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<Act 8>

Back in the Batcave, Batman attached the electrodes from the Hypermetric Lie-Detector to Robin's sleeping form. Even though Robin was asleep, Batman could ask him questions. Batgirl stood closest to the machine waiting for answers.

“Are you really Batgirl?” Batman asked Robin.

“No, I.m not.”

The lie detector bleeped an indication of a truthful answer.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Babette. People call me Babette.”

“Are you a member of the Mad Hatter's gang?”


“Do you know where you are?”

“I am outside Madam Magda's hat shop.”

“She doesn't know where she is,” Batgirl remarked.

“Do you know where the real Batgirl is?”


“Where is she?”

“She's at Gotham City Music Hall.”

“What is she doing there?”

“She is checking people's hats. She thinks she is the hatcheck girl.”

“How could the Mad hatter hypnotize Batgirl. She took those anti-hypnosis drops,” Batgirl wondered out loud.

“But that was in her own body. She must be in Babette's body,” Batman explained.

Batgirl enjoyed watching Batman work. He was so assertive, so in control. It made Batgirl tingle all over. Batgirl had seen Batman work for a long time, but she never took the time to appreciate him properly.

“What is she doing there? Is it part of the Mad hatter's evil scheme?”

“No, that is my job. I didn't want to get fired.”

The lie detector beeped again indicating what Robin said was truthful.

“Do you like your life of crime?”

“No, I just love hats. I love being a hatcheck girl.”

“Poor child! The Mad Hatter led her astray by her love of hats!” Batman remarked.

Batman asked a few more questions. He ascertained where the Mad Hatter's new base of operations was and that the mind-swapping device would be there.

“What do we do now?” Batgirl asked.

“First, we go to Gotham City Music Hall and retrieve the mind of the real Batgirl. Then we return everyone to their proper bodies.”

Batgirl and Batman placed the still sleeping Robin into the passenger seat of the batmobile. Batman got into the driver's side and Batgirl climbed onto the Batgirl cycle. They rode to Gotham City Music Hall.

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