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As Jerry pushed the vacuum around, he noticed his bra strap slipping from his shoulder. He reached under the neckline of his uniform and pulled it up again. It was a constant battle between himself and the bra strap. Jerry wondered if women had this problem all the time. He didn't notice women constantly pulling up their bra straps. Maybe they did it when he wasn't looking? Maybe he just wasn't paying attention? Maybe it was his male shoulders? Maybe he hadn't sized his bra correctly? Maybe if his boobs had some real heft to them, it would keep his bra straps where they belonged? He didn't know. But this was what was occupying his mind as he vacuumed the enormous house. It was better than wondering how he ended up like this. That was something he didn't want to think about.

“I'm finished with the vacuuming,” Jerry told RaeLynn. RaeLynn asked him to inform her when he was done. She wanted to personally instruct Jerry on how to do each chore. She was particular in how she wanted each task handled.

“Great, next is laundry. This is very important. You never know when the paparazzi are taking pictures, so my clothes have to always look good.”

“I understand.”

“Maybe things will have to be dry cleaned, but for the clothes that have been washed you must...” RaeLynn had a list of what she wanted to be washed at what temperature and with which other items. None of her clothes could be washed with her husband's apparel or her daughters.

“When it comes to my lingerie,” RaeLynn emphasized, “it all must be hand-washed in warm water and mild detergent. They must be towel dried. I don't want my panties to be hung, I want them to be laid upon a towel to dry. The same goes for my stockings. They are very delicate.”

Jerry was amazed there were more instructions as to how RaeLynn wanted her lingerie washed than her other apparel. Jerry had to write it all down to keep track of what she wanted to be done. Jerry got to work on the laundry. RaeLynn didn't want her clothes 'hanging around' (as she called it) in the washer when the cycle was completed, nor in the dryer. They had to be moved from the washer to the dryer or be hung up immediately at the completion of the cycle. Dried closed had to be ironed as necessary and then put away without delay. When the detailed instructions were completed, Jerry said “Yes, RaeLynn.”

RaeLynn left him to start the laundry, but she checked back many times to make sure he was doing it properly. This was important to her.

As Jerry moved on to each new task, RaeLynn would explain in detail how she wanted each done. She was paying a lot of money for Jerry, she expected him to do each task the way she wanted him to.

Jerry was being paid twice what Virginia had been paid when she worked for Cecilia. Actually, he was being paid more than that as he was going to work more days. Virginia worked alternate weeks. But for RaeLynn, Jerry would work five days a week and be off Tuesday and Wednesday.

By the end of his first day, Jerry was very tired. He had worked non-stop throughout the day. He went into the bathroom to prepare for bed. He didn't take a shower, which he would do in the mornings, but he did have to remove all the makeup from his face. He would also wear a cleaning mask to bed. It was green. He couldn't risk anyone seeing him with his natural face without makeup. Thus, the mask which would keep his face moisturized after 16+ hours of wearing heavy makeup would also keep his face hidden in case RaeLynn entered his room or wanted him in the middle of the night. He also wore his bra under his nightgown to keep the illusion of breasts on his chest. Over the nightgown, there was a robe to hide his masculine body. He also wore a tight 'girdle' to keep his dick seemingly flat throughout the night. He slept wearing socks to keep his feet hidden. These precautions might not have been necessary, but he did them anyway. He set the clock for 4:45 AM and went to sleep.

The alarm woke him at the appointed time. He had to be up before anyone. He needed to get prepared without anyone seeing him. It was while he was getting prepared for the day or prepared for the night that he was most in danger of being discovered. He didn't want that. He had to shower and get into his uniform and makeup before anyone saw him. It was best that he did it before anyone was up. He also had to make breakfast and help prepare everyone else for the day.

Jerry never joined the freedom of just being in the shower more than he did now. This was the only time he was himself. It was the only time his penis wasn't restrained under a tight panty. Jerry couldn't enjoy the freedom of his penis very long. He had to get dressed and get on his way.

While showering, Jerry realized that his earlobes were aching a bit. At Virginia's insistence, Jerry had had them pierced and studs put into them before moving in at RaeLynn's. They had been aching the day before, but he didn't notice as he was so busy and then was so tired that there wasn't time to notice. Jerry wanted to take them out, but he couldn't. He couldn't even swap them for a different pair. He had to wait until they healed somewhat first.

Jerry exited the bathroom fully dressed in his housekeeping uniform: including his shoes, all his makeup, and his wig. He glued a smile back on his face and then headed for the kitchen. Jerry started breakfast. He made something for himself first, the family wouldn't be up for a while. This was the time he could relax. He used the time to look on his iPhone and find out if there was a way to keep his bra straps from slipping off his shoulders. Jerry didn't know if he was happy to read or sad to read that many women have this problem also.

After a few days, Jerry fell into a rhythm. He knew what he needed to do and was told by RaeLynn how to do each task. Being a housekeeper wasn't an exciting job. Neither was being a truck driver. Jerry liked being a truck driver better. But his opinion was biased. Jerry wasn't being 'forced' to be a truck driver. He didn't have to wear a uniform either or hide his true identity.

“Virginia, I have something to tell you. I'm making a music video in the house,” RaeLynn informed Jerry.



“I don't know what to say.”

“This isn't my first video. But it's the first one in the house.”

“Can I watch?”

“Sure, if you like.”


“Hey, do you want to be in it?”

“In your video?”

“Yeah.  Why not. The video will be mostly me and Daisy Rae at home. You can be in the background in a couple of scenes.”

