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Chapter 16

Months later, “Hola,” Martina greeted Rosa.

“Hola, Martina,” Rosa responded. Rosa was doing some general housework. Justin's home (soon to belong to Martina) was always spotless.

By this time, Rosa primarily spoke Spanish. Her actual knowledge of English had been reduced to only a few words. Rosa couldn't speak it very well, but she could understand what she needed to know when she was working. Rosa wasn't working yet, but that would come soon. Martina had changed Rosa's career from a secretary at a legal office to a house cleaner who wanted to aspire to be a secretary at a law firm.

Martina could tell that Rosa's figure was changing under her dress. Her breasts were beginning, and her butt was rounding into a proper shape.

“I like your dress,” Martina told Rosa. (Everything they said was in Spanish.)

“Thank you. I like your outfit too.” Martina was wearing a nice blouse with pants. Rosa would never wear anything like that. Rosa's “Momma had told her from a very early age that ladies don't wear pants or anything that a man would wear.” That was her personal preference now. Not that she begrudged Martina for wearing pants. She was much too polite to say or even think a thing like that.

“I'm going to check on the computer and then we'll watch “Llena de Amor.” Llena de Amor is a Spanish-language soap opera (telenovela) that Rosa watched. She loved her telenovelas and tried to watch them every day. Martina would watch them with her on occasion.

“Hi, Angela!” Martina called out. Angela was playing with her dolls in the living room.

“Hiya, Martina,” Angela said with a smile. She was dressed in a long t-shirt that came to her thighs over a pair of colorful leggings. She didn't wear any shoes. She didn't like wearing shoes.

Angela could speak English much better than Rosa could. She had become a typical little girl in all her actions. It wasn't always that way. Micah had almost broken out of his programming. But Martina stepped in and gained a much stronger control over her. This fractured Micah's entire psyche. When the dust cleared, Angela was here to stay. Micah was gone forever. He was reduced to nightmares during Angela's sleep. Nightmares that were so terrifying that Angela wanted to avoid them at all costs.

Martina would arrange for Justin to spend a few minutes as himself tomorrow. He would be Justin just long enough to sign some legal papers which would transfer slowly his money and property to Martina. It would be done slowly, so as not to raise any suspicion from any financial institutions.

Justin thought he was getting better. He knew that Martina was helping him. He didn't realize how little time he was actually living as himself. He thought he was himself more time now than he had been since Martina got involved. He was grateful for her help.

Weeks later, Martina was visiting Justin. Justin was living in Martina's home now. He didn't mind. He was grateful that Martina was doing all she could to help him with his Rosa problem. Martina let him come and live in her home until he was back to normal. He thought he was making progress every day.

Most of the day, he was Rosa, Martina's housekeeper. Rosa believed she was the live-in housekeeper. She lived in a small room with her daughter Angela. Rosa loved Martina for allowing her to live with her daughter. It was the best part of her job. She didn't have to leave Angela with strangers while she worked.

“How are you feeling Justin?” Martina asked.

“Much better. I'm getting better every day,” Justin said in highly accented English.


“Look at my breasts, they are almost gone. I measured them; they are only a B-cup now. My butt is still rounded, but it's down to only forty inches.”

“What about your face?”

“Look at my face, my beard is coming back.” Justin was pointing out the few areas on his face that haven't been cleared by laser hair removal. By next week, all that hair will be gone. His hair on his arms and legs has been long gone for a while now.

“That is great, I'm happy for you,” Martina enthused. “It's only a matter of time now.”

“Let me keep the process going by adjusting your profile.”

“Now that I see real progress, I'm so excited. For the longest time, there just weren't many results.”

“I told you to bear with me. It won't be long now.”

Martina logged onto the computer and looked at the profiles for Justin, Rosa, and Angela.  Angela was easy and done, he now thought he was a typical little girl of eleven.  When she looks at her face, she thinks it's just that of a little girl.  She couldn't tell if anyone is making fun of her or saying anything mean.  To her, the world is a happy place as long as she stays with her Mommy. 

Rosa's personality was written by Rosa herself in many ways. She saw the profile and made changes to it before even Martina got involved. She was making herself into a lady of Mexican descent. She is religious, modest, and quite a lovely person.

