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Chapter 1.

Dr. Alisa Morris woke up. Her bed was empty as her husband had already left to go to work. Jack is a foreman at a construction site. It is a job he loves a lot. He liked being the first one at the job site and the last one to leave. On average, he is at the site an hour before everyone. He uses the time to work out. He boasted that he is the strongest man at the site. Despite not having to do any of the heavy lifting himself (he was the foreman) no one doubted his claim that he could out-lift and outwork any of the other construction workers.

Dr. Morris's daughter, Michaelina doesn't live at home anymore. She is dorming at the college. She is a vivacious girl with many boyfriends, but none that are too serious. She spends most evenings partying on campus although she never drinks. Her father had been an alcoholic which turned her off alcohol. She won't even have a harmless glass of wine with dinner. But other than drinking, she is as much a party girl as anyone on campus. She loves to dress in hot, very tight apparel and hit the dance floor. She is sewing her wild oats while she is young but has a good head on her shoulders and will graduate college after which she has plans of meeting a man and starting a family.

Jack and Michaelina aren't home, but Alisa isn't alone in the house. Waiting for her mistress on the dog pillow is Alisa's pet, Athena. Athena thinks she is a Labrador retriever bitch, but physically she is a grown man. She's been up since Jack left the house early this morning, regardless she won't leave the dog bed until Alisa wakes up. Athena is well trained. Fencing her mistresses stirring, Athena props her head up. When Alisa swivels out from under the covers, Athena pats over on all fours to the side of the bed. She 'stands' on her knees and puts her front 'paws' on Alisa's lap and licks her face.

Alisa is always happy to be greeted by her pet in the morning. She doesn't mind the slobber at all. She pets Athena's head and says in a high-pitched squeal, “Good girl, good girl!” The interaction between mistress and pet continues for twenty seconds before Alisa gets out of bed and leads Athena to the sliding doors that overlook the backyard.

Athena follows behind. She is totally naked (as dogs usually are) except for the dog collar around her neck.

Alisa opens the door to let Athena out. Athena doesn't mind the cool early morning air. She runs outside on her hands and knees onto the grass of the yard. Athena doesn't relieve herself right away. She runs around in what seems to be a random fashion. She instinctively stops to sniff the grass in several places for her own amusement. Finally, after a couple of minutes, Athena finds a spot that is suitable for her and squats down to pee.

Even though physically she has the penis (and body of a man) she squats down like the bitch she thinks she is. She pees for several seconds but doesn't pee until 'she is empty'. She holds some back. She knows she needs to mark her territory in several places around her yard for the sake of other dogs. No other 'dog' has ever peed in this backyard, but that doesn't matter. This territory is hers and she means to keep it.

***CLAP*** ***CLAP***

Athena hears the clapping of her mistress and returns to the house. Inside there are her food and water bowls. The bowls were filled while Athena was in the yard. Athena doesn't eat until Alisa signals it is OK. Athena is looking for the nod from her mistress. Alisa doesn't make her wait long, Athena gobbles up the dog food.

Meanwhile, Alisa makes breakfast for herself. She eats it while looking through her messages on her iPhone.

Alisa finished her breakfast and returned to her room to get ready for her day. She had her planned outfit for the day hanging in the closet. Tomorrow's outfit was there too along with the rest of the week. At the beginning of the week, she decided what she would wear everyday. It was easier to plan outfits a week in advance instead of in the morning. Today she would wear her strawberry V-neck blouse, under a light gray skirt suit and matching one-and-a-half-inch pumps. She decided to wear it with her lacy panties and matching bra. All her clothes including her lingerie were neatly on hangers waiting for her to retrieve them. She laid them on her bed and walked into the bathroom to take her shower.

Athena who had followed Alisa from the kitchen to the bedroom didn't enter the bathroom with her. The bathroom was restricted for the well-trained dog. Athena wasn't allowed into the bathroom, nor was she allowed to climb upon any bed or sofa. She never did so even when she was left alone in the house while her mistress was away. There wasn't a better-trained dog than Athena.

Alisa closed the bathroom door when she entered. She didn't do it to keep Athena out, nor to prevent Athena from seeing her naked. She did it because she was going to turn on the shower. She preferred the steam to stay in the bathroom while she was showering.

Alisa removed her nightgown and panties. She was naked now. She had the beautiful body of a woman. She didn't always have such a body, she was born a man. She knew that one day she would be a man again, but didn't have any plans to return to her former gender any time soon. She entered the shower and treated her body as any woman would. She soaped up with moisturizing liquid soap and followed her usual showering routine. She took pride in her feminine body and wanted to maintain its beauty. She didn't need to shave her legs, but she gave her armpits a once over as she did every day.

Exiting the shower, she wrapped a towel around her chest then she took a hairdryer to dry and style her hair. She was a professional and during the week kept her hair in a professional style. On weekends, she might style it more casually.

Back in the bedroom, she put on her lingerie with the ease any woman would. She didn't have any problem fastening her bra. She did it now without thinking about it. She rolled her expensive hose between her fingers and then up her legs. When she wore pantyhose, which was quite often, she always wore expensive hose. Any hose that could be bought at a grocery store wouldn't be good enough for her. In most ways, they looked and lasted the same as the expensive hose. No one would know the difference except for her. That didn't matter, she knew it and thus she always wore expensive hose.

A half slip and cami came next then the slightly translucent strawberry blouse. The skirt fastened in the back and the jacket had three buttons that were designed not to be left open. Finally, she slipped her feet into her pumps.

She wasn't finished dressing though, she needed her accessories and to put on her makeup. By now the steam had abated in the bathroom and she returned there to put on her makeup and jewelry. She wore quite a lot of cosmetics but didn't have a heavily made-up appearance. As far as jewelry, she wore earrings of course, but she also had on a necklace and gold bracelets. Her watch she considered part of her jewelry also.

It took much longer to get dressed in the morning now that she was a woman, but she didn't mind it. She rather enjoyed it.

Before leaving she played with Athena. She loved to watch Athena play with her dog toys and act like a happy pup. Athena followed Alisa to the door. Alisa told her, “You're a good dog. You're a very good dog. You behave while Mommy is out.” Alisa didn't have to tell her to behave. Athena always would.

Athena looked up at Alisa adoringly. She loved her mistress.

Alisa closed the door. Her day had begun.

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