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“OK, close your eyes.”

John did as requested. The next thing he heard was “READJUSTING.”

John didn't feel any different.

“Remove unnecessary information? Yes or no?”

John assumed that meant the knowledge about makeup and fashions from the last vacation. So, he agreed.

“Include necessary biographical and educational information?”


Even before opening his eyes, John knew his circumstances. “My name is Delores Croxton but I liked to be called Dee. I am eleven years old and I live with my mother, father, and older sister Jeanie.

John looked right in front of him, he saw his face in the mirror. Not exactly his face, but that eleven-year-old girl who was Dee. Unlike Shelly who shared her room with her younger sister, Dee and Jeanie have their own room. Dee found herself in Jeanie's room.

Dee was looking at herself in the mirror in front of a table that had makeup scattered about. Dee was wearing a satin sleeveless top and a pair of black leggings. She enjoyed modeling a hat that she knew belonged not to herself, but her sister Jeanie. "Why does Jeanie have the prettiest stuff?" Dee thought. She was envious of her older sister.

“What, what, what?” John realized what he was thinking. He had gotten into character much faster this time than before. He looked down at the lipsticks and other cosmetics on the table. He knew he used to know how to put them on, but he wasn't quite sure anymore.

“Did I forget all that? I must have.”

John reached down and picked up a tube of lipstick, he tried to remember how to put it on.

Jeanie entered her room and saw Dee applying her lipstick. Then she found some eye shadow and tried that too.

“DEE!!!” she exclaimed annoyed at Dee.

Dee felt immediately ashamed that he didn't ask Jeanie's permission to use her stuff. She didn't feel like John anymore, she felt like Dee the little girl who had been caught where she didn't belong.

“What do you think you're doing?” Jeanie continued as she approached her sister. Dee took a tissue that was on the table and tried to wipe off the lipstick she had just applied. She tied to think of an excuse.

“Nothing Jeanie, I happened to come in and...” Then Dee noticed the hat on her head. “OOOOPS,” she said embarrassed to be caught in a lie. Dee took off the cute hat and handed it to Jeanie.

“Honestly Dee, how many times have I asked you to leave my things alone?” Jeanie asked rhetorically.

“Well, all I was doing is, I mean you have such pretty things...”

“You didn't get all the lipstick off either.”

Dee turns back to the mirror and rubbed the remains of the lipstick. “Awe, I wasn't going to hurt your own things. I just wanted to try them. I know more about makeup than you think.”

“You do? There is more to eye shadow than just covering your eyelids with them.”

“I know, I know.”

“Sure, you do.”

Dee wiped the eye shadow off in a similar way to how she removed the lipstick.

She sat on a chair when she was done.

“Why don't you ask Mom for some things of your own? You're old enough now?”

“Mom thinks I'm a kid.”

“No, she doesn't. She knows you are becoming a young woman.”

“She hasn't told me that.”

“She has. You just aren't listening to her.”

Jeanie opens a drawer next to Dee and finds a box of feminine napkins. She reaches inside and fetched one.

Dee looks at the box and gets one for herself.

“Jeanie, when do you think I'll start having periods too?” John asked.

“Oh, I don't know. Pretty soon I suppose. I was eleven when I started.” Jeanie was reaching in another drawer for some stocking while talking.

“Well, Peggy has already started hers and I'm six months older than she is.” These words came naturally out of John's mouth. He believed everything he said. He was fully in Dee mode; he wasn't even thinking about who he really was.

“Well, so what? Some start earlier and some start later. We are all different.”

John's own sense of self reestablished itself. He started to think, “I'm more different than you will ever know.”

Jeanie continued, “...From the way you have been acting lately. It shouldn't be long now.”

Thoughts and memories flashed through John's mind. He remembered wanting to wear prettier things. He remembered experimenting with makeup. He remembered looking at boys and feeling butterflies.

John left Jeanie's room to go to his own. John knew what it was going to look like, but he wanted to see it anyway. He opened the door and looked in. The walls were painted a light cyan color. There were posters, paintings, and decals on the walls. Surrounding the bed, the windows were painted white with purple shades. Opposite the door was a poster in bright pink, white, and cyan that said, “DREAM CRAZY BIG.” There were decals of hearts on the way. Over the bed was a painting of a pink sneaker. The furniture was mostly white. The bed, the bedspread, comforter, and pillows were pink and cyan. The headboard of the twin bed was mostly pink, but it also had a unicorn on it with a rainbow. Stuffed animals were all over. The room was the room of a girl, but a young woman. Or maybe it was transitioning from one to the other.

John found Dee's book bag in the corner. He realized that he had homework to do. He opened it and fetched the work. In the history textbook, he started reading the required chapter. It was about the years after the Revolutionary War. The work was both familiar and foreign to him at the same time. John thought he had simply forgotten this 'trivia' in the decades since middle school. But the truth was he only had the knowledge of a student in the 6th grade at this point. All other education had been wiped from his mind along with other information that wasn't deemed necessary for his present circumstance.

A few days later, John was at school. He didn't remember middle school being so tough the first time. He was about to change into his gym clothes for P.E. He took off his jeans and noticed something. There was a bit of blood on his panties. He didn't know what to think. I'm having my first period. What should I do? Should I tell my friend? Should I tell the gym teacher? Should I wait and tell my mother?”

