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<Act 3>

The Mad Hatter was watching what was going on. When he saw Robin alone, it didn't take too much effort to subdue him. Robin was tied up and brought to the Black Derby. To everyone's surprise, Batgirl was already there. She struck a pose; her feet were spread apart and her hands were placed on her hips exposing the inside of her cape and her utility belt. She smiled at the assembled group. She knew she had them. Maybe she was a bit overconfident as she didn't have any backup.

“Put him down!” she demanded.

“No way, but we are going to pick you up!”

<Batgirl theme music>

Batgirl evaded every punch thrown by effortlessly jumping to the right and left. She jumped over leg thrusts and kicked her foe in the butt making the first one fall to the floor. Batgirl jumped onto a platform and did a high arching kick right in the face of one of the Mad Hatter's henchmen ***WHACK!*** putting him down on the floor. Then she turned to the next and did a similar procedure.

Batgirl didn't notice the hatcheck girl, who didn't seem to be involved in the fracas, sneak up behind her. She smashed a hatbox over Batgirl's head. Batgirl crumpled to the ground unconscious.

“What should we do with them now? Kill them?”

“No, I have other uses for them,” the Mad Hatter told his compatriots. “Strap her to this surgical table!”

In short order, both Batgirl and Robin lay unconscious on the gurneys. Skullcaps were attached to their heads as they slept.

“What are you doing now?”

“I got more than a priced hat at Pat Pending's lab. I got a brainwave amplifier.”

“What does that do?”

“I can use it with my own technology to swap the minds of two people. I'm going to try it on Batgirl and Robin.”


“Do you know how much easier it would be to steal anything I want if I had my own henchmen placed undetected? Well, imagine if I could swap one of my henchmen with a butler in a mansion or a worker in a factory. They could do my bidding without being detected. It's perfect.”

“Then why do you need Batgirl and Robin?”

“I have to test it out. You wouldn't want your brain scrambled would you?”


“If it works on them, then it'll work on anyone.”

Back at Pat Pending's lab, Batman was finally free. He found the batmobile out front, but Robin wasn't anywhere to be found. It was clear that he had been abducted.

Batman had only one clue as to where Robin could be. He got into the batmobile and raced to the Black Derby.

Voice over: “Will Batman get there too late. Will Batgirl have to learn to shave her face instead of her legs? Will Batman have to remodel the Batcave to include a ladies' room? Find out next week. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.

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