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Peter went to Sofia's room to talk to Jack. Jack was still in the shower. Peter waited for him. Peter didn't think that Sofia would be coming over. Not now. Sofia was in Jack's body. Jack's mother wouldn't let him just come over. It was late.

Peter knew he screwed up. He didn't know what he was going to do. Sofia would come eventually, he had to decide what to tell her. He also wanted to talk to Jack, but Peter didn't know what to tell Jack either.

Peter waited and waited. He heard the sound of the shower subside. Jack would be coming out soon. But instead of Jack appearing a couple of minutes later, Jack heard the sound of the hair drier. Jack was blow-drying Sofia's hair.

In the bathroom, Jack was thinking about Phillip the entire time he was showering. He was excited about the date with Phillip. He wanted to look his best. Jack took extra care in the shower. He made sure the not only shampoo but also to condition his hair. He tried to remember what he was told. He wanted to do it right. He wanted to look good for Phillip. Jack was feeling a bit queasy. He had butterflies in his stomach despite the date being tomorrow, not today.

Now that Jack had some time to think, he wanted to call Sofia's friends and ask them what he should do. But he was also afraid to call them. He didn't want them to know he hadn't been on a date before. Sofia had been, he hadn't. If they discovered that he didn't know what he should know, they would know something was wrong. They would tell Phillip and Phillip would cancel the date. Jack didn't want that to happen. He wanted this date more than anything. He wanted to go out on this date more than he had ever wanted to go to the Weird Al concert...and Jack really wanted to go to the Weird Al concert. Weird Al was doing the Incredibly Self-Indulgent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour. Jack wanted to see it badly. But, between the two things, this date with Phillip was more important to him.

Jack knew there would be other tours, but this would be his only chance to go out on a date with Phillip. Jack would be returning to his old life soon. He would never go out with Phillip again. Phillip made him feel tingly all over. He hadn't felt that way at the beginning of the day. He felt that way now.

Jack found a bottle of moisturizer. It was Shampure Aromatic Essentials. He looked on the back for how to apply it. The writing on the back was a bit rubbed out. He thought it said, “Massage body lotion into the skin with gentle, circular movements. Wet hands and work wash into a creamy lather. Massage into wet skin. When finished cleansing, rinse thoroughly.” He wasn't totally sure what it meant but he tried to do that. It had a nice scent. He never noticed the scent of things before. He did this time.

Jack just tried to rub it all over his body in the way indicated. He decided to start at the top (his neck) and then work his way down. The rubbing felt great when he massaged it into his breasts. He continued down until he was finished. He used much more than Sofia ever did. He hoped that would work. He wanted to be soft and smooth all over.

Getting out of the shower. Jack dried himself off and then used the blow dryer to dry his hair. Peter had told him how to do that before. He wasn't paying too much attention then. But he tried to remember what to do now.

Jack exited the bathroom; he was semi-naked. He covered himself when he saw Peter.

“What do you want?”

“I umm, I mean, what are you going on a date with Phillip?”

“I told you, Sofia already made the date. I'm just trying to fit in.”

“What are you going to do?”

“We are going to play mini-golf.”

“That's it?”

“I think so. Maybe we'll get something to eat. But it'll be mini-golf mostly.”

“Let me come with you.”

“Are you crazy?”

“No, it's just mini-golf. Tell Phillip that I have to come with you.”

Jack didn't want Peter with him. He didn't know what would happen. He didn't want Peter to see him have Phillip teach him how to play. But the thought of being in Phillip's arms made Jack tinkle more.

“You can't come.”

“Why not?”

“You can't come on a date with me and Phillip. You wouldn't if I was still Sofia.”

“But you are not.”

“He doesn't know that.”

“I'll tell him.”

“He won't believe you. Besides, you said we can't tell anyone.”

“I'll tell anyway.”

“What has gotten into you.”

“I don't think you should be alone. You don't know what he'll do.”

“It'll be fine. If it gets too weird, I'll tell him to take me home.”

“Don't go or take me with you.”

“I'm not doing either. I'm going with Phillip. I'm going alone.”

The two were arguing. Their mother heard them and come in.

“What's going on?” Peter asked.

Neither wanted to say. “Nothing.”

“Tell me.”

