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"Does the fake one makes a big flash or something?"


"Build that in. It's all a big show."

"Give me a few minutes to try something." Peter had to adjust the fake device to make the big flash once, but not the second time.

They planned how to make the swap so Sofia wouldn't expect it. Sure, she would be mad, but what could she do.

The pair rushed into Sofia's room. "What do you want?"

"Do I seem different to you?" Peter asked.

"Let me look at you. Turn around."

Peter did so.

"You look the same. You are the same obnoxious baby you were before."

"So, I'm the same?"

"Yeah, Whatever."

"I'm your brother Peter?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not Peter, I'm Jack!"

"Yeah, right. And I'm mom."

"You could be."

"You aren't making any sense."

Jack spoke up, "I created a device that can swap the minds of two people. Or is it swap bodies, it's all the same."

"Get out of here."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I'm Peter and that is Jack, Jack said. "We swapped bodies."

"No, you are not."

"Yes, we did. I did it with this."

Jack produced an elaborate device and showed it to Sofia.

"You did not and more importantly, I don't care."

"You don't want to see it work?"

"No, get out of here. I don't believe you. I don't believe either of you." Sofia said to Peter specifically.

"But it really works," Jack told her. "We are living proof."

"No, you are just trying to play a trick. I'm not falling for it."

"It's true. How can I prove it to you."

"You can't." Sofia was mad. She approached Jack who was carrying the fake device and grabbed it out of his hands.

"Give that back!"

"You want it back?" Sofia yelled as she threw it out of her room. "Go get it!"

This was a perfect opportunity. Peter activated the real device he carried. Sofia and Jack froze in place. Peter manipulated the device to make the appropriate swap. The swap itself took a few moments and there weren't any external signs that it had worked, but Peter knew that it would. To Jack and Sofia, the swap was instantaneous, and they returned to consciousness in each other's bodies.

Jack found himself in Sofia's body. The plan didn't go as planned but it worked well enough. Jack didn't feel any different. Not really. The pants he wore, leggings, weren't tighter than he had ever worn, but they hugged his legs unlike anything else. They were comfortable though. The big difference to him was that he was taller than before. The sensations of having boobs and long hair weren't as quickly apparent. He couldn't be about to really feel them until he touched himself or at least look into the mirror. Doing jumping jacks to feel the pull of his boobs could do it too, but he wasn't about to do it. He was stunned. He was prepared for when he dropped the device not for what had transpired.

For Sofia, she was completely befuddled. She didn't believe the device could do what they said. She thought such a thing was impossible in all ways. The first thing she noticed, as Jack did, was that she was much shorter than she was before. She had lost three or four inches. She wasn't the tallest in the room anymore. Since her hair was shorter there wasn't extra hair to feel. She certainly didn't feel the penis and balls in her briefs. They were there but she didn't focus on them.

Both Jack and Sofia inspected their bodies. Jack's body didn't feel particularly softer than his own. He hadn't developed the 'hard' skin of a man. Jack did grab his new boobs; it was the most obvious thing. He could feel his new boobs and the padding of the bra that lie between his hands on his boobs. Jack didn't know or care that Sofia wore a slightly padded bra.

Sofia just looked at her hands. The fingers were shorter and not painted as hers had been. She also reached for her boobs which weren't there. She was stunned into silence for a moment.

Jack was the first to 'react' as he was prepared somewhat. "What did you do!" Jack screamed at Sofia.

"I didn't think it would work."

"OK, let me fix this."

Jack went to get the device. He found it. he pressed the buttons that Peter told him to try. When they didn't work, as he knew they wouldn't. He told Sofia, "You broke it."

"I didn't. Sofia took retrieved the device from Jack. She looked it over. She saw a button clearly marked "SWAP". She pressed it. Nothing happened.

"Oh my god, are we stuck like this?"

"Wait, I think I know what the trouble is?"


"Let me see it!"


Jack looked it over. "Oh, I see, don't worry. It just needs time to recharge. Then it'll work. It only had two enough for two charges at a time. I used it with Peter and the second accident used the other charge."

"How long before it'll work?"

"It'll work tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I can't stay like this."

