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Jerry didn't want to cancel. He wanted that autograph. He wanted to meet RaeLynn. He should have called RaeLynn immediately, but he kept putting it off.

When the idea finally occurred to him, he didn't know. But Jerry decided that if Virginia wouldn't go, then he would go in her place. He had all her references and all the answers to her interview questions (Virginia had practiced her interview technique with Jerry. They had discussed what to say for every type of question. Jerry knew Virginia as well as she knew herself. They had been friends forever. Besides, he didn't want to get the job, just spend some time with RaeLynn. That was even better than a picture and an autograph. Although he would get those also.

Jerry would go to the interview dressed in Virginia's uniform. There were many spare uniforms in her apartment. There was everything he needed, even the makeup. He knew he didn't need to be 'made up' just look professional. It wouldn't be that hard. Virginia had shown him how.

Virginia would be at work for the rest of the week. He had the keys to her home, just as she had the keys to his. It wouldn't be any trouble to get what he needed, get dressed up, and do the interview. RaeLynn certainly didn't know what Virginia looked like. He could pull it off. If he had the nerve.

Thursday morning, Jerry drove early to Virginia's apartment. She wasn't there, she was working all this week. Jerry let himself in, he had her keys, similarly, she had the keys to his place. There was only a twinge of guilt as he entered her apartment. But he got over it quickly. He wasn't really stealing anything; he was just borrowing one of her uniforms. “It really wasn't any big deal,” Jerry tried to convince himself.

Jerry stripped off his clothing and put them into a bag, he was going to take them with him. He was only wearing his briefs. When Jerry had originally tried on the uniform, he still wore his briefs, but this time he thought he should go all the way. They went into the bag too.

Jerry knew Virginia's apartment as well as he knew his own. He knew where she kept all her apparel. He opened her lingerie drawer and found her bras and panties. He didn't linger on the side of her drawer that contained her 'fancy' lingerie. She needed just the basic underwear that she wore for work. He wasn't getting a sexual thrill by wearing these items, this was strictly business, so to speak.

He found a cotton/spandex full-cut panty brief. It was white and quite stretchy. It was well worn and seemingly very comfortable. Then he selected a 'matching' bra. He found a Bali full coverage bra. He didn't know that such a thing was called full coverage, but that was what he was looking for. He needed a bra that would surround the tights he would put inside them and force them into the proper shape.

Before putting it on, Jerry checked the size. He happened to be curious. It was a 40DD. The bra fastened in the back. He had a tough time closing it by himself. But with a little perseverance, he got it fastened.

Then he looked for tights. He needed tights to wear and to use as padding for his bra. They were soft but with a little bit of heft to weigh down the bra. These were thick opaque tights, not light pantyhose. He selected three pairs, one for his legs and one for each cup of the bra. Virginia wore opaque leggings every day she was working so she had plenty of pairs to choose from.

He put the leggings inside the cups of his bra first. Then he squeezed them to help give it the right shape, although the bra did most of the work. It was designed to control large breasts; therefore, it didn't have much trouble with the tights.

“Should I put an extra pair in my cups?” Jerry wondered. He decided against it.

Jerry sat down and pulled the taupe-colored thick opaque tights up his legs. As before they hid any trace of hair he had on his legs.

Finally, he completed putting on his lingerie with a nude-colored full slip that hid his bra, panties, and half his tights from view.

Instead of completing his outfit with the uniform dress, he decided to put on the makeup first. He didn't want to get the makeup on his uniform.

Jerry dotted the foundation on his face and then smoothed it in with a large brush. He made sure to cover every inch of his face. Virginia was a little bit darker skinned than he was. Thus, the foundation made his face look darker too. But it also hid his masculine features better. If Virginia hadn't insisted that he do it the first time, he wouldn't know how to apply the foundation properly now.

Next, he put on some lipstick. It wasn't very hard. He covered the top part of his lips and then puckered to cover the lower portion. It looked pretty good he thought.

Jerry thought about putting on some eye shadow. He even found the eye shadow palette but decided against it. Virginia said it wasn't necessary and he wasn't sure if he could apply it correctly anyway.

He returned to the bedroom and stepped into the uniform dress. He was grateful that it buttoned in the front. He didn't know how he would fasten it if it had a long zipper in the back.

