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<Act 13>

On the street, Barbara headed towards the Batgirl cycle.

“You shouldn't ride that.”

“Why not, I'm really Batgirl.”

“But, it'll just be better if you ride with me.”

“You want me to ride in the batmobile.”

“I think under the circumstances.”

“I don't see why.”

“It'll look strange with you riding the Batgirl cycle and Batgirl in the Batmobile.”

“Maybe you're right.”

“I am.”

Arriving at the crime scene, the Mad hatter, his henchpeople, and the person in Robin's body were still there. Batman and his crew confronted them. Barbara felt like Batgirl (having a feminine body and all) but wasn't in the shape she expected. Robin in Batgirl's body was off his game too for the same reason.

The fight was awkward for every one of our heroes. At one point, Batgirl jumped onto Robin's shoulders to subdue her former body. But that didn't work out as she planned. Barbara's kicks weren't as effective as they had been in her own body. She wasn't as flexible or as strong now. Batman had to save his companions many times during the fight.

Despite that, the Mat Hatter's gang was losing. In a last-ditch effort to salvage victory, the Mad Hatter tried to use his mesmerizer on Barbara. Batman flipped out his batreflector and returned the beam back to the Mad Hatter. Shouting, “Good Little Boy!” the Mad Hatter was brainwashed by his own device. The struggle was ended.

Looking up at Batman, the former villain idolized our hero which was immediately shown on his face.

“Jervis, do you know where the brain swapping machine is?” Batman asked in soft tones.


“Tell me.”

Jervis gave out the information. After the gang was arrested by the GCPD, Robin, Batgirl, and Babette the hatcheck girl raced to the location.

Robin and Babette were the first to be fastened into the device. The actual controls were in the room adjacent.

As Batman adjusted the controls, Batgirl stood right beside him.

“Batman,” Batgirl said. "Before I swap back I wanted to say that I really do LOVE you. I mean it. I think I have always loved you.”

“I love you too old chum.”

“That isn't what I meant.”

“I know.”

“Batman, while I'm still Batgirl, can I give you a kiss?”

“I don't know.”

“This is my only chance, PLEASE.”

“You might regret it later?”

“I might regret it if I don't. This opportunity will never come up again. I love you. I need to kiss you just once.”

“Okay, just one kiss. On the cheek.”

“One second, let me freshen my lipstick.” Batgirl reached into her utility belt and found her cherry red lipstick. She coated her lips and used a compact to make sure it looked good.

“Okay, one kiss on the cheek.”

Batgirl moved in to kiss Batman and then swung her head to the side and kissed him passionately on the lips. Batman suspected that this would happen. He didn't put up any resistance. If this is what 'Robin' wanted to do, then he owed his faithful partner that. They had been together for so long. Robin did anything that Batman required.

The kiss lasted three or four seconds but felt like it lasted a minute. Batgirl felt a tingle throughout her entire body. The tingle centered on her lips, the upper lips as well as the lower ones.

“Thank you, Batman,” Batgirl whispered. “I'll never forget this moment.”

“Time to finish up,” Batman told her to change the subject. Then he activated the device. Robin and Babette swapped bodies. Babette was back in her own body; the former Batgirl was in Robin's body. Only one last swap to return everyone to normal.

Batgirl entered the room and replaced Babette in the device. She was ready to return to becoming Robin again. She had been changed by her experience. How could she not be?

Batman activated the device for the last time, Robin was back to being Robin again and Batgirl was herself as well.

A moment later, Batman entered the room. Batgirl was going to show her appreciation for what Batman did for her. Then she noticed the smeared lipstick on Batman's lips that hadn't been there a minute before.


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