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Max and 99 returned to the United States. After being gone so long, they noticed a lot of changes at the airport.

Upon entering the airport from the ramp that extended to the airplane, Max saw the man at the lectern wearing a suit jacket with the airline's logo on his name tag. He was announcing the arrival of the plane that Max had just departed. But when Max drew closer to the stand and could see the man's bottom half, he saw that the man wasn't wearing pants as Max would have expected. His pants had an elastic waist without any fly at all. On his feet were black mary janes. Even though Max couldn't tell, the man was wearing white stretch cotton knee-high socks.

“Did you see that?” Max asked 99.


“That man over there, did you see his pants.”

“They looked nice.”

“He isn't supposed to be wearing pants like that.”

“They matched his jacket.”

“OK, maybe I'm seeing things. Let's get home, it's been a long trip.”

The next day, Max got dressed and headed to the office. He entered the elevator, and inside was a boy with his mother. The boy was wearing a gray and yellow striped shirt with a ladybug applique, yellow pants, and sneakers.

Max thought it strange that a boy would be wearing yellow like that, but then he heard their conversation and got more concerned.

“Mommy, why couldn't I wear a skirt or shorts?” the boy complained.

“It's still a bit too cool for those.”

“I could wear them with tights, then it would be alright.”

“I said No.”

“But it's supposed to be sixty degrees outside..”

“I said NO!” the boy's mother said as they reached the ground floor.

Back in the United States, Max's nose started running again. His allergies started to kick up.

At the Control headquarters, Larabee was sitting at his desk in his suit jacket and tie. But when Larabee got up to greet Max, Max saw that he was wearing a pleated skirt, with white tights and white flats.

“What are you wearing?”

“Nothing special.”

“But the skirt?”

“Too early? It's supposed to be warm today, in the 60s, I decided to wear a skirt today. Don't you like it?”

“It's very nice.”

“I wanted to wear my plaid skirt, but I didn't have a jacket that went with it well. I'll have to pick up something later.”

Entering the Chief's office, Max blurted out, “We have to ta...” But his words got caught in his throat when he saw what the Chief was wearing.

The Chief wore a light pink A-line dress with a square white bib down the front with a ruffled border. It had a pleated stomach and a straight skirt to his knee. He wore it with white tights and mary janes with a small heel in pink. The dress didn't have any curves for breasts or rounded hips. The dress was cut for a little girl, except in the Chief's much larger size.

“I just wanted to say how proud we are of you and your work protecting the TK-800.”

“Thank you, Chief. Where did you get that outfit?”

“I decided to get dressed up today, I'm seeing the president later. Do you like it?”

“Yes, it's very nice.”

“Even the heels, I rarely wear heels you know.”

“Yes, they are very nice.  Chief do you remember when I was telling you about the KAOS clothing store?”

“Yeah, I checked it out myself. I actually went to the store. It's very nice. It's not a problem. That is where I bought this dress you know. They have some really great stuff. I have a closet full at home.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I can't believe how drab my wardrobe used to be. Nothing but dark blue and gray or black. It's much better I've opened my eyes to new colors and styles. Here look.” The Chief turned his back to Max. There was a ribbon tied in a bow on the back of his dress.  “I would never wear anything like this before. But I have much more options. It makes clothes shopping fun. You should try it.”

“I think I might check out that store again.”

“Great idea. I'd go with you, but I have to see the President.”

KAOS Clothing was filled to the brim with customers. Most were boys with their mothers, but there were a few girls and some men too.

All the boys were already dressed in girl's apparel. One boy who appeared to be about ten years old was wearing fashionably feminine attire with row on row of ruffles cascading down the front of a cotton shirt. It had a Bermuda collar, stitched-down cuffs, and a button-down front. The boy wore it with skirts with knife pleats that had a band front with an elastic back waist and zipper. His knee-high socks matched his shirt. He wore it with slip-on loafers.

Another boy wore a red jersey pullover with a page boy collar that had chain link pins. The rib-knit fabric was in a scarlet red. It had three-quarter sleeves and was paired with a plaid skirt that incorporated two different plaids in one. As with the other skirt, it had a zipper closing in the back to give the waist a drawn-in appearance.

One boy wore a pinafore over a dress in powder blue with white accents. He wore it with textured tights and mary janes. The boy was about thirteen, but the style of the dress looked like it was for a four-year-old.

