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Chapter 4.

At approximately five minutes before the bell would ring, Todd broke off his conversation with his friends and headed toward the school building. He wanted to potty before school started. The school safety office at the door, let him in. This was a regular occurrence. He always pottied before class as he was the only one who was still in pull-ups.  Todd walked into the boys-room, he found a stall, then pulled down his pants and his pull-up and tried to pee.  He didn't need to pee at this point, but it was worth the effort.  He wanted to finally train himself. He doubted anyone would want to swap their potty training with him.

At lunch, Todd maneuvered to be alone with his friend Greg.  He wanted to try out his new power.  Todd had already taken one of his frequent trips to the boys-room to potty. He was happy that he was keeping dry. He hoped that he would be out of pull-ups soon.

Todd explained the story of how he got his power and that he wanted to try it out to make sure it worked. Todd was willing to swap anything since he knew he could reverse it at any time.  That was how it worked. Either he could swap traits with someone with their permission and can swap back when/if he wanted. Or it wouldn't work at all.

“Greg, I want to try it out with you?”

“It won't work.”

“What do you have to lose?”

“I don't know.  What do you want to swap?”

“You are two inches shorter than I am, let's swap heights.”  Todd decided upon something that Greg would agree to.  Something where Greg would get the better of the deal in the swap. It didn't matter too much to Todd as he would just swap back later.  He didn't need permission to swap back.  Not that he told Greg about that part of his power.

“You want to be shorter?”

“Just for a little while. We'll swap back later.”

“OK, what do we do.”   Greg didn't think it would work, but he didn't have anything to lose.  He would like to be a little taller.  He wasn't short now, but a couple of inches couldn't hurt.”

“I think all I have to do is propose a swap and you just have to agree.”

“That's it? No special words?”

“No, we just have to agree.”


Todd wanted to be percise in the words he used.  This would be his first test, he didn't want to make a mistake. “I agree to swap heights with Gregory Ronald Davis. So that I'm...How tall are you?”


“OK,” Todd started again. “I agree to swap heights with Gregory Ronald Davis such that I will be five foot five and he will be five foot seven.”

“Now what?”

“You agree.”

“OK, I agree.”

The swap took place. Their heights changed. It wasn't easy to tell because they were sitting, but it had happened.  There weren't any flashes of lights or any stretching/compressing feelings from either boy. Their heights had simply been swapped.  The only side effect was that the length of their pants changed to accommodate the change.

“Did it work?”

“I think so.”

“I don't feel any different.”

“Stand up and we'll make sure.”

They stood up.  Greg was now taller than Todd.


“Let's swap back.”

“No, I think I'll stay this height.”

“Come on, let's swap.  It was just a test.”

“Then let me test it out.  At least for a day.  Let's see if anyone else can tell.”

“Alright, but we'll swap back later.”

Todd knew he could swap back at any time, so he didn't mind.  A half-hour later, Todd and Greg both forgot the swap completely.

Days and weeks passed. Todd had told his friends about his power and made many more tests verifying that the power actually worked. His hair wasn't wavy like his mother's anymore. The color of his eyes changed several times. His teeth were being straightened with braces. His class schedule had also changed.

Despite the plethora of swaps, neither Todd nor any of the swappees remembered any of the changes. The memory of each swap faded from their memories.  For the people who weren't involved in the swap, reality simply changed to accommodate the swap.

During this time, Todd potty trained himself. He was finally out of pull-ups, although having the small bladder he possessed, made frequent trips to the boys-room necessary.

Chapter 5.

In her bedroom, Sarah put golden dangling earrings into her ears. It was part of the finishing touches for her date. She wanted to look good and feel sexy for her man.  She was already wearing a multicolored purple print below-the-knee-length dress. It has a tasteful V-neckline, with elegant dolman style sleeves and a flattering empire waist. Her lingerie was very lacy. She didn't expect her date to see it tonight. She in many ways didn't put it on for him, she put it on to allow herself to feel sexy and desirable.  She was old enough to trust herself when it came to matters of sex. If she felt the conditions were right, she wouldn't stop herself.  She was a woman and had needs.  But she wasn't going on this date just to get laid.  That wasn't what she wanted.  She enjoyed the company of the man. She wanted to be held close in his arms. She was secure in her own self not to worry that she would go too far or not far enough. Those games didn't interest her anymore.

Sarah planned on meeting her date at a neutral site. She didn't see any reason to introduce the man to her son at this stage of their relationship, although she did feel that they had something special.

“I'm leaving now,” Sarah called out to Todd.

Todd knew where she was going.  He didn't know specifically, but he knew when his mother was going out with a man.  It wasn't any big deal, she had been doing so for quite a while although Todd didn't know how serious his mother was about this newest guy.

When Todd was sure that his mother was gone, he had his own plans.  He wasn't in pull-ups anymore, so he was trying to work up the courage to ask Piper out. Todd thought she was so hot. He started to doodle her face on a piece of paper.  He drew her hair and then her shoulders.  He exaggerated the size of her breasts under her shirt.  Instead of drawing her in a dress or in pants, she was naked from the waist down.  He was getting hard just thinking about her as he drawed her imagined bare pussy.

Todd continued to draw with his right hand as his left hand massaged his cock.  He wasn't thinking of her as a person at this time.  He loved her in his way, but he didn't know what love meant.  His hormones were overcoming his senses.

