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Chapter 11

Kolchak Voiceover

“June 18: 9:36 AM.

Jack Tripper was preparing breakfast for his roommates Chrissy and Janet.  He was sautéing some onions when Chrissy entered the kitchen.  His life was to change in a way he would have never expected.”

“Jack, I need a special favor,” Chrissy stated.

“What is it?”

“I've really been looking for a new job.  I don't like what I'm doing now.”

Chrissy didn't like being a typist, she thought it was making her fingertips hard and rough.

“I know.”

“I need you to do me a really big favor?”


“I need you to go down to the Playboy Club.  They are having a bunny hunt.  Pick me up an application.”

“Why don't you do it yourself?”

“I have my real job.  I can't take off.”

“But you said you don't like it.”

“I still have to eat and pay for this place?”

“Ask Janet to do it.”

“She won't go near that place.”

“Why should I go?”

“Because I'm asking you nicely,” Chrissy snuggled up close.

“Oh alright.”

“That doesn't work on Janet,” Chrissy said to herself.  Out loud she said,” Why not pick up an application for yourself.  You have the legs for it.”

“Maybe, but what I have above the knees they don't want.”

“Says who?”

Jack didn't mind going, he could make it to the diner where he worked by four.  He worked the late shift as an assistant chef.

Jack entered the bunny club.  It was still late morning; they hadn't opened to the public yet.  Inside there were many applicants.  Most of the other applicants were wearing shorts or short skirts for the interview.  Jack was the only one in long pants.  He was also the only guy, at least that is what everyone thought he was until the role swapper got involved.  Soon everything thought that he was a young lady like everyone else.

“Ladies, ladies, I'm Bunny Mother Hillary,” an older woman said.  “I want each of you to fill out one of these applications now.  We'd like your name, address, telephone number, age, and a recent snapshot.”

“No, no, no,” Jack said.  “It's not for me.  It's for me...”

Another swap or two with the other applicants and Jack had the biggest boobs and most shapely legs in the place.  Still, he was only trying to get an application for Chrissy.

“You have to apply,” Hillary insisted.

“I can't, I'm really a chef.”  That was when all knowledge of cooking left his mind.

“You have to try out, I think you're a natural.”

“I went to college, I have more to me than this.”

A moment later, all his education was gone.  He couldn't remember anything he learned since the seventh grade.

Whatever complaint that Jack had was quickly eliminated with a swap to the detriment of the other applicants.

Before Jacklyn left the club, he was offered a job with a one-year contract.  He said he had to talk it over but would probably take the job.  Jacklyn didn't last at the job, even though he was perfect for it, he found he was pregnant a few months in.  After giving birth, his body didn't have the appeal it once had.

Voiceover continued.

“I didn't know anything about Jack Tripper and his new job offer at the Playboy Club.  I was finishing up at the high school.  There were so many potential victims there.  But it was hard to tell the true victims from regular people.

I recognized Kelly Bundy from TV.  She was at the school walking with another girl.  The other girl I didn't know happened to be Buffy Summers.  My readers may know her from her commercials.  She plays the Verminator for a local pesticide company.  Kelly was a very pretty girl, but did she get her job because she was swapped with someone, or was she just a very good actress.  In-person she seemed like such a ditz, unlike her on-screen persona.

Chapter 12

When Kolchak finished up at the school, he decided he needed to see a doctor, his chest was itching like crazy.  By this time, Kolchak had sustained several swaps from the role swapper.  He had the chest of a little girl beginning puberty.  he had the feet of a waitress, and he had the large rounded but of a co-ed.  The feet and the butt didn't feel different to him.  His feet felt fine in the rubber-soled shoes of a waitress and what man looks at their butt.  Kolchak's chest on the other hand was very sensitive.

Kolchak decided to take a little time out of his day to visit his personal doctor, Dr. Welby.

Kolchak sat in his waiting room with several other patients.  They all seemed perfectly normal, but who can tell these days.  Most of the time a person can't detect a personality swap.  Sitting across from Kolchak were a woman and a young man.  The boy must be here with his mother.  That wasn't the case, the boy was Greg Brady.  Mrs. Roper was wearing a colorful dress; Greg was wearing the typical clothing that Kolchak had just encountered at the high school.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  He was accompanying his friend Helen Roper to the doctor.  Helen didn't want to go alone, and her husband Stanley didn't like to go with her.  They were chatting

I” had to wait my turn.”

A woman left the office of the doctor.  It was Laura Petrie, she hurried out.  She hurried out of the office, she was concerned that her vagina had closed up and had become a penis.  She wanted to have more children, she already had one and hoped to have more.  The doctor had told Mrs. Petie, that sometimes it 'returns to normal' and sometimes it didn't.  Time would tell, but it was totally natural.

Consuelo Lopez., Dr. Welby's nurse called out, “Carl Kolchak?”

Kolchak got up and followed Mrs. Lopez to the examining room.  She told him to put on a hospital gown.

Kolchak did as requested.

“What can I do for you, Carl?”

“My chest is sensitive?”

“It is?”


“Let me take a look.”  Dr. Welby came in close and felt Kolchak's chest with both hands.  He felt the small bumps.

“Is that it?” Dr. Welby inquired.

“Yeah, is it serious?”

“No, you're just developing breasts.  Happens all the time.  Didn't your mother ever tell you?”

“My mother.”

“Never mind, it's OK.  You should just start wearing a bra, a training one for now, and then in a couple of months you should get one with small cups.”

“I need a bra?”

“Need?  Not yet, but it'll help with the sensitivity.”

Kolchak didn't believe it.  He was developing breasts?  How could that be?  The Role Swapper must have got him.  He hadn't felt any change take place. What also perplexed him was that the doctor who knew he was a man and in his late forties thought it was perfectly normal for Kolchak to be 'blossoming'.

“Oh, I'll see about that,” Kolchak said.  “Doctor I was wondering, have you noticed anything strange about your patients?”

“Carl, you know I can't talk about them, doctor/patient confidentiality.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Is there anything else?”

“I guess not.”

“Bye Carl.”

“Bye Dr. Welby.”

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