Martina did tweak her profile. Rosa believes she only came to this country to work two or three years ago. She speaks almost exclusively Spanish almost exclusively, except for a few English words here and there. She understands English much better than she speaks it so she can communicate with her employers.

Justin is made to accept any and all changes that have happened to him. No matter how much more he is becoming Rosa, he thinks he is making progress towards becoming fully Justin again. He doesn't realize that he is 'being Justin' only a few hours a week at this point, nor that everything he has or known has been removed from his mind. It won't be long before Justin is gone altogether.

Chapter 17

Rosa woke up in the hospital, she knew right away her face was bandaged. She tried to bring her hands to her face to feel them, but as a precaution, her arms were loosely bound to the railing of her bed to prevent her from removing the bandages.

“What's happening?” Rosa asked in Spanish.

“She's waking up.” a nurse said. Rosa could understand what the nurse said, but she couldn't speak English very well.

Martina approached Rosa's bed. “Calm down, you are alright now.”

“What happened?”

“You were in a car accident,” Martina informed Rosa speaking in Spanish. The entire conversation between the two women would be in Spanish.

Rosa looked up at Martina. She was overwhelmed that the person she worked for was so concerned that she would be at the hospital with her. “How did it happen?”

“That doesn't matter. What is important is that you will be fine. It might not feel that way now, but you will recover a hundred percent. I'll just take time. Don't worry about any of the hospital bills. I've taken care of everything.”

“You're an Angel!”

“I'm just trying to help out.”

Calling Martina an angel reminded Rosa. “Where is Angela?”

“She's fine. She's in better shape than you are. I promise she'll be taken care of too.”

“Can I see her?”

“Not right now. You have to recuperate a little first.”

Rosa took stock of her condition. Her face was bandaged, she had pain throughout her body, although it was minimized with pain killers. There was a brace around her back and her groin was bandaged also. But she could move her toes and her arms. She didn't think she was 'missing' anything.

“I've contacted your husband in Mexico,” Martina informed her. “I made arrangements for him to come here. He should be here tomorrow to see you.”



Rosa hadn't seen her husband Jorge since she came to America. She was sending him money to help him get along. She was hoping he could join her here eventually. Rosa was glad that it would be sooner, rather than later. Although being so seriously injured wasn't the best way for it to happen.

“How is he?”

“He's doing fine. Don't worry about that. You have to get better yourself.”

The doctor entered the room. He spoke to Rosa in Spanish as he examined her. He shined a light into her eyes and then went about examining her.

“You are going to be fine,” the doctor announced. It will take a while before you can leave here, but don't you worry there won't be any lingering problems when you are fully healed.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“Everyone let's let Senora Lopez get some rest,” the doctor told Martina.

Rosa was left in the room. Soon she was back asleep.

There wasn't an accident. Martina made up that story for Rosa's benefit. She was in the hospital to have some facial reconstructive surgery and a few other procedures done. When the scars were healed Rosa would look like the Mexican woman she expected. She also had her breasts augmented to give her the D-cups boobs that were listed in her profile. Several vertebrae were removed from her back to return her height to 5'3”. Her 'penis' was removed and replaced with a vagina. Her waist was narrowed, and several other small procedures were performed.  Every last statistic listed in Rosa's profile she would possess when she was fully healed

In a month or so, Rosa would be happily living with her husband Jorge and her adopted daughter Angela in her own home. She would be a cleaning woman with many clients (most of whom had been Martina's). Everything that Justin had listed for Rosa had become true. In a year or two, Rosa and her husband would adopt another baby and then another after that. 

Angela, (Rosa's first adopted child) was special. Physically she was an adult, but she has now and always would have the mind of a child. Mentally she would never grow up. On the other hand, she would always be innocent with a friendly, happy disposition. If people detrimentally talked about her, Angela didn't understand. She was always protected from the outside world by her parents who loved her dearly.


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Wow I think this is the second time you've ever mentally frozen somebody's age in every other one like Dr. Zaaijer, Moving to a New Place, The Plan, etc. had them grow up. The only other time you've frozen someone was in Cardonali the magical imp Part 5 (although I stopped watching that series after the first elevator series. Just wondering why Martina doesn't want her to grow up and to when Micah had almost broken out of his programming and everything that came of that.


As I don't keep track of what happens to who after the story is written, I'll have to take your word for it :-)