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Connor ran as fast as he could, but it was too late.  Reality was already reforming itself.  He wasn't an adult anymore.  he wasn't even a man.  He had to get out of the lab while he was still old enough to think for himself.  That would be the only way to fix his mistake.  

Photo by YEŞ and Pavel Danilyuk

Connor had to press the cutoff switch before it was too late.  He didn't know how much time he had, but he knew he didn't have long.   

Diana heard the sound of the explosion and turned.  She saw a toddler running out of the danger area.  She instinctively picked up the fleeing tot and tried to comfort her.  Connor struggled in her arms, but Diana wouldn't let the scared child go. Time flew by and with it the rest of what was left of Connor's maturity.

Composite Photo by Vlada Karpovich and Pavel Danilyuk

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