Sarah returned home while Todd was doodling.  She saw the picture that Todd was drawing before he had a chance to cover it up.

“What are you doing?” Sarah demanded.


“I can see that.  What are you drawing?”

“This is Piper, I love her.”

“You love her?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then why are you drawing her like that.”


“If you love her you shouldn't objectify her like that.”

“I'm not. I'm just appreciating her body. She has a great body.”

“That isn't love.  That is lust.”

“I do love her. I really do!”

“I don't doubt that you think you do. But you don't. You'll understand when you get older.”

To Todd, getting older was represented by what he saw in those teen comedies where everyone gets laid. There was some mushy stuff in there too, but that wasn't what Todd thought.

“Besides,” Sarah continued, “that isn't how you get a girl.  If she thinks that is all you want, she'll drop you fast.”

Todd didn't want that. He thought he wanted a long-term relationship with Piper which included lots of sex. Todd knew at some level that his mother was right. That what he was feeling wasn't what he thought he was feeling. He wanted to feel the real thing for her.  That is why he got so defensive. “I LOVE HER. You'll see, I REALLY love her!”

“I wish you knew what real love meant,” Sarah said regretfully. Love is a beautiful thing. She had had it with Todd's father once.  She thinks she has it with this new man. She wanted her son to feel it too.

Todd wanted for himself what his mother wanted for him. He wanted to know what true love felt like. Since both parties agreed, Todd's power was activated. This wasn't the first time that Todd's power was engaged without Todd meaning it to happen.  Usually, when it happened, Todd would simply reverse it and cover up the best he could. But a half an hour later, the memory of what had happened would fade as with all the other trait swaps that were affecting Todd's body and life at this very moment.

The swap between mother and son was emotional without any physical side effects. Both instinctively knew something had happened but weren't sure what. Before they had a chance to acknowledge the swap, the doorbell chimed.

Sarah went to the door to let her date in.  He had been waiting in the car for her return.  He came to the door to hurry up the process.

“What's the hold-up?”

“I'm sorry, I was just talking with my son.  I'll be right back. Richard, this is my son Todd,” Sarah introduced the two men.

Todd stepped toward Richard to shake his hand. Todd found Richard attractive in a way he never had before.  There was something about Richard that he liked.  He liked the man's firm grip and tender hands at the same time.

Sarah's feelings for Richard had evaporated. That didn't mean she wouldn't go out with him.  He was a nice guy, but any sexual or serious emotional connection between the pair was hopeless.  Regardless, she still liked the dinner and movie that was to come.

Richard escorted Sarah to the passenger door of his car.  Sarah entered the car. The pair drove off.

At dinner, they talked about what they had in common. The conversation was friendly but not too serious.

At the movie, they sat in separated seats. Sarah didn't make an effort to move in closer to allow Richard to put a hand around her. She wasn't interested in close contact with Richard anymore.

Todd suspected that some sort of swap had taken place but wasn't sure what. He returned to the picture he had been drawing and realized that what his mother said was right. He wasn't giving Piper the respect she deserved. It didn't matter that she wasn't here and would never see the picture, it simply wasn't right to objectify her like this.

Todd believed that the swap had to do with his feelings about Piper. He decided he would swap back when his mother got home, but for now, he would explore his new feelings. Maybe he could learn something in the meantime? There wasn't a big need to swap back immediately.

Todd looked again at the semi-naked picture of Piper and ripped the picture up.  He felt somewhat embarrassed about drawing the picture in the first place

This was the first time that Todd had met Richard. Mom didn't want Todd to meet the casual men in her life. If it got more serious, she would sometimes introduce Todd to them.

As Todd's memory of swapping with his mother faded, Todd was reminded of Richard. He liked the man that his mom was dating. He seemed very nice and appeared to be a gentleman. From the short interaction that Todd had had with him, Todd discerned that Richard had a quick mind and a good sense of humor.  He also had a sweet smile that Todd liked.

Todd turned on the TV to watch some baseball. But several times during the game, Todd's mind returned to Richard. He thought that a man like that would be good for his mom. He approved of Richard. Richard was masculine without being aggressive. Todd had never thought about a man in this way before. Todd wasn't thinking of Richard in a sexual way as he had about Piper. But Todd wouldn't mind spending more time with Richard. He 'liked' him a lot. He would like to learn more about him...'for his mother's sake'.

Later that night, Sarah returned home. Todd was in his room playing a video game.

“How did your date go?” Todd asked.

“We had a good time,” Sarah told Todd honestly. Even though she didn't have any real interest in him romantically anymore, the dinner conversation was pleasant. The meal was delicious and she liked the movie after.

“Great, I like Richard.”

“Richard is impressed with you too. He thought we should all go out together to a baseball game. He wants to get to know you. Want to come?”



“OK, I don't have plans.”

“I'll tell him. It's getting late, you have school tomorrow.  You had better get ready for bed.”


Todd was completely potty trained by now. But that didn't mean he didn't have to wear a diaper to bed. He had a very small bladder, and his urinary muscles were weak. He couldn't control himself while he was sleeping any more than he could control his own dreams.  The last thing he did was potty on the toilet before going to bed.  Then he put on some protection in case he wet in the night. It wasn't a big deal for him. He knew in time that he wouldn't need bedtime diapers. Todd was just happy that he didn't need them during the day anymore.

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