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Chapter 2.

Alisa drove to work in her cherry-red vintage Mustang. She received it as a gift from a former patient. He didn't need it anymore. Alisa was going to return the favor by giving the man a gift he would enjoy more. She had placed it in the back seat of her vehicle. Alisa looked over her shoulder to see an adult size little tykes push and ride racer. She had seen one in toddler size and had one constructed for a toddler the size of an adult. The blue racer is made of sturdy plastic that resists breakage by even the most violent collisions which could of be caused by foot propulsion. It had red handlebars for steering and a yellow backrest. It is a riding toy and walker in one. When Johnny believes he is a toddler he can ride upon it or when he is having trouble walking he can use it as a push toy to help with his balance.

Alisa remembered when Mr. Zhang entered her office. He was a grown man but he wasn't very happy. Mike Zhang had divorced his wife and had bought himself the Mustang that Alisa was now riding. He was on the high side of fifty and was buying expensive toys in an effort to feel young. Mrs. Zhang had grown sick of her husband's quest for a second childhood. She file for divorce and left Mike to his own devices which included dating a hot woman in her twenties. Mike had started to see Dr. Morris in an effort to get his life back on track and maybe get his wife back.

After intensive therapy, Mike's maturity started to regress even more than it had before. Mike sold his mansion after his wife left him, and moved into an apartment. He hired a housekeeper to keep the place clean and make his meals.

Soon, Mike was riding a bicycle instead of driving his car. As time passed, Mike's maturity kept dropping. His housekeeper did more and more for himself. When the housekeeper started to treat him like a kid in middle school, Mike started to take notice of what had become of him.  He finally realized the extent of his predicament when he wasn't 'allowed' to go to a baseball game.  He had already bought the tickets weeks ago.  But his housekeeper wouldn't permit it because he had made a 'mess in his room'.

Mike tried to put his foot down. That is when his life crashed around him. He couldn't act like an adult anymore. He couldn't even act like a pre-teen as he had a moment before. He fell on his butt and discovered that he had the maturity of a newborn. He couldn't get up, he couldn't sit up, he couldn't even roll over onto his stomach. He wet himself and worse. Nanny put him into diapers. Soon he was sleeping over eighteen hours a day in his crib. The times when he was awake, he knew what had happened to him, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Only when Mike accepted his fate did his maturity improve. In six months, he wasn't sleeping as much and gained some control over his life.  Months later, he had learned to walk again and could say a few words like a toddler a bit over a year old.

Encouraged by his progress, he tried to resist again, only to find himself regressed again back into babyhood. Only if he accepts his life can he mature at a somewhat accelerated pace.

Word had gotten back to Alisa that Mikie is back to toddling around like a toddler on the cusp of being two years old. He was old enough to enjoy the toy car she was bringing him.

Alisa pushed the car into the elevator and took it to Mikie's floor. She rolled it from the elevator to his door and then rang the doorbell. Mikie's nanny opened the door and let her in.

Mikie was sitting on the floor in front of the TV watching an episode of Peppa Pig. Nanny decided what Mikie would watch. He had a huge teddy bear clutched in his arms. Nanny expected him to keep his favorite plushie with him most of the time. Mike didn't know that Alisa had bought the plushie he was holding.

“Look who's come to give you a gift?” the Nanny announced.

Mike looked up at Alisa. He may have the outward maturity of a two-year-old, but inside he hadn't changed at all. The fury built inside him. He knew who had done this to him. He started to stand up, but instantly his maturity dropped again. He wasn't two anymore, he was close to being a newborn again. He fell on his butt and started to cry. All his progress had evaporated.

“I guess this is too advanced for him,” Alisa stated.

“Yeah, he isn't ready for something like that. Maybe you can bring him another teddy bear. He loves those.”

“Maybe, but you keep this. He won't be a baby forever. I'm sure he'll enjoy it when he gets old.”

“I'm sure he will, thank you. Can you stay for some tea?”

“No, I'm sorry, I have to go. I have lots of patients today.”

“OK, You are always welcome here. I know that Mikie doesn't show it, but he is glad to see you. You have helped him so much.”

Alisa left the ride-on toy and then returned to her car.

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