He stepped into the shoes. They fit fine. There wasn't any type of heel on them. There wasn't supposed to be, he was expected to be on his feet all day. They seemed comfortable.

Posing in front of the mirror, Jerry was pleased with his appearance. He hoped that RaeLynn wouldn't have a problem with him. He was a bit taller than Virginia, but what did RaeLynn know. She had never met her.

Jerry smacked his forehead. “What am I doing?” he said out loud. He looked through Virginia's closet and found one of her wigs. He couldn't go there with his own hair. He needed the professional-looking permed style feminine wig.

Jerry's hair was short and completely hidden under the wig. The wig also covered his ears, which he supposed made wearing earrings unnecessary. He couldn't have worn them anyway. His ears weren't pierced.

Jerry collected a spare resume and copies of the recommendations that Virginia had and put them in a purse. His uniform dress had pockets, but he didn't think that was where he should keep his important papers.

Jerry was just about to leave when he had an inspiration. RaeLynn had several songs that mentioned God, Jerry decided that he should wear a Crucifix to show his “devotion to the Lord”. It would impress RaeLynn. He didn't know if he saw RaeLynn wearing such a thing. It didn't matter, he would wear it.

He put his hand to his chest under the Crucifix. Then he noticed his nails. He couldn't go looking like this. It ruined his entire look.

“I should paint my nails”, he thought. He found some nail polish and was about to. Then he realized he didn't have to. He could put some of those press-on nails you get at the dollar store and put them on instead. They'll look better, and he could just take them off later.

He decided to get the nails on the way. It was a four-hour drive; he would get them a hundred miles away. He didn't want anyone he knew to see him.

Jerry got to his car. Opened the door. Smoothed his skirt and he got in and drove to meet his idol.

It was a long drive to get to RaeLynn's, almost four hours. Jerry had a lot of time though. He had to be there at 3:00 PM and it was hardly 10:00 AM now. He got an early start this morning, he drove to Virginia's at 6:00.

He had certainly never driven wearing a dress and the rest of what female attire he was wearing, but after a while, he didn't notice. In the end, they were just clothes. Even though these clothes were snug, by Jerry's standards, they were made for comfort, even the bra. The women who wore these were expected to be on their feet for much of the day. But they were also expected to bend down and reach under beds, dressers, or reach to the top shelves. Women couldn't do those things in apparel that wasn't made with that in mind.

Every once in a while, Jerry would catch a glimpse of himself in the rear-view mirror. He would see his face made smooth with foundation or his redden lips. Somehow, he had pulled it off. Even though it was undeniably his face, it did look somewhat feminine. He hadn't noticed the androgyny of his own features before. No wonder why Virginia wanted to see him wearing her uniform so much. She must have noticed this trait long ago.

After about an hour and a half of driving, Jerry decided to stop off and get the faux nails he needed. He hoped they wouldn't be too hard to put on. He had seen them before in the dollar stores. He used his GPS to find the closest dollar store and followed its directions.

He got out of his car in the parking lot.

“Hey, I'm dressed as a woman,” he realized.

This would be the first time anyone, besides Virginia, had seen him wearing women's apparel. “Should he really be doing this?”

He looked at himself in the car's side-view mirror. He did look like a woman. The clothing hid most of his body and what was showing could be that of a woman. Maybe his calves were a bit large. He decided he had to do it.

Jerry tried to walk like a lady as he entered the store. It was hard for him to explain, even to himself, what he did to walk like a woman. He tried to take smaller steps and walk more on his toes than the ball of his feet. He didn't know if it looked right. It certainly wasn't how he usually walk. Did it look feminine enough? He didn't know. It didn't matter. He strolled through the store. Found the aisle with beauty supplies. He looked at the fake nails. They seemed OK. He didn't want anything special. Just something that could be shaped to look like a woman's nails.

Looking through the instructions, he found he had to buy some double-sided tape to keep the nails on his fingers. He got that too.

He was about to just grab the nails and go when he realized he would need an emery board and a pair of scissors to shape the nails properly. He didn't want nails that extended half an inch past his fingertips. He also picked up a second set of nails in case he screwed up the first ones. (He chose the pale pink color.)

