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"I like this one!" she told Jack's mom enthusiastically.

"It looks nice. Let's find more, they are on sale five for $25."

She chose an Olaf tee from Disney's Frozen. It had a crew neck and raglan sleeves. She knew that Jack didn't know what raglan sleeves were, but she did. The shirt had dark blue sleeves and a neck surrounding a lighter blue bodice. She thought it would look darling if it came in hot pink, but it didn't. She could see herself tying the front into a knot and wearing it with low-rise jeans. Maybe she could dress it up with a fuzzy white jacket with black highlights on the pockets and sleeves she owned.

"Maybe if I take a scissor and cut off the neck and part of the left shoulder and give it a one-shoulder look. That would look super," she thought.

Sofia picked out five tees like this. She didn't care how it would look on Jack or if Jack would like it, she chose what she wanted. She thought that maybe after we got her body back, she would return here and get some of these tees for herself. She didn't know that she would be 'stuck' in Jack's body for a week.

In the end, Jack's mother praised Jack's behavior and rewarded him with some ice cream after the purchases were done. Sofia enjoyed the ice cream cone; she ate it somewhat differently than Jack would. She made sure not to make a mess of herself or to take licks that were too big, messy, or made a slurping sound.

Peter had an earlier bedtime than Sofia, thus Jack had to leave Peter's room. Jack went into Sofia's room and looked around. It was a typical teenage girl's room. The walls were painted white but had a tint, that is why Sofia picked the sneakers she did, she liked the orange on the inside of the shoe. Peach and other oranges were her favorite color.

The most immediate thing in her bedroom was the bed. It was made, presumably by Sofia herself. Jack didn't like to make his bed. There were bunches of pillows at the head of the bed with a peach-colored comforter on top.

Most of the furniture was white, including the bed's headboard (which was under the window) and end tables, the drawers, and the desk opposite the bed even had a white chair in front of it. But there were flashes of color everywhere. The wall to the left of the bed has about a score of square posters. They were in different colors and seemed sort of eclectic to him (not that he knew what the word eclectic meant). There was a "Love Collection" poster, a poster of Mary Kate and Ashley from when they were about ten, a bunch of girls that he didn't know, a weird barbie doll type picture with huge lips that Jack thought was creepy, one of the Powder Puff Girls, a poster of a girl's finger touching a wall that has imprinted on it "Please Do Not Touch". A poster of Butterflies, and several other posters in pink.

There was a shelf above the desk with seven nick-knacks, including a small plant, a painting, a jar, and other stuff. There was stuff on the desk, to its right and left. A cactus on the right and colored jars of stuff on the left.

Taking it all in, Jack realized that every surface had something on it to which added color to the all-white room. None of it was messy. Even the drawers to the right of the desk were filled with cosmetics and beauty items like Vaseline and other creams and lotions.

There was a closet covered with a mirror on the wall to the left of the bed. This happened to be the wall that contained the door to the room. There weren't any games or toys Looking at the mirror, Jack realized that under the bed other things were stored. It took Jack a few minutes to realize that there wasn't a TV or any toys or games in this room at all. Not even a stuffed animal.

Jack didn't know what to do in Sofia's room, not at first. Then he realized he had her iPhone, he unlocked it with his new fingerprint. He downloaded a game and played it. Soon he was lying on his back on Sofia's bed with his iPhone in the air playing a game.

After a while, he realized he had to pee. He walked over to the bathroom, closed the door (as he always would) then pulled down the zipper of his jeans. That was when he realized again that he didn't have a dick.

"How am I going to do this?" he thought.

Jack didn't know how to pee without a dick. It had always been there. He pulled down his pants to his ankles and then he pulled down his panties. he was naked from the waist down. He was still standing. He bent his knees, so his crotch was over the toilet then he It was awkward to do, but it was working. tilted his pelvis towards the toilet and let the streamflow. He peed in the toilet.

"Is this how girls really pee," he thought. "No wonder it takes them so long in the bathroom. Why didn't girls have dicks like everyone else? It's so much easier that way."

After he was done, he pulled up his panties and jeans and zipped up.

He didn't wipe his privates, nor did he wash his hands. When he was back on the bed and playing his game again did it dawn on him, that he could have sat down and peed similar to how he took a dump. He wasn't sure if that would work, but he would try it that way next time.

Back at Jack's house, Sofia took her purchases up to Jack's room to put them away. She had already changed into his new sneakers before leaving the mall. Inside Jack's room was Jack's brother Andy. Sofia had forgotten all about him. She knew him very well though. Jack's brother was very good friends with Sofia's boyfriend, so they hung out a lot.

