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John got out of bed; his bare feet hit the soft carpet. He looked at his body, he was wearing a nightgown in a pale blue. It had a drawstring that cinched it at the waist.

John walked to the bathroom, he wanted to see what he looked like. Except for the nightgown, he looked normal to himself. His hands and arms seemed to be the proper size and proportions.  But they were painted in nail polish and were filed into feminine ovals.

John entered the bathroom, the toilet seat was down, it was covered with a soft light blue cover. There was a sink that was blue with white accents. Above that, he saw the medicine cabinet mirror. He looked at himself. He didn't think he had changed. The same adult masculine adult face, as he expected, appeared to him in the mirror.  He did think it looked like he had the best shave in his life.

“Is this right?” John thought. He didn't know if he was supposed to look like himself or like a girl. John supposed he was supposed to look like a pretty girl. Possibly like the girl he saw in the brochure. To himself, he thought he looked like a man wearing women's clothes. It looked ridiculous to John.

John called out, “Something is wrong!”

John could hear in his head an answer. “What is the problem?”

“Shouldn't I look like a pretty young woman?”

“Do you want to?”

“If I'm going to be a girl, I think I should look like one.”

“If that is what you want.”

John was back in bed. He didn't feel any different though. John reached for the cover to get out of bed. But this time when he saw his hand and arm, they looked different. They were smaller, smoother, and totally without any body hair. Not that they really felt any different. They felt like his hand. Did his hand feel softer? He couldn't tell. He never thought about it before. He could feel the softness of the blanket he was holding, but did his skin feel softer, how was he to know? It didn't matter.

John got out of bed. His bare feet touched the floor again. He tried to think, do my feet feel softer? It was the same with his hands. He jogged to the bathroom. There was something different. He could feel his breasts bouncing up and down with his movements. He looked down to see the ripple under his gown.

“My gown is light blue. It finally registered to him. He wasn't thinking about it before. Now that he had to focus on it because of what was inside, it hit his consciousness. Back into the bathroom. Back passed the toilet with the seat still down and covered in a fluffy cover. Now he looked at himself. He didn't see his own face anymore; he saw the face of a young woman. She had to be in her teens. He assumed it was the face of a sixteen-year-old. That is what the brochure said. The face was pretty and smooth with relatively big expressive eyes and high cheekbones. The bones weren't as high as an adult woman, they were still growing if that is what you call it. She was clearly a young lady. John could see the freshness in her skin. John referred to the reflection as her as he didn't consider it his own reflection yet.

His face felt smooth to his hands, now that he touched it. His hands felt soft to his face, now that his hands were being touched. He pulled back a little and looked at himself.

“My name is...” John forgot what his name was supposed to be. It was in the brochure, but he forgot it. He called out again.

“Hello,” John said.

The voice came back to him.

“I know this is a silly question, but what is my name?”

“You are Shelly Hackett. You are sixteen years old. We can feed what you need to know right into your head if you like.”

“No, I think I can remember my name from now on. I'll ask if I need anything.”

"If that is what you want.”

John looked over his face again it was very pretty, even without makeup. John decided that he wouldn't wear much makeup, he was pretty enough.

John opened the medicine cabinet to see what was there. He found some over-the-counter medications: aspirin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, decongestant, an antidiarrheal. There was also first aid stuff: band-aids, cotton balls, antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide. Finally, there were beauty products: makeup, brushes, tubes of lipstick, facial mask, moisturizers.

John picked up a lipstick and random and tried to apply it. He didn't think it would be that hard. He puckered his lips, applied it to his top lip following its contour, then perched his lips to transfer it to his bottom lip. Then he smiled. He thought he did look better.

“Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to put on makeup too?”

“Hey,” John called out.

“Yes.” The voice was monitoring his thoughts, so it knew when John wanted 'it' or not.

“Can you place into my mind everything I need to know about putting on makeup?”

"Yes, we can. We won't make you an 'expert' but you will know everything you should know at this stage. Do you want us to do that?”

“Can you make me an expert if I wanted?”

“Yes, but we don't recommend that. There are certain things we do recommend though.”

“Like what?”

“Not only makeup but fashion and more and the general knowledge of your life.”


“Where you live, where you go to school, who are your family, friends, neighbors, details like that. Would you like us to add that to your knowledge?”

“I think you had better.”


John didn't feel any different. He didn't recognize that his knowledge had changed. But when he looked in the mirror and saw his face, he decided that the color he chose he shouldn't use now. It would be better for 'later' in the year when he was more tanned. He wiped it off his lips and found a better shade. But before he put it on, he realized that what he should do was decided upon an outfit for today first.  His makeup should complement his apparel.