He paid for his supplies, which only cost $5 or so, and left.

Back in the car, he read the instructions more. He roughly shaped them with a scissor before putting them on. He thought it would be harder once they were already affixed to his fingertips. Then he placed the first strip of tape on his nail and then the faux nail on the top. It wasn't shaped properly. He would have to refine its look with the emery board. It took quite a while to get the nails right. He had to return to the store and buy more sets of nails. Practice-paid off. His nails weren't perfect, but they were presentable. The nails of a hardworking woman.

Instead of going into the fast-food restaurant, he took the food to go. But he had to stop and eat it. He didn't want to spill anything on his dress. His clothes had to maintain their pristine appearance.

Jerry was happy that his new nails didn't get in the way or fall off. The tape was holding them quite well.

When he was done, Jerry was back on the road and heading to RaeLynn's.

Jerry's GPS told him which turned to take. He found himself in a very high-class area. RaeLynn is a famous artist who has made a great deal of money. Jerry was a big fan and knew a lot about her and her husband. They had had a child last year, their first. That was probably why they needed a housekeeper now.

Jerry passed one expensive home after another. The homes were separated from each other to a large extent with a great deal of property around them. It would be quite a walk to get from one home to the next. These homes were more expensive than the home of the family that Virginia was working for. That family needed a full-time maid (Virginia) to keep it running well.

Jerry saw the mansion that RaeLynn lived in. It was enormous. Her lawn was well manicured and not only had trees but also had fruit trees with delicious-looking fruits growing on them. Jerry had never seen a residence that had its own orange trees that weren't part of a commercial grove. Jerry got to the interview fifteen minutes early. He used the time to psyche himself up. He was going to do it. He was going to see RaeLynn. He was going to do it while dressed as a woman. He realized what a strange situation he had gotten himself into.

“My name is Virginia Carpio and I've come for the housekeeper job. My name is Virginia Carpio and I've come for the housekeeper job,” he reminded himself. “Don't forget, I'm Virginia, not Jerry.”

Then he decided his introduction wasn't right. He changed it to, Hi, I'm Virginia Carpio. I would love to be your housekeeper!” That was better. It was more positive. He wanted RaeLynn never to know that he was here on false pretenses.

Jerry looked at himself in the rear-view mirror. He had to make sure his look was perfect. His lipstick was fine, but he freshened it anyway. Then he put on a big smile. He got out of the car and walked straight to the door. He rang the bell. The door opened and before he lost his nerve he said with that huge smile still on his face, “I'm Virginia, Virginia Carpio. I would just love to be your housekeeper!”

“Hi, I'm RaeLynn. Come right in.”

Jerry entered the house.

RaeLynn was wearing distressed jeans with a gray knit sweater. He had seen her in outfits like this before. It went with her country girl image. But how he had never seen her was in the casual makeup she was wearing now. In all her pictures her makeup and hair were always professionally done. That wasn't the case today.

“My what a lovely house you have,” Jerry told RaeLynn.

“Thank you. I'm very proud of it.”

Jerry followed RaeLynn through the house to the office where RaeLynn was going to interview him. The office had pictures of RaeLynn on the walls as well as the awards she had won. RaeLynn took a seat behind her desk and Jerry sat on the chair in front. Jerry made sure to sit down as a woman. He made sure his knees were together with his hands folded upon his purse on his lap. The smile never left his lips. Even though Jerry didn't want to get the job, he was still very nervous. He wanted to act like he wanted the job, not like some silly fan who was meeting his idol. He refrained from saying things like I have all your albums, or I love your music. At least at first or until RaeLynn asked him about such things.

Virginia's resume was sitting on her desk. Jerry recognized it immediately. He had helped Virginia create it originally. He knew it as well as Virginia did. They worked on it for hours over several days to get the wording just right.

“Do you like to be called Virginia? Is that right?”

Jerry didn't know how to address RaeLynn. Should she call her RaeLynn or Mrs. Davis, or even Mrs. Woodward-Davis?

“Yes, Mrs. Davis.”

“Call me RaeLynn, please. Everyone does.” RaeLynn smiled at her.

“OK, RaeLynn. You know who I am right?”

“Yeah, RaeLynn. I'm a fan of yours.”

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