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"Peter!" he called out.

Peter came immediately.

"Peter something is wrong with your sister. Her dick is gone!"

Peter knew a little more than Jack. He had never seen his sister naked, well he might have caught glimpses ever once in a while. Most of the time he had just seen her in her panties. That is how he found out. He knew that she didn't have a dick

This was the first time that Peter had an extended look at his sister or any woman totally naked, from the waist down.

"Girls don't have dicks," Peter explained assuming more knowledge than he really had.

"They don't?"


"Why not?"

"I don't know. I guess because they are girls."

"But how do they pee?"

"I'm not sure."

Curious, Jack wanted to sit with his legs spread and investigate. "He doesn't do that. That is my sister! Besides we don't have much time. Just get dressed."

"OK," he said as he quickly pulled up the pastel cotton panties up his legs and back into place.

Peter returned to his computer to get the tickets, but it was harder than he thought. he couldn't find the tickets for the right date.

Jack pulled the t-shirt over his head and let it fall into place. The jeans were tighter than any pair he had ever worn. This pair didn't have much stretch at all It hugged his hips and put and was flat in the front. Jack remembered seeing girls in jeans like this. Not it all made sense, "girls didn't have dicks so they could wear their jeans tighter," he thought.

The jeans were exactly uncomfortable, they were a little, but not painful. Jack thought about putting on a different pair or returning to the leggings but thought he would see how these were for a while.

A moment later, Peter returned to the room. "I have bad news."


"Weird Al isn't in town this week it's next week."

"We did all this for nothing?"

"I suppose."

"OK, we swap back tomorrow and then we'll swap back next week and go to the concert?"

"Sofia won't go for it again."

"Then what will we do?"

"Well, we could swap back and skip the concert. Or..."


"Or you could stay Sofia for a week and then we swap after the concert."

"A week? You want me to be Sofia for a week?"

"Sure, why not. It'll be like a week-long sleepover. We'll be together all the time."

"How about when I'm in school?"

"Then just do schoolwork and come home."

"Doesn't she have friends?"

"I guess."

"What do I tell them?"

"Oh, just fake it. I'll be fine."

"...And her schoolwork?"

"She's not the brightest student."

"That's an understatement."

"I'm sure you can handle it. If you don't know it, you'll pick it up. It's just a week."

"I don't see why we can't swap back and then swap again next week?"

"She's not that dumb. If it happens for a second time she'll know we did it on purpose."

"So what?"

"So, when she gets back to her body there will be hell to pay and while she's in yours she might do something really bad. As long as she thinks it's her fault she'll behave."

"What will you tell her then. You said it would only be overnight?"

"I'll tell her that when she threw it, she broke it. It'll take a week. She'll believe it, she did throw it. I'll make up something. It was better that she threw it instead of you dropping it."

"I guess."

"I don't want to be a girl."

"You're still a boy on the inside. It'll be fine."

Meanwhile, Sofia and Jack's mother were heading towards the mall. They had to buy a new pair of sneakers and a pair of nicer shoes for more special occasions. Ordinarily, shoe shopping was an enjoyable experience for Sofia. This would be totally different. First, she wasn't in the shopping mood. She was stuck in a strange body and life. She was also going to be looking for boring boy's shoes. Her grumpiness actually helps her impersonation. Jack didn't like shoe shopping and might act similar to this.

Sofia was sitting in the back of the car in a child booster seat. It was the largest one they made. When Jack turned twelve it would be gone, but for now, at his height and weight, it was still recommended for him. When Sofia was fifteen, she had long since graduated from the back in a safety seat to in the front like an adult. In another year she would be learning to drive. The seat didn't matter much, it was just another indication that she wasn't herself.

She took the opportunity to inspect her new body. She was shorter and lighter than she was before. Her fingers and arms were shorter, those didn't matter too much. What did matter was that her breasts were gone. They weren't the biggest ones, but they were hers and they were still growing, not she was as flat as a 'boy.' She rubbed where her boobs should have been and shook her head.

She knew she couldn't reach for her dick in her pants. Not with Jack's mother in the car, but if she concentrated, she could feel the penis in her briefs. It didn't feel like anything special; she was just aware that it was there. She tried to wiggle it, but she couldn't seem to. It wasn't like a finger that could be moved, it just sort of hung there. She knew it wasn't hard. "Maybe if it's hard then I would have more control?" she wondered.

