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"I see."

"Finally, you put on the lipstick. Just coat the top and like this and then as you said pucker."

Jack was just finishing up when Sofia entered the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Sofia yelled. She didn't know what to think. Her little brother was putting makeup on her former body.

"Well," Jack said. The scheme was complicated, Jack was supposed to be Peter in Sofia's body. "I'm putting on makeup. Can't you see that?"

"I can, but why. We are supposed to swap back today."

"I have some bad news. You broke the device when you threw it. It'll take a week to fix."

"A week????"

"Yeah, I need a special part I don't have. I had to send it away for it. It'll be here in a week. Only then can I fix it."

"I can't stay like this. This is all your fault!"

"How is it my fault?"

"It's your device."

"You were the one who took it from me and threw it. You were the one who broke it."

"You shouldn't have invented it in the first place!"

"That doesn't make any sense. This isn't my fault or Jack's fault. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"I don't care. I'm going to tell!"

"Tell who what?"

"I'll tell dad. Then you will be in trouble." Sofia was grasping at straws.

"You grabbed it and threw it. You will only get yourself in trouble. Besides, that won't turn us back any sooner."

They were right, but Sofia was mad. She did realize that it was her fault. She didn't have to take it, and she certainly didn't have to throw it and break it.

"What are we going to do?"

"We aren't going to tell anyone and just wait it out. I'm preparing to be you at school on Monday. You had better do the same."

"I don't know how to be a little dork."

"Just don't do any girly stuff and you will be fine."

"What about at school?"

"I probably know more about what you should be learning than you do!"

"There is more to school than learning stuff."

"That is why I'm learning to put on makeup."

"Did you use a bronzer over my eyes?"


"That isn't what bronzer is for."

"You can use it like that. I looked it up. Don't you think it looks good?"

Sofia realized that it did look OK. She wouldn't admit it though.

"It also takes less time."

"I hate this whole thing!"

"You think I like it? But we are stuck until I can fix the device. That I can't do until I get the part. You'll have to wait."

"I don't...I mean...Oh, I'm out of here. I want to think."

"OK, I need more practice anyway."

Sofia didn't know where to go, so she returned to Jack's house. Andy (who was her brother now) was shooting hoops with Phillip. Phillip wasn't just Andy's friend; he was also Sofia's boyfriend. She saw them playing and decided to watch.

When the game was over, Sofia asked them, “Hey can you teach me to shoot?”

“Sure, why not?”

Andy threw Sofia the ball. She held it awkwardly. Then she shot the ball towards the hoop. She didn't shoot over her head as she was supposed to, she threw it by pushing the ball off her chest.

“You don't do it like that.”

“I know I missed.”

“But it's not that, you have to hold the ball over your head when you shoot.”


“Because if you don't, it can be blocked.”

“I didn't say I wanted to play a game.”

“It doesn't matter.” Phillip got behind Sofia and lifted her arms up over her head. Sofia could feel Phillip's body pressing against hers. He was even taller now in comparison with her than he was when she was in her own body. He also felt stronger. She liked the closeness. “Hold it like this. Then jump as you shoot it.”

The ball arced toward the basket but didn't go in.

“Not bad, try again.”

Sofia still didn't get it in.

“Try it like this.” The ball went into the hoop.

Sofia tried again, still no luck.

“Maybe if I try underhand.”

“Don't do that.”

“It might go in.”

“You said you wanted to learn how to shoot. This is it.”

“OK, Phillip can you show me again?” Sofia purposefully took the wrong stance such that Phillip would have to get behind her again to position her. Inside her pants, her little wee-wee got a bit uncomfortable. She didn't want to reach inside her pants to adjust it while the other boys could see.

She took another shoot.

“Better,” they announced.

She wanted to be left alone a second to adjust her wee-wee. But they threw the ball back to her.

She shot once more. Then returned the rebound to her.

“Let me see how you shoot it.”