Max noticed there wasn't any rhyme or reason to garments worn by the boys. An older boy might wear a skirt for a toddler and a toddler boy might wear a dress designed for an older teen. The same was true about the men who were also wearing girls' clothing. The few girls that were in attendance did seem to wear apparel suited to their age.

“Can I help you?” a saleswoman asked Max. Max decided to play along.

“Yes, with the weather warming up, I'm looking for something seasonable.”

“We have many spring dresses, have you been here before?”

“Umm yes, but I didn't buy anything then.”

“Wonderful, come with me. How about this floral pleated dress with polka dots in pale green? Pleats are all the rage these days.”

“It's very nice, but what about something with frills?”

“Oh, we have some lovely things over here.”

“I like these, can I try them on?”

“Surely, our dressing rooms are over there.”

Max took a couple of dresses for show and walked towards the dressing rooms.

The dressing rooms were already filled. Max waited outside for a few moments.

“Jose what is taking so long?” a woman questioned.  It was obvious her son must be in one of the dressing rooms.

The woman asked again.  When there wasn't a response, the woman pulled the curtain open.  Max could see into the dressing room.  There was a boy in the room who appeared to be approximately twelve.  He was topless, except for a black and gray print training bra.  The boy instinctively threw his arms across his chest to preserve his modesty on top as he screamed “Mom!!!”

His mother closed the curtain.

“Hurry up,” she said.

A cubicle finally opened for Max.  The music inside the dressing room seemed louder than the music in the rest of the store. Max closed the blinds and then took off his shoe. He had to make a call. Max tried to reach the Chief but couldn't get through. The Chief was with the president can couldn't be disturbed. Max didn't know whether to put on the dress to show the saleswoman or just to say he tried it on and didn't like it.

Max was tempted to try on the dress, but now that he looked at it did seem pretty. But he resisted the urge to try it on. He left the dressing room and the urge lessened as the music quieted.

“I don't know about either of these. I think I'll sleep on it and come back.

“Surely sir.”

Max planned on talking to the Chief tomorrow.

When Max entered control, he found that most of the agents were dressed identically. They were all wearing girl-styled elementary school uniforms. They were dress jumpers with pink pique polos. They all wore it with black flower mary janes and white nylon tights. Most of the agents wore the exact same outfit regardless of the agent's age or build.

Larabee was wearing a V-neck broad collared dress. It had a tucked empire bodice in white attached to a swinging A-line skirt in periwinkle. The sleeves were long and cuffed at the wrist. He wore it with a textured hose and pumps with a medium heel. The look would be nice for a girl around sixteen or seventeen, but on Larabee, it looked ridiculous. Although in the back of Max's mind he could see why Larabee liked it.

“Chief in?”

“Yeah, Max.”

Max was about to walk by, but Larabee stopped him. “What do you think?”

“About what?”

“My dress, it's much warmer today, I could go all out. Isn't it nice?”

“Yeah, it's very pretty.”

But if what Larabee was wearing was shocking, what the Chief was wearing was downright bizarre for a man who was in his late fifties. The chief was wearing a scarlet on cream-colored floral print polyester knit mini dress that barely covered his hairy thighs. It had a pullover style with wide straps over his shoulders that met at a V at his upper chest. His shoulders and arms were completely bare and the dress showed all his curves or in his case lack of curves. Only a shapely teenager could pull off that dress. He wore it with knee-length white boots with a two-inch heel. Max forced himself to look the Chief in the eye, he refused to let his eyes gaze downward. “Chief!”

“Yes, Max.”

“About the KAOS Clothing.”

“What about it?”

“I think we should shut it down.”

“I went there just yesterday, it's perfectly alright. That is where I got this. I know it's a bit tight, but I am the Chief!”

“I tell you, they are up to no good.”

“I didn't see any problems. KAOS may be evil, but what harm can come by selling clothes?”

“More than you apparently realized.”

“Leave that store alone. That is an order.” The chief didn't know where else to get the clothing he loved. He didn't want the store disturbed.

“OK, Chief.”

“I'm sorry to yell, but I don't think there is a problem.” The chief took a few steps to put his arm around Max in a fatherly fashion. But his ankle buckled a little and he stumbled. Max caught him.

“Damn heels!” the Chief exclaimed. “I hate wearing them, but they look so damn good.”

“I understand.”


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