Jack thought he had the high ground, so he spoke up. “Peter wants to come on my date with Phillip.”

“You want to go with Sofia on her date?” Mom questioned.

“They are going mini-golfing. I like that.” Peter said. It was all he could think to say.

“You can't go with Sofia on her date. That is final. Sofia needs her privacy.”

Once mom got involved. Peter knew he had to back off. It didn't make any sense for him to go out with Sofia. He never had before. He didn't talk much with Sofia until recently.


“No buts,” Mom said. Then to Jack Mom asked, “When is your date?”

“It's at 5.”

“Want to get your hair done and a mani and pedi before your date?”

Sofia has the early session. She'll be out of school a bit before 2. She (well Jack now) had time to get those things done before the date and still be ready.

“I don't know?”

“Come on, it'll be fun. I'll make sure they are a 2:15 appointment.”

Jack had never had his nails done. It might be fun. This would be his only opportunity to do so. Lots of jack's attitudes were changing. It was probably due to the hormones that his brain was being bathed in.

“Are you sure there will be time? I don't want to keep Phillip waiting.”

“There will be. I promise. You don't have to get that dressed up, it's only a Wednesday mini-golf date.”

Jack knew that Phillip would be looking at his hands when he would be helping him 'learn to mini-golf. It might be nice to have pretty fingernails.”

“OK, I'll do it.”

“Great. I'll make the appointment. Let me call now.”

The appointment was made for both Jack and Mom. It would be a mani and pedi and trim of Jack's hair. Jack would rely on the stylist to choose the color he should have for his fingernails and the style for his hair. But first h,e would have to decide on an outfit for the date.

“Mom, what do you think I should wear for my date?” Jack had been calling Sofia's mother, Mom ever since he entered Sofia's life.

“Do you want to wear pants or a skirt?”

“A skirt, I think.”

“OK, let's find something casual for your date.”

Peter watched his best friend and his mother look through Sofia's closets to find an outfit. He felt left out.

Jack wanted to wear a skirt, but that isn't what they settle on. Instead, Mom helped Jack pick out a brown and white plaid button-down shirt with a collar. White jeans with a brown belt with a round bronze buckle. Brown flat sandals which would leave his toes exposed. (No use in getting a pedi if Phillip couldn't see Jack's pretty toes.) It would be accessorized with a brown clutch and sunglasses.

It was all that Jack could talk about at breakfast. That he was going to have his nails done and go out on a date with Phillip. Peter couldn't care less.

At school, Jack met up with Sofia's friends.

“I'm going out on a date with Phillip tonight,” Jack enthused.


“I'm going to get my nails done and trim my hair a little. Maybe the stylist can make it a bit wavier? Do you think that Phillip will like that?”

“I don't know maybe?”

“Maybe I should tell him what I am doing? Maybe I should ask him if he would like my hair wavy or straight like it is?”

“I don't think he'll care.”

“I'm going to paint my nails and make them a little longer. He'll notice that won't he?”

“He's a boy, they don't notice those things.”

“But he has to, it's going to be so cute. Wait, will he make it harder putt? He's taking me to mini golf you know.”

“We know.”

“I already picked out this great outfit. It's a brown and white plaid and it's super cute. It's not a skirt or a dress. I think pants are better. Well, it's not pants either, it's a romper. I'll wear it with sandals that'll let him see my toes. My toes will look so cute too!” Jack was talking a mile a minute. He had a one-track mind. The date with Phillip was all he wanted to talk about.

A couple of Sofia's friends talked among themselves.

“Have you ever seen Sofia so excited?”

“No, she's like almost manic.”

“It's just a date on a Wednesday. She's gone out with Phillip lots of times. Why is she so excited?”

“You don't think she is planning on giving it up tonight?”

“On a Wednesday? After mini-golf?”

“Maybe she decided?”

“Hmm, should we ask her?”

“Not now, but after.”

The real Sofia didn't know anything about what Jack was planning. She was miles away in the middle school. She wanted to talk to Peter about what he said. If he could swap them back now, why hadn't he? She wanted to confront him after school. She wanted to go to his house. But she couldn't go alone. She was only eleven now. She had to wait until her mother took her there. Then she would make him swap them back if he could.

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