Sofia backs up so she could stick her hand inside her pants. This was something she would never do around boys. But she had to know. It was quite uncomfortable. She pulled it into a better position as quickly as she could.

The other boys saw her, but they didn't say anything. It wasn't any big deal to them. They never suspected that the reason she had to adjust her dick was because she was having 'feelings' for the boys. They were so hot. It was a pity she couldn't show how she felt.

Sofia was also starting to develop a little crust on Andy. He wasn't her boyfriend, but now that she was around him, she found her had a few nice qualities as well as a hot bod.

The basketball session ended. The boys wanted to get something to eat.

“Can I go?”

“Got any money?”


“Then I guess you can't. I'm not paying for you.”

“I could ask Mom?”

“Maybe next time.” The boys exited the driveway where the basketball hoop was. “You should keep practicing.”

But Sofia didn't do that. Her wee-wee was aching. She didn't know if she should rub it to get some relief. She didn't know if that was possible in a boy so young.

“Maybe I should take a cold shower?” she wondered.

Entering Jack's house, she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to play with his toys. She didn't want to watch cartoons. She didn't want to have an uncomfortable wee-wee in her pants. But Phillip and Andy were so hot. She compromised. She didn't pull down her pants, but she rubbed her wee-wee through her briefs with the knuckle on her thumb and imagined kissing them.

Jack spent a few hours learning how to apply Sofia's makeup. He also learned how to keep his hair under control. Peter researched how to do it and then taught Jack. This amounted to going from Sofia's natural look to putting what was now his hair in a ponytail or putting it up into a bun.

When they were finished, Jack and Peter played video games in Peter's room.

Peter's mother noticed how much time her children were spending together. This was quite unusual for them. Their mom had hoped that they would grow closer. She was pleased that they had. “Both could learn a lot from the other,” she thought. She was going to say something but decided not to. She didn't want to jinx it or bring too much attention to how her children were getting along.

On Monday, Jack and Sofia had to go to school as each other for the first time. In the morning, Sofia took more time to get ready than Jack ever did. Her choices of clothing were limited, but she did her best to make what amounted to wearing jeans and a t-shirt work. At the very least she considered what she would look like wearing her new apparel. She didn't just throw on anything like Jack would have.

Jack got Sofia's body dressed in record time though. He had come to grips that girls didn't have dicks. It was still an oddity to have boobs on his chest. He rubbed them out of curiosity but didn't get a sexual thrill. He didn't know much about them. He did do her makeup and hair as he had practiced. He let his hair hang loose at first. He probably would put it up in a bun when he got to school though. When it came to clothing, he just chose what looked comfortable. As far as lingerie, Jack put on a pair of bikini briefs and the first bra he saw. He wore mom's jeans and a plain t-shirt. That was all the thought he put into his outfit.

Jack wasn't really nervous when going to school. He didn't plan on socializing. All he planned on doing was to just write notes the teacher wrote on the board and keep mostly quiet.

At school, Sofia's friends caught up with Jack. They noticed his apparel immediately. Since these were her friends, they didn't say much about it. That is until one of Sofia's best friends got Jack alone and asked, “What are you wearing?”


“You know what I mean. You look horrible. I've never seen you like this.”

“What's wrong with what I'm wearing?”

“It's just horrible, it makes you look...look...blah. I can't describe it. It looks like you just threw it on in ten seconds.”

Jack had a similar conversation with several other of Sofia's friends throughout the day when they got her alone. Girls who weren't Sofia's friends made snide and sarcastic comments that went over Jack's head. Jack determined to learn more about the subject of teen fashion. For the first time, Jack was embarrassed about his appearance.

Sofia had an easier time at school. Her classes were easier, she was only in the sixth grade now. If she didn't want to play with the boys, she didn't have to. Best yet, she was in the same school as her brother. He could help her out. No one even noticed or cared about what Sofia was wearing. That would never happen in her usual high school. She didn't know if she missed that or not. When she had her own body, she was as catty when it come to the apparel of her friends and other girls as anyone else.

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