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“No, it's just a toy.”

“How does it work?”

“I don't know. Peter knows. He was the one that used it on us.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I don't know, but he did. He said it was an accident. But he did it on purpose.”

“Is this true?” Mom asked Peter.

“Um, no.”

“Let me see it.”

Jack had to give the swapping device to Mom.

“OK, I'm going to get ready for my date,” Jack said again.

“That should be my date! He is my boyfriend.”

That last statement by 'Jack' sounded odder than anything else.

“Wait Sofia. Let me check this out.”

“But Mommmm,” Jack whined, “Phillip will be here soon. I have to put on my face and get dressed.”

“Stop calling her mom. She is my mom, not yours.” Then to Mom Sofia explained, “You can't let him go. You have to swap us back!”

Sofia knew that Mom wouldn't shoot her, so she lunged for the swapping device. She grabbed it, but mom held on tight.

“Stop that!”

“But mom that is the only want to get me back to normal.”

“She's crazy!” Jack said forgetting his pronouns.

“I can prove I'm Sofia.”


“If he's Sofia then he should know what happened the last time at the gynecologist.”

That was right. No matter how crazy this was, Sofia would be the only one who knew what happened at the gynecologist.

Jack wanted to ask, “What's a gynecologist?” He didn't know. He was only an eleven-year-old boy. He didn't know what a period was, let alone a gynecologist.

“OK, what happened?”

“Umm, nothing. It was a normal checkup.”

Mom knew who was lying.

“What's happening here?” pointedly Mom asked Jack in Sofia's body.

Jack was cowed.

“I'm waiting.”

“IT was all Peter's fault?”

“It was?”

“Yeah, Peter got this device that can swap bodies. He said if I swapped bodies with Sofia then we can go to the Weird Al concert.”

“You did this just to go to a concert?”


“When is this concert?”


“You wanted to spend the entire week as Sofia?”

“No, we thought it was last Saturday, but Peter got the days wrong.”

Sofia was listening intently. She wanted to know what happened too.

“This was all on purpose?” Sofia asked.

Peter didn't say anything.

Jack nodded his head.

Sofia lost herself for a moment. She pushed Peter. He went flying backward onto his backside. Then when she was about to jump on him, Mom pulled her away.

“Don't stop me. Look what he did to me.”

Mom easily restrained Sofia in Jack's little eleven-year-old body.

Andy didn't have anything to do in the living room, so entered the room where everyone was.

“You swapped Sofia and Jack's bodies? Mom asked Peter.

He didn't answer at first, but after a second or two of pressure from Mom, he had to agree.


Are you nuts?”

“No, I'm a genius. No one else could do anything like that.”

Don't you see the problem you've caused?”

“I'll swap them back.”

“No, I'll do it. You are never touching this thing again.”

Andy didn't know what was going on.

“I don't want to swap back. Not until after my date with Phillip,” Jack whined.

“You can't be serious. Why would you want to go out with Phillip? He is five years older than you and he's a. I mean you are both.”

“I want to go. I've been preparing all day. I don't think anything like this will ever happen again.” Jack didn't say that he thought that Phillip was 'Cute'. But he thought that.

“I don't think it's a good idea. You are sort of lying to him. He thinks you're Sofia.” Mom was also thinking that Jack couldn't possibly handle a date with a boy. He wasn't mature enough. 'Wait, what am I thinking? Jack should be a boy regardless of age.'

“Have you ever felt like this about a boy before?” Mom asked.

“No, never. I sort of feel ticklish when I think about him now,” Jack admitted.

“Sofia, do you want to go out with Phillip when he gets here?”

Sofia hadn't thought much about that. Her thoughts were on getting her own body back. She didn't think about what happened after that. “I suppose, but not tonight. I just want to be me again.”

“OK, let me see how this works.” Mom looked down at the device. Sofia helped her look it over.

Jack slipped away out of the room. He didn't want to return to his own body. Not now. He ran to Sofia's room and closed the door. He started to get undressed and put on the outfit he chose for his date.

“Hey, where did Jack go?”

“Jack?” Andy asked. He didn't know what was happening. Jack was right here.

Mom tracked down Jack in Sofia's room. They opened the door. Sofia was half-dressed. Mom instinctively kept all the boys out.

“What are you doing?”

“I'm getting dressed. I want to go on my date. Please!!!” Jack begged. “You have to let me.”

“I can't. You have to return to your true self. Phillip won't want to go with you then. He wants a real woman.”

“You don't have to tell him. It's just one...I mean I'll swap back tomorrow. I promise,” Jack was crying.

“I'm sorry. It has to be now.”


The doorbell rang. Phillip was finally here.

“He's here. You have to let me.” Then Jack realized he wasn't ready. “Let me get dressed. It's just for one night.”


“Sofia,” Jack called out, “tell her it's OK. Please! I'll give you anything if you agree.”

From outside the door, Sofia said, "You can't go out with my boyfriend.” This was the first time Sofia referred to Phillip as her boyfriend since the swap. Her feelings for him had changed. She didn't like him as much now as she did before. She saw him with Andy, he wasn't the boy she thought he was. Andy was. She certainly liked Andy more than Phillip now. She didn't care to date Phillip when this was all straightened out.

“Please, please, please!”

The doorbell rang again.”

“I'll get it,” Andy said as he headed towards the door. Andy still didn't know what was happening. He couldn't without a complete explanation. There wasn't any way for him to know from what he saw was going on. He just knew that they were acting odd.

“No, time to return to normal.” The Mom walked to the door and opened it a crack. “Sofia come in here.” It was time to swap them back to normal.

Sofia entered the room. She saw her body half-naked. That didn't matter to her, it was that Jack was seeing it that way that concerned her. She hadn't thought about that in a while. Besides seeing it happening was different than just thinking about it.

“Mom, tell him to cover up!”

“Let me just swap you back.”

“I want to go back."

"I want to stay!”

Mom ignored Jack's renewed pleas. Mom found the right button and swapped Jack and Sofia back.

Jack started to cry. Mom escorted Jack out of the room. She comforted him. “It's alright. You are back to normal.”

“But I wanted to.”

“I know. I know.”

“Is Sofia ready?” Phillip asked.

Jack seeing Phillip here cried harder. “I wanted to go,” he said through tears. Then to Phillip, Jack said, “We would have had a real good time.”

“I'm sorry, she is sick. She can't go out tonight,” Mom told Phillip.

Jack buried his face into Mom and cried some more.

“She was OK just a little while ago.”

“Dude, something weird is going on,” Andy told him.


“I don't know. But it's, it's crazy.”

“Phillip, you should go home. I'm sure, Sofia will call you later. But she can't go out tonight.”

“OK,” was all Phillip could say. Leave was the only thing he could do. “Andy, do you want to do something?”

Andy was as confused as Phillip. More confused because he saw a part of what happened. Moreover, Jack was crying. “No, not now. I have to figure out what is going on.”

“Fine, whatever, later.”

When Phillip had gone, Mom got down on one knee and looked Jack in the face. “It's better this way.”

“But I wanted to go,' the tears were still flowing, but not as much as before.

“I know you did. I know you did.”


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I kinda want to see an epilogue like 10 years later to see if this experience caused Jack to transition or not and what happened to Sophia and Andy


Interesting, but it just happened. I’m not clairvoyant. We’ll have to wait ten years to find out. But I’m sure without a brain full of female hormones he’ll become the man he was supposed to be. Sophia had many relations after Andy. In her 20s she found a man and married him. Few relationships that begin when on is in their teens last