Jack was only eleven, she didn't know if a boy's penis gets hard at that age. She didn't have any experience with it. There wasn't anyone to ask and she didn't dare move her hands towards it.

"Wait? Why shouldn't I?" She interlaced her fingers and then put them into her lap. She kept her face neutral. Now that her hands were on top of her penis, she could feel the pressure on them. Did it feel any different than when she had her hands on her thighs? She moved her hands down a little lower. "Was the same type of pressure as before?" She didn't know. She moved her hands up again so she could feel them on her penis again. Maybe it's a little different.

She knew her butt was much smaller now. Could she tell her butt was different? She couldn't tell that either. It felt just like a butt. She didn't feel any extra cushioning or that it was wider. Maybe you can only tell that when someone is touching it or when the seat is 'tight'?

She rubbed the skin on her arms. Was it as smooth as her own? She didn't know that either. This wasn't the skin of a man; it's supposed to be soft she supposed. All in all, the body felt like a body, it was impossible to tell except for the obvious places that it wasn't just her body. She couldn't even tell that the clothes felt differently as she had worn T-shirts and jeans like this. Not all of her clothing was 'form-fitting' and snug. It was just that Jack didn't have any form-fitting clothes at all.

Exiting the car, Sofia walked with only a slightly feminine gate. It was her same walk as her steps were shorter than Jack's steps and her butt did swap a bit from side to side, but without her body, they weren't as pronounced for a host of reasons: her center of gravity had changed, her hips weren't wide and rounded, and her legs were proportionally shorted as compared with her torso. Only the trained eye would notice...or maybe some boys who were looking for something to pick on her about.

Sofia and Jack's mother entered the store and headed towards the shoe department. Sofia had come this way many times before. She like buying shoes, but now they were going to buy boring boys' shoes, not the cute styles she liked.

Jack's mother sent her to the sneaker aisle. She knew that Jack would prefer to find sneakers than selecting the dress shoes. Jack wasn't picky, but if he was in the sneaker aisle, he would at least try to find shoes he liked. It wouldn't take long but would keep him somewhat occupied. Even at his age, boys did care about the sneakers they wore. They had to be similar to the other boys' sneakers.

Jack looked over the sneakers. There were boy's sneakers and girl's sneakers in the same aisle. She gravitated to the girl's sneakers. She tried on many pairs and decided upon a pair of Nike basketball shoes for kids. She liked the style; she had a pair of Nike's herself. (It was one of many pairs of sneakers she owned. It was a white shoe that had a pair of purple Nike swish logo on the sides. It said Nike on the back of the shoe in light cyan and the inside of the shoe was orange. She thought it was really cute. No boy would wear a shoe like that with those colors, although there was a similar shoe for boys in less girlish colors.

When Jack's mother came with some shoes for Sofia to try on, she saw what Sofia had selected. She didn't have any problems with the colors. Only the boys in Jack's class would think they were girly.

"These sneakers are so cute," Sofia told Jack's mother.

Jack's mother asked Sofia if she liked each of the shoes. Sofia gave her honest opinion.

"They are like OK," Sofia told her.

They weren't shoes she would wear, but she appreciated the style much more than Jack would have. This was the most pleasant shoe-buying experience that Jack's mother had had with Jack. Jack mostly was disinterested in any shoes and would complain.

Jack's mother only noticed that Sofia had selected girls' shoes when she noticed the size. She didn't say anything though. If he liked the shoes, that was fine with her.

Since it didn't take too long and wasn't too much of a hassle, Jack's mother took Sofia to buy some shirts too. Sofia helped Jack's mom select a wide range of colors and styles that Jack never would want to wear. Sofia actually liked shopping for shirts. They were boys' clothing, but some of the graphic tees were so cute.

Sofia imagined how she would look in these shirts. She liked them. Not all of them, the ones with stupid things like Marvel characters or stupid dinosaurs she didn't like, but the Snoopy and Woodstock one in a light green that showed Snoopy in a Santa hat and the caption that said 'Holiday Vibes' was adorable. She just wished it had shorter sleeves. Maybe she could roll up the sleeves and it would be better. In its present size, it would be a crop top on her real body, especial with her boobs. On Jack's body, it was loose, on hers, it would be much tighter. She loved it. That was the first of the tees she selected.

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