John exited the bathroom, walked over to his closet, and opened it up. He saw apparel in many styles, both tops, and bottoms. There were also shoes on the floor. Even though technically he had never seen these clothes before, he recognized them all at once. He knew which tops would go with which bottoms and what type of an effect it would have on him. He even knew which garments he would never wear and should be removed. These were garments that had been given to him as a gift or those he had tired of. There were also some, “What was I thinking?” garments that he hadn't discarded yet. He also could describe where he bought each garment and the type of apparel sold there.   All these thoughts and attitudes were now part of his psyche.

The cell phone announced the arrival of a new call, “Christine Fiducia” it announced.

John knew who that was even though he had never met her. Christine was one of Shelly's best friends. He could picture her in his mind. Christine was a little bit shorter and thinner than John. But she had larger breasts, which made a bigger impression on her shorter stature. John on the other hand had longer legs. All these comparisons went through John's mind when he thought about her. It was a strange mix of how a man would see her and how he should see himself. Not to mention that Christine (and Shelly) was both only sixteen, but John's male mind took that into account. John wasn't a pervert.

John picked up the phone. He could decide upon an outfit later.

“Hey Girl,” Christine enthused.

“Hi, Christine.”

“Guess what?”


“Kaden just asked me to the prom!”

John knew who Kaden was without being told. He was handsome boy about six foot two, sandy brown hair, light brown eyes. John could imagine an image of the boy he had never met. John also knew about who Kaden hung out with and what the boy liked. It was as though John had known him in one way or the other for years. John didn't know Kaden as well as he knew Christine. A momentary pang of envy passed through John when he realized that he didn't have a date yet. He recovered quickly.

“That's great! When did he ask you?”

“Just now, he called out of the blue. He sounded nervous, but I helped him along when I realized what he wanted.”

The conversation continued; John felt a mix of complex emotions he hadn't felt before. Not in this combination anyway. He felt envy that Christine was asked first while he was feeling the joy that his friend had been asked. He felt worried that he wouldn't be asked. He knew he was pretty, but was he pretty enough for a boy to ask him? He wished that Kaden had asked him but was glad that he didn't because there was another boy, he would prefer to ask him. He wanted to ask Thomas, but he thought that would be too forward. He would have to encourage Thomas (technically a boy he hadn't met before) to ask him without being obvious. He would be embarrassed to ask Thomas and for Thomas to say “no'. When Christine asked John to help her pick out a dress for prom, John was mad at Christine for not waiting until John had secured his own prom date.

Al those feeling and emotions hit John in less than five minutes. He didn't even consider at that time that this wasn't real. That he really wasn't Shelly Hackett. His real-life was forgotten at that moment. He was truly taking a vacation from himself. He felt completely different. Physically being a girl was the least part of it.

Christine got off the phone. She was going to buy the prom magazines and then come over. They would look over the prom styles for the new year together.

Even though only Christine was coming over, John felt he had to get dressed and 'look presentable'. He needed to put on a nice outfit and a little makeup before Christine arrived. Christine had seen 'Shelly' without makeup, but still, John owed her to put in a little effort.

John walked over to the closet to find something nice. He didn't have to get dressed up, but he shouldn't slum it either. He found a top with a 'cold shoulder' in pink with a V-neck and paired it with a pair of skinny jeans and flat sandals. The outfit fell together for him as if he had been putting together outfits like this for a while. Once dressed, he went into the bathroom and put on some light makeup: foundation, blush, lipstick (with lip liner), and eye shadow. The color combinations that worked with his own skin tone as well as what he was wearing came naturally to him.

While he was waiting for Christine, John started to think about who he wanted to take him to prom. Thoughts of boys ran through his head. These thoughts were tinged with the terror that none of them would ask him out. Or what would happen if two boys asked him out. Or if a second-tier boy asked him out, should he accept or hope for something 'better'?

“WAIT, DO I REALLY WANT TO GO OUT WITH A BOY?” John's true personality was expressing itself. Maybe this wasn't a good idea? He knew what type of strong feelings he could have. How they could overwhelm him. Did he really want to experience these feelings? Maybe he should try one of the other options. Being a teenage girl who is focused on a boy might not be a good idea. It might open up feelings and thoughts in his real life that he didn't want to think about when the vacation was over.

John called out again, “Let's try something else. How about the girl in middle school?”

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