“I don't know what to say. I'm going to be in a video.”

“You don't have to say anything.”

When the day of the video arrived, a whole film crew entered the house. There were at least thirty people. Jerry was so excited that he didn't realize how much work he would have to do to clean up when they were gone.

Jerry just stood around and waited for someone to tell him where to go and what to do.

“Virginia, this is Patricia. She is doing your hair and makeup.”

“My what?”

“Your makeup. You can't go on like that. You know.”

Jerry hadn't thought about that.”

“I don't, I mean, maybe I shouldn't.”

“Don't be ridiculous.”

Jerry was trapped he couldn't back out; he went with Patricia. Patricia's started by cleaning all of Jerry's makeup from his face. He hadn't been seen in public without makeup for days. He hoped that she wouldn't notice he was a guy. That would be impossible, but Patricia didn't care. There wasn't any reason for Patricia to tell RaeLynn. Patricia had been in the industry for many years, men dressed as women were common. She didn't think it was any big deal.

Patricia took an hour to get Jerry's makeup just right for the camera. He looked better than he had before. Even more feminine. She also replaced Jerry's wig with a better-looking, higher-quality one.

Once made up, Jerry found the director and RaeLynn. They told him they weren't ready for him yet. He would have to wait.

Jerry watched the film crew doing their work and enjoyed himself. It was the most fun he had since he began to work for RaeLynn's.

In the video, Jerry's scenes were short ones. He was mostly in the background although there was a close-up shot of him with RaeLynn and Daisy Rae.

“You looked great,” RaeLynn told him later in the day. I want you to talk to Patricia and get some makeup tips. You represent me while you're working here. There are many important people who come to my office, I want you to look at your best.”

“You want me to be fully made up every day?”

“No, of course not. But You are using the bare minimum now. I want something better. Talk to Patricia. I already discussed it with her.”

Jerry didn't know if this was good or not. But he couldn't say 'No'.

“RaeLynn told me to see you?” Jerry told Patracia.

“Yeah, I'll give you a few quick hacks to help you look much better. These don't take too much time, but they will help you to look much better than before. It's really just a little blush and shadow to frame your face. Maybe a little something to help your nose look a bit smaller.”

Jerry didn't even think about his nose. But now that she mentioned it, his nose did look 'big for a woman'.

Patricia worked with him after a while until Jerry got it right. Jerry didn't know if Patricia knew he was a guy. She didn't say anything, and he didn't want to bring up the subject. Jerry would look better from now on, but it would add to his preparation time in the morning. He would also have to make sure his makeup was fresh when RaeLynn had guests over. He realized that he represented her now.

"Virginia, can I see you a moment?” RaeLynn asked.


“I need to see your driver's license?”

“My driver's license, why?”

“It's an insurance thing. My lawyer is making me check. It's no big deal.”

“I don't understand.”

“It's for when you are running errands for me or more specifically when you are driving with Daisy Rae in my car.”

“OK, let me get it.”

Jerry had Virginia's temporary license. It didn't have his picture on it though.

“Is this all you have?”

“Yeah, the permanent one will come soon.”

“Does it say you live here?”


“Well, you do, you should have one that lists this as your home. Plus, you are doing your makeup so much better. OK, let's go and get you a new one with your proper address. I can also get it expedited. Everyone knows me here.”

“But, I have lots to do around here.”

“Nonsense, you can do it later. We'll get it now. I'll drive.”

Jerry couldn't refuse, he had to go with her. Jerry got his papers together, there were actually Virginia's papers. She lent them to him so he could get a banking account. Jerry had Virginia's temporary driver's license, along with her social security card and her birth certificate. He needed these documents to allow the IRS to recognize him as Virginia Carpio for tax and social security purposes.

RaeLynn drove Jerry and Daisy Rae to the DMV. Everyone knew her there. She went to the front of the line and was seen quickly.

“Hello Luv,” RaeLynn said to the clerk, “my friend here needs to update her driver's license. She lives with me now.”

“No problem. Does she have a valid license yet?”

“Yes, I told you, we are just updating it.”

“You want the one that will also allow her to get on planes. Do you want the enhanced version that can be used to leave the country also?”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

“I need some documents.”

Jerry didn't quite have all the documents needed, but with RaeLynn's influence and recommendation, Jerry got an enhanced driver's license anyway. He was now legally as far as the department of motor vehicles was concerned, Virginia Carpio.

“Come with me, let's get a picture for the license.”

Jerry followed; they took his picture. Normally they would send it to the place of residence to prove the person lived there, but since RaeLynn was there, they handed Jerry his new driver's license.

“That wasn't so bad,” RaeLynn told him.

“No, I guess not.”

“Great come with me.”

The next stop wasn't home, it was the sheriff's office.

“What's this?”

“Fingerprinting. I forgot before, but my lawyer reminded me. It's just a formality.”

“Are you sure it's necessary?”

“My lawyer is. Is there a problem?”

“No, of course not,” Jerry put a smile on his face.

The sheriff had been warned and there wasn't any waiting. The prints were taken. As Virginia nor Jerry hadn't a record nor had they ever been fingerprinted there indeed wasn't any problem. But from now on, the fingerprints that were on the official government file kept by the FBI would link Jerry's fingerprints with Virginia's name and social security number. Things were getting out of hand.

Jerry looked at his new license as RaeLynn drove them home. He couldn't believe it. He had an official government document that had Virginia's name, but his picture and address. The license was laminated and had the official seal of the state. It was perfectly legal. Jerry wondered what the penalty was for identity theft.

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