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"Well, how does that feel?"

"I can't describe it. It's just different."

"Tell me!"

"I can't."

"Why not."

"You just have to. I mean. I have an idea. You can swap with me. You'll be your sister and I'll be you for the week. Then you'll know."

"No, I don't want to do that. I mean it's better if one of us is the right person."


"I can help us both if I'm me. There is a lot to do."

"There is?"

"Yeah, I have to prepare you for school on Monday."

"You already told me all I have to do is keep a low profile and be quiet in class."

"What about wearing makeup."

"Why should I do that?"

"Because if you, don't your friends, I mean Sofia's friends will want to know why. Then questions will be asked. You have to look like Sofia. Sofia always wears makeup, so you have to also. I mean not here, but when you at school."

"So, what will we do. I don't know anything about it. You don't either."

"I'm a genius. I'll learn all there is to learn and teach you."


"Today, after breakfast, I'll start to study. You can play video games and then I'll teach you."

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"You are in my sister's body because of what I did. If I can do that, I can learn how to apply makeup."

"I guess you are right." Then Jack got an idea when she saw Peter's mother. He stood up from his seat, and called out, "You are the best brother ever!" and kissed him on the cheek.

Peter rubbed the kiss off his face.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because you are going to help me."

"Aw," Peter's mother exclaimed seeing the scene. "I'm glad you are getting along so much better."


When Sofia got up, she needed to go to the bathroom, and she also intended upon taking a shower. She took a shower every day. Jack's showering habits were a little more lax. Andy was already in the shower. Sofia didn't want to wait. She walked down to the master bathroom that Jack's parents usually used. It was empty so she entered.

Jack might combine his shower and peeing at the same time, but Sofia would never do that. She instead pulled down her PJs and peed in the toilet. Then she walked over to the shower turned it on. She liked warm showers.

Entering the shower naked, she started with her hair and then worked down her body as she normally would. She used Jack's scented shampoo, instead of the one that would be used by Jack's dad and then conditioned her hair. Jack never conditioned his hair in his life, but Sofia knew the importance of doing so. Then she used Jack's mom's facial scrub to clean her face thoroughly. Finally, instead of bar soap, she used the liquid soap to clean the rest of her body. She made sure to clean under her arms and her now flat chest.

When she rubbed her dick with soapy hands, it reminded her of last night and started to become hard again. Jack was in the very early stages of puberty. The thought of Andy went through her mind. With a soapy hand, the rubbing of her dick felt so much better. It was as hard as it could be at this age in moments. She closed her eyes and imagined seeing Andy naked instead of only in his underwear. But only after a few more strokes, she came to her senses, moved on to clean the rest of her body. Soon she was done.

After showering she wrapped a towel around her torso as she would with her own body and then dried her hair with a dryer. Jack never did that. She brushed her hair into a style she liked, which was a little bit different that Jack's usual style. She used a little bit of Jack's mom's moisturizer and then got dressed. Besides white briefs, she chose one of the shirts that was bought the day before and a pair of jeans.

She exited and headed to the kitchen to have breakfast. Only Jack's mother noticed the difference. She recognized the smell of the shampoo in her hair and that he had dried and styled his hair after showering. She didn't say anything except.

"I like that shirt on you."


When Sofia could get away, she headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To umm Peter's house."

"Fine, don't come home too late."

"I won't"


Jack played one of Peter's video games while Peter looked up 'stuff' from the Internet.

"Hey, ya wanna play?" Jack asked.

"I'm busy, you go right ahead."


"After about an hour, Peter told Jack, "You have to take a shower."

"I do?"

"Yeah. You have to be clean before we start."


"Yeah, I'm going to teach you have to put on makeup."

"Why, we are staying at your house."

"Well, there is school tomorrow. You'll have to have some makeup on. Sofia always does. If you don't people will talk."

"They will not."

"Yes, they will. Girls are different. Especially at Sofia's age."

"OK, I'll take a shower."

"When you are in there, you have to wash and condition your hair."


"Yeah, you do that after washing."


"it makes you hair look better."

"How do I do it."

"It's almost the same as washing. You lather it up and let it sit for a couple of minutes then you wash it out."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. When you are finished with the shower, blow dry your hair."

"I never did that before."

"You have longer hair now. You have to."

"Amy particular way?"

"I guess there is, but I don't want to get into that. I'll deal with your hair when it's dry."


Jack went into the bathroom, closed the door and then turned on the shower. He stripped off all his clothes and then got in. He was naked now. he couldn't avoid his body like he could when it was under his clothes. He didn't have any real interest with a girl's body. He was only eleven in his head. Not to mention he had female hormones flowing through his brain, so he wasn't supposed to feel turned on by his new body. He was a bit curious, but not too much.

Rubbing his boobs with soapy water did make him feel tingly, but he didn't have any sexual thoughts to focus on. He wasn't old enough to even know about sex or have any sexual feelings. Back in his own body, puberty had just begun. He still thought that girls were dumb.

"What's taking so long?" Peter asked from behind the door.

"Nothing, just finishing up."


Jack got out of the shower and dried himself off with a big towel. he didn't wrap it around himself as Sofia would have. He just got dressed and started to blow dry his hair. He wasn't sure what he was doing.

"How is it going?"

"Not too well."

"Let me in there."


Peter entered and finished drying Jack's hair. He knew how to do it as he had just seen a video.

"Now we are going to add waves to your hair with this straightener."

"You add curls with a straightener?"


"That doesn't make sense. A straightener adds curse."

"I didn't make up the name. It just does it."

Soon Jack's hair was both dry and had medium sized waves in his shoulder length hair.

"Now I am going to do this simply. Nothing very hard or complicated."

"I know what to do, you put lip stick on your lips and pucker and some eye makeup on your eyes and that's it."

"That isn't exactly right."

"What do you do?"

"First you start with this concealer, you dab it under your eyes and smooth it in with a brush."

"Why do you do that?"

"It's complicated, you just do it."


"Now we use this bronzer and brush it on your lids like this."

"Bronzer is when they call the stuff that goes on your eyes?"

"Not exactly, there are a bunch of things, eye shadow, liner, other stuff."

"Why bronzer?"

"It's just ease and quick. Here you try it."

"Next we do your eyebrows."

"What's wrong with them?"

"They are a little thin, this will make them thicker and frame your eyes."

Working on the eyebrows took more time than the rest of the eye.

"See how they look much better now?"

"If you say so."

"I do. Now a little blush on the cheeks, you start here and glide the brush this way towards there."

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