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“Hey, Babe, what's up?” was the reply.

“I just wanted to say Hi.”

“Oh, I'm sorry I haven't messaged you. I've been busy. To make it up why don't we go out tomorrow night?”

Jack didn't want to say yes, but he felt he had to.

“Great, I'll pick you up at 7:00.”

When Sofia caught up with Peter, she asked, “What is my brother doing in my body?” Sofia believed it was Peter who was in her body, not Jack.

“He seems to be doing OK. He is wearing makeup and pretty outfits.”

“Pretty outfits?”


“You mean he's wearing dresses all the time?”

“No, shirts and pants. But he checked the internet on how to dress. It looks OK to me.”

“What did he wear today?”

“I think it was a Princess Diana tee with a pair of white jeans and sneakers.”

Sofia had never paired those two, it sounded OK.

“I guess that is fine.”

“What about with my friends?”

“How am I supposed to know.”

Sofia hoped that her life wasn't being screwed up too badly. She wondered if she should tell her friends what happened when she got her body back.

“Hey, I've been learning how to shoot a basketball. Wanna play?”


“I'll come to the house after school, and we'll shoot some hoops.”

Sofia would also talk to Jack and see what is happening in her life.

“Sofia,” Laney called out to Jack, “The girls are coming to my house to watch 'He's All That' on Netflix. Wanna come?”

“I don't know.”

“I hear it's a fun movie. It's about these girls, you know the hots ones at school. Well, the one the story follows breaks up with her boyfriend in an embarrassing way. There is some sort of bet that this girl can't make this geeky guy hot and have him been prom king. She makes him over and he becomes hot, but things don't go right. You know the type of story.”

“Sounds like fun, I think I can come.”

Jack was interested in this type of story because on some level he was living it. He wasn't who he appeared to be, and he had been made over.

“I'll call my mom right now and see if it is OK.” Sofia's mom didn't have a problem. As long as she knew where Sofia was, she was pretty happy. Especially, since this would be more or less during the day and 'Sofia' wouldn't be out too late.

There were four in the group of girls including Jack.

“OK, fess up, what is it with you and Phillip?”


“Have you seen him?”

“Not in a few days I guess.”

“Why not?”

“I guess I've been busy.”

“You don't seem busy.”

“I've had to spend time with my little brother.” Jack was trying to make an excuse.


“I'll see him. Probably next week.”

“Why not Saturday?”

“Umm, I have to take Peter to a concert.”

“You do?”

“I sort of promised.”

“You are going to take your brother to a concert instead of going out with Phillip.”

“I guess.”

“Something is wrong. Tell us.”

“There isn't anything.”

Laney got Jack aside. “I've been talking to Phillip. He says you've been ducking him. He wants to know why.”

“I'm not. I've just been busy.”

“You aren't answering his messages.”

“I don't know what I can tell you. Next week it'll be back to normal.”

“Next week?”


“Why not now.”

Laney showed Jack a picture of Phillip just to make her point. How can you turn him down? He loves you. He wants to be with you.”

An unexpected feeling came over Jack. It must have been the female hormones that his brain was saturated in. But Jack didn't know what to do with those feelings.”

“OK, OK, I'll call him after the movie.”


The movie started. It was a typical teenage chick-flick. Something that Jack wouldn't usually have any interest in. But he felt differently this time. Female hormones were surging in his body. He felt something he never felt before. He wanted Padgett and Cameron to get together. When he saw them kiss for the first time, he started to think about Phillip. He wondered what it would be like to be kissed like that.

“I have to use the bathroom,” Jack said. “I'll be right back. He went to the bathroom to get his mind off of what he was feeling. He didn't dare wash his face with water. That would ruin his makeup. But he did touch it up a bit before returning four minutes later.

At Peter's house, Peter was wondering where Jack was. He should come home right after school.

“Mom, do you know where Sofia is?” Peter asked.

“She's seeing a movie with some friends. She'll be home later.”

Peter didn't understand it. Why is Jack spending time with Sofia's friends? It didn't make sense.

Jack thought about the movie. Padgett was with Cameron a lot of the time, but there wasn't much girlie stuff. There wasn't much hand-holding. There were only two kisses in the entire movie. Padgett broke out of the first one. The second was the 'real' kiss.

Padgett and Cameron seemed to do some fun stuff. Cameron taught Padgett how to ride horses. They were at a train station to look at people. They went to a couple of parties. At one, Cameron got into a fight. There were a few mature themes that Jack didn't understand. It wasn't a movie for him, not the him of before, but it wasn't too bad.

“Sofia, are you going to do it?” one of the girls asked.

“Do what?”

“Phone Phillip. You know go out.”

“I don't know.”

“So, there is something wrong.”

“No, there isn't!”

“Then talk to him.”

“OK, OK, I'll do it.”


“I don't know.”

“Do it now.”


“Why not now?”

“OK, OK, I'll do it now.” Jack wanted to ask Peter if he should, but the girls were pressuring him. He also wanted to talk to Phillip. He didn't know why though. He just wanted to.”

Jack looked at his phone. There were unanswered messages from Phillip. Jack sent a 'Hi'.

“Where have you been?” was the immediate reply.

“I don't know. I just I was busy.”

“Doing what?”


“Too busy not to text?”

“I guess.”

“Then you want to break up?”

Jack hesitated for a few seconds. “No, I don't”

“Then let's go out.”


“I dunno. You pick.”

Jack thought for a while and said mini-golf.” Jack liked mini golf. That activity seemed safe.

“I didn't know you played that.”

“I do. OK, we'll go. Saturday?”

Jack couldn't do Saturday. That was the concert. “No, I'm busy Saturday.”

“How about tomorrow night?”

Jack probably should have said Sunday when Sofia was back but decided he wanted to play mini-golf. It seemed like fun even though he was in Sofia's body, “I guess that is OK.”

Phillip preferred a late date. “OK, I'll pick you up at 5:00.”

“I'll be waiting.”

Jack looked up when the conversation was done.

“What did he say.”


“Is he taking you out?”

“Yeah, tomorrow.”

“Where is he going to take you?”


“Big spender!” was the sarcastic response.

“No, I suggested it.”

“Do you know how to play?”


“That doesn't matter let him win. Make him teach you.”

“Why should I do that?”

“Boys like when you let them win.”

“I don't”

“I said boys do, not you. If you let him teach you, then he'll be standing right behind you. He'll wrap his arms around you as he shows you how to hit the ball.”

“I don't care about that?”

“You don't want to be close to him?”

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