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Jack realized his mistake. “No, I mean I know how to play.”

“Do what I tell you. It'll be much more fun.”

“I'll think about it.”

Looking lower on the cell phone, Jack saw a message from Peter. “Where are you?”

“I'm with the girls.”

“Why are you there?”

“They asked if I wanted to see a movie.”

“Why did you go?”

“You don't understand. When you're older you have to be with the group.”

“You aren't older.”

“I sort of am. I don't want to ruin it for Sofia.”

“Who cares about her.”

“I don't want her to ruin it for me.”

“She probably is. She is probably putting on your mother's clothes and going outside wearing them.”

“No, she isn't. Have you seen her?”

“No, but she is mean. She'll probably do it.”

Jack was scared for a second but then said, “I don't think she is!”

“OK, whatever. Come home and we'll play something.”

“I'm here. I have to stay for a while.”

“You're having fun with GIRLS?”

“I didn't say that. But it wouldn't be nice to just leave."

"Say something came up.”

“I don't want to lie.”

“You are already lying.”


“You didn't tell them you are really Jack.”

“That isn't lying.”

“It is.”

“I'll be home soon; I just have to wait for the movie to end.” The movie had already ended. He was lying to Peter.

“When will that be.”

“I don't know 45 minutes I guess.”

“Fine, I'll see you then.”


Sofia's friends were satisfied that Jack was going to go out on a date tomorrow. They would want more details then, but since the date was firm, the girls moved onto other topics that involved them. Meanwhile, Jack started to think about his date.

“Should I kiss him?” Jack asked in the middle of the conversation.

“Kiss him? He hasn't kissed you yet?”

“Umm, no.” This was the truth. Phillip might have kissed Sofia, but not him.

“Yes, you should kiss him.”

“What should I do? I mean how do I do it?”

“I can't believe you haven't kissed a boy yet.”

Jack didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, one of Sofia's friends said, "That's OK. If Phillip is your first time, that is OK. He's a good kisser.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I kissed him of course.”

“What?” another girl said in surprise.

“I did kiss him.”

“I didn't know you were dating.”

The conversation exploded with this new piece of gossip. Jack didn't want to leave in the middle of it. He was learning so much. The girls were also telling him what to do when a boy was about to kiss him.

Jack returned to Peter's house not in the 45-minutes he said, but in an hour and 45 minutes.

Peter was furious. “You said you would be home an hour ago.”

“It took longer than I expected. I couldn't go. You'll understand when you're older.”

“I'm older than you are now.”

“Not anymore.”

“I don't want to discuss it.”

“What's going on?”

“Nothing. It just took longer than...”

“Tell me what happened then.”



“I don't want to.”

“You don't want to?”

“No, and I don't have to. You're not my mother!”

“I could be. I could swap places with her and then you would have to tell me.”

“Stop kidding around. I don't want to talk about it. I'm hungry and I need a shower.”

“Why won't you tell me.”

“Because nothing happened. It was all just girl stuff. You don't want to hear about it.”

“I do.”

“OK, we saw a movie and talked about girl stuff.”

“There has to be more to it than that.”


Jack was hungry. That wasn't a lie. He went to the kitchen and warmed up dinner in the microwave.

Peter was left by himself. He didn't know what was happening. Why was Jack with the girls so long? Why didn't he want to tell him what happened?” Peter would ask him about it later.

Jack had a lot to think about. He was going on a date with Phillip tomorrow. He was a bit nervous. The girls told him so much. Jack didn't know if he would kiss Phillip. If there was kissing to be done, he had an idea of what to do. Eyes closed, tilt face, mouth a bit open, let tongue into his mouth...” Jack knew that he should be revolted by the prospect of a kiss. That wasn't how he felt though.

A while later, after eating but before taking a shower. “Peter, I have to ask you something,”


“I'm going out on a date with Phillip tomorrow. Can you help me pick out an outfit?”

“You're going out on a date?”



“Sofia made the date before we swapped her. I have to.”

“You don't”

“I did. Everyone was watching. I couldn't say no.”

“I don't understand.”

“It's like when someone challenges you to a fight and everyone is watching. You can't back down. That's how it was.”

Jack was lying. He wanted to go out on the date. The mini-golf would be fun and with all the girls talking about kissing, that sounded like 'fun' too. He couldn't fight Sofia's hormones that his brain was floating in. It wasn't just the kiss that he was curious about, he wanted Phillip to just be close to him. Getting Phillip to hold him while teaching him how to golf also made him tingle.

“You really want to go out on a date with him?”

“No, I just have to. There isn't any way around it.”

“You could say you're sick.”

“I can't, I would have to miss school. It'll be better to just go. Will you help me pick out an outfit?”

“Wear your school clothes. The ones we picked out for tomorrow.”

“Wednesday I'm wearing all black. I need something prettier for the date.”


Nicer than all black.”

“OK, what do you want to wear.”

Jack and the girls discussed this a little. What to wear for a golf date? An outfit to be kissed in. Jack told Peter in broad terms. They came up with an outfit.”

“OK, is that all?”

“No, makeup. I need to wear makeup. I mean, something less casual. You have to help me with that.”

“Oh god!”

“Come on, I know you can do it.”

Peter was becoming concerned for his friend. He was changing right in front of his eyes. He had been his best friend a few days ago, now he was going to go out on a date.

“I'll do it.”

Jack hugged Peter.

“Hey man! What are you doing?”

“I'm sorry. Girls do that all the time.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Jack left Peter alone in Sofia's room. He took that shower he needed to.

After thinking about it for a minute, Peter called Sofia.

“Hey, I think I might be able to swap you back tomorrow. But if I do you have to promise me something.”

“What?” Sofia questioned.

“If I do, you have to promise to take me to the Weird Al concert on Saturday.”

“The Weird Al concert? What does that have to do with anything? If you can swap me back, do it! Do it now!!!”

Peter realized that he had made a mistake. He shouldn't have brought up the concert. Why did he need for Sofia to swap back now anyway? He was angry at Jack. Jack wasn't spending time with him. He was hanging out with Sofia's friends. He was going to go out with Sofia's boyfriend. Peter didn't know why Jack would want to do such a thing.

“Umm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just kidding. I can't change you back until Sunday when the part arrives,” Peter was rambling.

“No, you said you could. What is this all about.”

“It's nothing. I umm, it's nothing.”


“I have to go; Mom is calling me. Bye.” Peter hung up the phone. This was a big mistake.

A moment later, Sofia called back. His cellphone told him who was calling. Peter didn't answer the phone. Sofia called again. This time Peter power-downed the phone.

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