Then he looked and saw the blood was soaking through. “Did it soak through to my jeans? He didn't think so. Should I change my panties now? I don't have a change of panties.” John was confused as to what to do.

What John decided was that he didn't want to deal with this. John called out, “I don't want to be Delores Croxton anymore!”

A moment later, John was sitting.

“Janet, stick out your foot,” he heard someone say. He looked down and saw his Mommy. She was holding a small black boot. It didn't have much of a heel though. He did as requested. He could see his foot, it was covered in a thin white sock. No, not a sock, he was wearing white nylon tights. He expected to see the foot of a little girl. He was Janet Carroll and he was four years old. But he didn't see the foot of a small girl, he saw his own adult male foot. He followed his leg up and saw he was wearing a knee-length lace dress. No, the dress wasn't laced, just the overlay. The lace was white with a pink skirt and bodice underneath. There was grey floral embroidery throughout. He had half-length sleeves and a modest round neck. John could see his usual body hair on his arms and under his tights.

“Now, the other leg,” Mommy said as the first boot was now on his left foot.

“I can do it,” John told Mommy.

“I know you can honey, but can't a Mommy help her pretty little princess get dressed every once in a while?”

“I guess.”

John wondered why he was back in his own body. He was clearly wearing a dress designed for a little girl. But he was back to being a man. He could even feel the penis in his panties if he thought about it.

John wanted to ask the voice, but not while his Mommy was around. Better to ask a little later.

“All done,” Mommy announced.

She was right, John was dressed as a little girl. If he saw himself in the mirror, he would also know that he had a floral barrette in his hair that matched his dress.

John got to his feet. He wanted to look at himself in the mirror, but before he had an opportunity, Mommy said, “Have breakfast quickly, we are going to church this morning. Be careful not to get dirty.”

“Yes, Mommy,” he said naturally as if he said “Yes, Mommy” and “No, Mommy” hundreds of times a day.

John had never been in this house before, but he knew where the kitchen was. He took a quick note of the room before leaving. It was the room of a little girl.

The room he was in wasn't much different than the room he had lived in when he was Dee. The colors were a little more muted though. The pink was much softer than before. The wall hanging more juvenile and there were many more plush toys about. In the corner, was a basket full of toys. It looked like Mommy would just throw things into that bin to keep the room straightened up. It was as if there wasn't enough time in the day to put everyone back in a proper place. John realized that he didn't have the room to himself, he shared it with two sisters one slightly younger one and one slightly older. John realized that his other sisters were dressed before him. They would be waiting for him at the breakfast table.

John thought about his life. He was Janet now. Janet was the most 'masculine' of the three girls. His mother didn't like that, she would prefer that Janet be as girlie as her sisters. Thus, Janet's Mommy forced Janet to wear these girlie dresses. Her sisters didn't need to be coaxed.

Janet liked to act like boys, but she didn't like boys. That was because boys didn't like her. Boys didn't like girls at this age, especially bigger girls like Janet.

The family went to church. Janet sat with her family. She was the tallest one. Janet (since she had John's body) was even taller than Daddy. Janet didn't like being in church any more than John would have. He kept fidgeting. His pantie and tights were tight on his penis. He wondered why he didn't have a girl's body to go along with his girl's life. But he wasn't alone to ask The Voice.

“Stop that!” Janet's Mommy demanded in an insistent whisper. “Little ladies don't touch there'”

“But it's tight.”

“It's fine. You look very pretty.” Mommy didn't understand what Janet meant. Mommy knew that Janet was a girl and being 'tight' wouldn't make much of a difference.

Somehow, Janet readjusted herself to find a relatively comfortable position. But it was still tight.

Even though the service was boring, Janet realized something. He didn't quite understand everything that was going on. His education had been reduced to that of a preschooler. Janet didn't know what she should have known. She didn't feel empty-headed. It was a strange experience. She thought she knew as much as she always did, but this wasn't the truth. She didn't even know what she was supposed to know. She could count as high as she wanted, she thought. She knew the alphabet. She knew many words, but she didn't know she was supposed to know: what spelling was or what adding was, or even that there was such a thing as even and odd numbers. She tried to let it not upset her. That is what you do in school, you learn things, that is why she was going to go. That is what she was looking forward to.

After the service, the children went to the back of the church to play while the adults talked in front. John wanted to play tag with the boys. It seemed like more fun than playing whatever the girls were playing.

“I wanna play!” Janet demanded.

“You can't play with us, you're a girl.”

“Afraid I'll beat you?” Janet taunted.

“I'm not afraid of any dumb girl.”

“I'm not dumb!” Janet said. Janet had been worrying about what she knew or should know. She didn't want to be the dumbest person in kindergarten. She was worried she would be. She would have to talk to the voice about that.

“You are a dumb girl!” the boy reiterated.

“Am not!”

“Are too!” Other boys joined the chorus. One of the boys tried to push Janet.

Janet was so frustrated that the boys wouldn't let her play and her making fun of her that she pushed them back. She was much bigger than they were, she had the body of a grown man.

The adults saw this disturbance. Janet got into immediate trouble.

“Girls don't hit anyway!” Janet's Mommy told her.

“But he started it.”

“I don't care who starts it. GIRLS DON'T HIT!”

Janet got into big trouble. John's personality rose to the surface. He hated everything about being Janet. It was worse than the other two. He yelled out. He didn't care who heard him. “I WANT OUT!”

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