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Max had to get out of the office and get to the shop. He had to make them fix everything. The Chief would thank him when this was all over.

Back at the shop, Max saw it was just as busy as yesterday. Boys were choosing sissy outfits for themselves. Their moms would pay any price to see their boys were properly dressed.

The same saleswoman as before approached Max. She recognized him.

“Have you decided?”

“I think you should show me the dresses again.”


When the saleswoman got in front of him, Max pulled out his gun. “Miss you had better take me into the backroom. I want to talk with your manager.”

Seigfried was in the back.

“I knew it was you all the time,” Max said.

“Voo else vere you expectink, Yves Saint Laurent?”

“Your plan to take down the youth of America is over, Seigfried!”

“What plan?”

“You know to turn all the boys into sissies so you can take over America.”

“That vasn't our plan.”

“It wasn't?”

“No, I mean vee vant to take down America. Vee always vant to do zat. But making boys into sissies isn't how vee vere goink to do it?”

“Then what are you doing?”

“Making money like a good American.”

“Like a good American?”

“Yeah, zat's vat you do. Bringink down democracies is very expensive. It takes cash, so vee created a little girl's clothing in.”

“What does that have to do with boys wearing dresses?”

“Vell, do you know how much competition there is to sell dresses to girls?” Seigfried pauses for a moment then continued. “Zere's got to be a hundred major clothink manufactures, not to mention the small ones. Vee couldn't compete. But no one sells dresses to boys. Vee used subliminal messaging to get boys to start vearink dresses. Once the boys vere here, we used special chemicals in the air to make the messagink more effective. Vee vere the only ones who solp to boys. Vee made our own monopoly. It made millions!”


“And we used the money we made to pay our killers and evil scientists. And do you vant to know the best part?”


“Vee made everyzink in America. Vee may be evil killers trying to overthrow the government, but we are still patriots!”

“I thought you were from Germany?”

“I'm not, I was born in Hoboken. I have to develop this accent. No one takes you seriously if you sounp like you are from Jersey.”

“I don't care, your scheme is over. Would you believe in two minutes, a hundred CONTROL agents will be coming through that door to close you down?”

“I find that harp to believe.” Seigfried knew how many agents bought the gray and yellow schoolgirl uniforms.

“Would you believe five minutes?”


“How about for your Good Friday Sale?”

Max was tackled from behind by some of Seigfried's goons.

“Before we have you killep, vee vill finp out vie you could resist our messagink.”

Max was led to the back door for the killers to work him over, but before they could, a score of CONTROL lady agents stormed the store. They hadn't been affected by the subliminal messaging as the men had. They rounded up all the KAOS killers except for Seigfried who got away during the scuffle.

99 personally rescued Max.

“Thank god you came, they were about to take me to have my head examined.”

“The Chief has been wanting to do that for the longest time,” 99 informed him.”Haha, very funny.  Let's go.”

“One thing before we go.”

“What's that?”

They are going to close this store down permanently.”

“Yeah, so?”
“Remember that short with the Dolphin on it?”


“I still think you would look cute in it.  Try it on.




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