd had been dating Richard. Sarah had gotten to know Richard 'better' during the game.  She saw that Richard was a decent guy and how much he really liked Todd. She figuratively gave her blessing to their relationship.

“Mom, Richard, and I are going to the game tomorrow night.  Are you sure you don't want to come?”

“That's OK, you enjoy yourself. But come back as soon as the game is over.”

“But Richard might want to get a bite after the game.”

“Plenty to eat at the stadium.”

“OK, Mom.”

“I'll be waiting up for you.”

“I know, Mom.”

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