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Chapter 12.

Alisa returned home after checking in at The Home. She found her husband Jack waiting for her. They ate dinner, each telling the other about their day. Due to doctor-patient confidentiality, (and other reasons) Alisa's day was redacted. Jack told of his day at the construction site. He was the supervisor who was clearly in charge. Then they snuggled on the couch watching TV before going to bed.

Jack woke up in the morning and got out of bed. He could see himself in the mirror. His hair was short, he had grown a beard, his shoulders were broad, his chest well-muscled in a masculine fashion. He recognized his handsome self.

Looking down at his bed, he didn't see the king-size bed he fell asleep in, it was a full-size bed instead. His comforter was white, but the pillowcases were a light pink.  His pillows matched the headboard of his bed. The walls were covered with polka dot pink wallpaper. The pink accents combined with white bedding and furniture, along with the natural Roman shades, soften the look of his room. He was in a girl's bedroom.

When he went to sleep he had been wearing just male pajama bottoms, now he was wearing a nightgown that extended to his ankles. Walking to his dresser, he could feel the swish of the nightgown as it brushed his legs. Opening the top drawer, Jack selected a pair of white cotton full-cut panties and a matching bra. In the drawer underneath that, he found his tights. Jack had little choice in what he had to wear, he had to wear the school uniform every day except casual Fridays.

Jack pulled off his nightgown and the panties he slept in. He put on the fresh pair for the day. He went into the bathroom and sat down to pee. When he exited the bathroom, he peed and brushed his hair and his teeth. He grabbed his school uniform (skirt and top) and sat on his bed to get dressed for the day.  The bra came first, then the tights, next his button-down top and skirt. All his clothes were in school colors. He finished with his shoes. He would be dressed like all the girls at his school.

Grabbing his book bag, Jack exited his room.

Alisa was in the kitchen.

“Hi, Mom,” he greeted her.

“Good morning, Honey,” was Alisa's reply.

Jack made his own breakfast, he ate it, and left his house. He waited on the corner with several teenagers for the bus to come. He was certainly the only man going to the Lutheran all-girl high school.

On the bus, he saw Matthew Boodine, one of the cutest boys at school. Jack had a crush on him. He wished that Matthew would ask him out. But Matthew hadn't...yet.

The day at school was typical, going to his classes and hanging out with friends (mostly girls). At the end of the day, Matthew walked up to Jack out of the blue.

“Hey,” Matthew said nervously.

Jack could feel his own butterflies in his stomach. Matthew was going to ask him out.

“Hi,” Jack said back shyly. He didn't want to sound too eager.

“I was wondering if you would like. I mean I have an extra ticket for the school carnival and I thought if you wanted to go...”

Matthew was rambling. Jack wanted to say yes, but he needed to wait until Matthew asked him fully.

“I do.”

“I mean, would you like to go with me?”


Jack wanted to hug Matthew, but he held off.

“Great, I'll pick you up at seven.” Then Matthew dashed off.

Jack wanted to follow him but decided against it. Instead, he found one of his friends to tell her that Matthew asked him out.  That was the topic of conversation for the rest of the day.

***BEEP*** ***BEEP*** ***BEEP***

The alarm woke Jack in the morning. He was in his bed. Alisa was sleeping next to him. Jack turned off the alarm.  Jack realized it was just a dream. Jack wasn't going to high school. He wasn't living the life of a schoolgirl. He was a man and he had to go to work. He was a supervisor at a construction site.  Jack didn't know why he was dreaming that he was a schoolgirl. He was a man. He was all man. Jack debated whether he should tell Alisa about his dream.

Jack looked over; the alarm hadn't awoken his wife. It rarely did. Jack didn't want to disturb her. She could sleep for a couple more hours. Maybe he would tell her when he saw her later tonight.

Jack got out of bed and got ready for his day. He left early in the morning (especially during the summer when the days were longer) long before Alisa needed to get up herself.

He passed Michaelina's old room. He could see her full-size bed and the pink polka dot wallpaper.  It didn't take long before he was in his car and driving to work.

Alisa was up the entire time. She was feigning being asleep. Every night Alisa would force Jack to dream that he was Michaelina again. To live out one of her memories when she was just a schoolgirl. Last night's dream was one of Alisa's favorites. It was the one where Michaelina's crush finally asks her out.

What dream would Jack have tomorrow, Alisa wasn't too sure. There were plenty to choose from. The dream of Michaelina's first period? Or the day that Michaelina wore her first real bra? One of Michaelina's birthday parties? The choices were endless.

Alisa went back to sleep. Today was another work day for her too.


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