"You think I want to be like this? But it won't work until tomorrow."

Peter looked at Sofia. He tried not to laugh. His plan was working perfectly. Sofia thought it was her fault.

Sofia had little choice. "OK, we'll wait it out. I guess Peter is sleeping over tonight."

"I guess, but you can't sleep in this room. Mom would notice."

The trio was working the sleeping arrangements out when Jack's phone buzzed. When they looked at it, it was Jack's mother, she was coming over to pick up Jack. She said she would be here in fifteen minutes.

"I forgot, my mom is supposed to pick me up and we are going shopping for shoes."

"I'll tell her no."

"It won't work. I know my mom," Peter said pretending to be Jack.

Peter and Jack had planned this out. They needed the 'real' Sofia out of their hair so they could go to the concert. Jack's mother coming to pick him out was the perfect excuse. They knew that Sofia couldn't get out of it. If she tried, she could get into trouble with Jack's Mom and be grounded. Which meant she could get stuck as Jack for longer than just one night. She tried anyway.

"Do we have to do this today?"

"Yes, honey. I'm just about to leave."

Sofia didn't know how to influence someone else's mother. She wasn't fifteen anymore, she was eleven. She had less autonomy than before. Although she did have more than if she was an eleven-year-old girl.

Sofia had to go with Jack's mother. They would get a pair of sneakers and some dress shoes. Sofia liked shoe shopping, but this was different. There wasn't any fighting the inevitable and when Jack's mother arrived, reluctantly, Sofia went with her. She sulked in the car. Jack's mother didn't think much of it.

The plan was working out well. All Peter had to do was get his mother's permission and they could go. They had saved the money, so it was all set.

Peter and Jack found Peter's mother and with a united front, Peter told her, "Mom, can I go to the Weird Al concert? Sofia said she would take me."

"Is that true, Sofia?"


"You will stay with him throughout the entire concert."

"Yes, I won't leave his side."

"I'll phone you many times and make sure you are together. You know that."

"Check a million times, I'll be with him always."

"I promise we'll stay together," Peter said.

"Well, then it's OK. What time is the concert?"

"It's about seven. It should be done at 9:30. We should be home at about ten. It was a short bus ride to the theater where Weird Al was playing."

"OK, when the concert is over, come right home."

"Yes," they both said.

When they were alone, Peter told Jack. "You get changed and I'll order the tickets."


Now that Jack was wearing it, he really didn't mind what Sofia had had on. It was leggings and a blouse. They would look strange on a boy's body but on Sofia that looked fine. Jack had complained before that he only wanted to wear jeans and a t-shirt so his male pride made him change. He didn't want Peter to think he liked what he was wearing.

Jack went into Sofia's room to look for clothing. He didn't know which drawer held which and he had to look in all of them. He discovered that although the t-shirts were in the drawers, the jeans were hanging in the closets. The drawers did contain other bottoms, like the leggings he was wearing, and shorts. But jeans, nicer slacks, and skirts (not to mention dresses) were in the closets.

Jack also saw Sofia's underwear in the drawers. he didn't have any interest in them though, he was only eleven. He did notice the colors and patterns but not the styles of the panties. There was a pair of stretch, blue boy shorts that looked interesting though. he didn't pick them up, he just liked the color.

Jack found a t-shirt that didn't look too bad and grabbed a pair of jeans from the closet. Then he got undressed. He pulled off his shirt first, exposing his bra and boobs underneath. he felt them again. They felt good, but he didn't get a sexual thrill. At eleven, he was still in the midst of the 'I hate girls' phase of his sexual development.

He moved past his shirt and then kicked off his shoes, he wasn't wearing any socks. Finally, he pulled off his leggings. That is when he noticed. "Where was his dick?" Jack didn't know that girls didn't have dicks like 'everybody else'. He didn't have a sister and he had never seen his mother nor any other woman naked. There wasn't any reason to think that girls didn't have dicks as boys did. Without a dick, how did they pee? That is what dicks are for, aren't they?"

Jack pulled down his panties to take a closer look. There wasn't any dick at all. It was flat and hairy. Jack didn't have any hair down there either.

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