Sofia didn't have to share a room with her younger brother for obvious reasons. But Jack did share his brother's room. Sofia tried to act cool, but she didn't know how to handle this. She thought that Andy was cute. Not that she let herself be interested in him because she was already in a relationship. That wasn't true, she didn't let herself think about it too much was the truth.

"Am I getting a hard-on?" she asked herself as she thought about seeing Andy in his underwear later? "It could happen." she thought.

"Whatcha got there?" Andy asked.

"A bunch of shirts. They are really cute. Want to see them?"


Sofia didn't feel right taking off her clothes in front of Andy. She took her bag and ran into the bathroom. She then stripped off her shirt and looked in the bag for the cutest shirt to show him. That was when she caught a peek of herself in the mirror. She had forgotten herself. She wasn't the pretty young woman she thought she was. She saw the physique of a thin little boy. She was snapped back into her senses. There wasn't any need to model the shirts for Andy, she could just show them to him.

She put back on the shirt she was wearing, took the new shirts out of the bag, and simply showed them to Andy.

"They look OK," was all he said.

Sofia put her shirts away and then wondered what to do. She couldn't contact her friends; she didn't have her phone. Plus, what could she say to them? She just had to sweat out the night and then get her body back tomorrow. Inside Jack and Andy's room was a TV. Sofia never had a TV in her own room. She decided to watch some cable.

She found the remote and turned it on. Andy didn't seem to mind. The problem was what to watch. The shows she would like wouldn't be typical for Jack. Maybe if she didn't share a room with Andy, she could get away with it. But since he was here, she had to find something that she liked that Jack might also. She flipped through the channels looking for something.

"Pick something," Andy demanded.

"I don't know."

"Then let me find something."


Sofia didn't care, she just needed to waste time

Andy put on a show and Sofia watched it. This wasn't the first time she had to watch something because her date or one of the boys she knew wanted to see it.

Sofia eventually left the room. She wanted a snack and to go to the bathroom. Unlike, Jack, Sofia knew how to pee like a boy. She knew to stand, and it really wasn't any big deal. You stand in front of the bowl; you whip it out and pee. She found it quite ordinary. It wasn't that it was easier than peeing like a girl. It was just more convenient not to have to get undressed just to pee.

"Am I supposed to wipe it when I'm done?" she thought. "Couldn't hurt." So, she did so.

When she returned to the bedroom, Jack was laying on the bed watching TV. He was laying on top of the comforter. He was naked, except for some underwear. She could see the outline of his dick and balls. It startled her. She still found him very attractive, but she tried to act nonchalant. She wanted to stare at the outline of his cock, for forced herself not to. Instead, she went over to the drawers and found herself a pair of pajamas that belonged to Jack. She didn't care about the design. She chose the first pair that she saw.

Even though she was in Jack's body, she didn't want to change in front of Andy. She took it with a fresh pair of briefs, walked to the bathroom, and changed there. She also brushed her teeth and her face. It didn't take too long. If she had her own body, she would have to do much more. She would have to prepare her hair for bed and put and use a moisturizer and complete her usual nightly ritual to keep her skin smooth and clean.

She returned to the bedroom, put her entire body, including her head under the covers, and tried to get to sleep as fast as she could. But the images of Andy naked (she realized how big a dick he had now that she could think about it) were keeping her up.

Under the covers, so she couldn't be seen, Sofia stuck her hand into her briefs to seek out her little erect penis. She couldn't help it, the idea that Andy was almost naked on the other side of the room was making her hard. She used her fingers to softly massage her dick. This didn't help much. She lifted her butt and pulled down her pajama bottoms and briefs freeing her dick. It sprang straight up. Then she used her entire palm to rub herself. She had used her hand to satisfy her boyfriend, but now she was doing it on a body she now possessed. She kept quiet so that no one would know what she was doing.

When it was time for Jack to go to sleep, he simply found a pair of pajamas in the drawers. They were just cotton pajamas, not too fancy. The design on the bodice wasn't anything he would choose for himself, but since this wasn't his body, it didn't matter. Sofia would have prepared her hair or her face whatever for the next day. Jack didn't do that, he just washed his face, took off his bra, put on his PJs, and went to sleep.

In the morning he did what he usually did, he got out of bed, went to the bathroom to pee, and brush his teeth. He still didn't know how to pee properly as a girl. That he discovered by accident when he had to sit down to take a dump at the same time. (As the author, I won't go into the details.)

At breakfast, he sat next to Peter and at whatever was prepared by their mother.

"How do you feel?" Peter asked.

"OK, I guess."

"Is that all you have to say?"

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"Doesn't it feel different?"

"Yeah, it does."

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