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Brandon couldn't believe what he was about to do.  He had never thought of doing anything like this.  He never wanted to wear woman's apparel before.  But ever since he found the fob that would open up a certain hotel's door he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Brandon found one of the hotel's fobs on the floor.  Instead of leaving the fob there or returning it to the hotel's front desk, he picked it up and kept it.  He found that it opened the door to the room a few doors down from his own room.  In the room was a very well-dressed young woman.

A foreign idea appeared in his mind.  He could go into that room when the woman was out.  He could look through her closets dress in her outfit and then return to his own room without anyone knowing.  The idea excited him.  He had never had a thought like that, but over the course of the 24 hours since he found the fob it was all he thought about.

It would be so easy to do.  he would never get caught.  The woman would never know what happened.  Probably she would think that she had forgotten to that the apparel with her when she left her own home.  That is if she ever realized it was missing at all.

The idea of doing it was extremely exciting.  It made his heart race.  It made his head pound.  It made his penis hard. It was unlike anything he ever had done or had wanted to do ever in his life.  That is what made it so exciting.  It was so unlike him.  No one would ever think he would ever do anything like that.

He planned it out.  He would make sure no one was in the hall.  Walk to the woman's room, go in quickly. Fetch some apparel and leave for his room.  It wouldn't take more than five minutes.

No that was too easy.  There wasn't any fun in that.  He would have to go in find a nice outfit, not just pick any old thing.  He would need a dress, shoes, and lingerie.  That would take another five minutes maybe less.

No, he should try the clothes on.  When he left the room, he should be wearing the clothes.  It was a short walk to his own room.  No one would see him.  If they did that would add to the excitement.  That was better.  He didn't know if he would just put on a dress, or complete outfit: skirt and top.  He would have to see when he got there.

He couldn't go back wearing just clothes, he should put on some makeup too.  That'll add a few more minutes, but it shouldn't matter much.  The woman will probably be gone for hours when she left the room.  It wasn't any more of a risk.

Brandon had convinced himself that he would do it.  He would break into the hotel room. He would select an outfit.  He would get dressed including apparel, makeup, and some jewelry.  Then he would walk back to his own room fully dressed.  It was so exciting he couldn't stand it.  

Brandon opened his own door and entered the hallway.  He tried to look nonchalant as he walked to the woman's room.  He was just a man in the hallway.  Nothing special about him.  But his heart was pounding.  His cock was harder than he ever remembered it.

He saw the room, he opened it and entered quickly.  No one saw him.

How long did it take for him to get dressed in the long-sleeved red crepe dress and all the other apparel and makeup he needed, including a wig with a hair bow he didn't know?  It didn't matter he was still the most intense feeling he had ever had.

Brandon exited the woman's room when he was sure there weren't any sounds in the hallway.  He looked quickly down the hall and didn't see anyone.  He walked in the middle of the hallway towards his room.  He believed he was alone, so he didn't rush.  He was savoring the experience.  With his hands behind his back, he sauntered down the hallway.
He couldn't hear his heels because of the carpeted floor.

Before he could reach for his own door, he felt the hand on his left shoulder.


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels



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