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Chapter 15

Martina waited for Justin to write down instructions on what to do. During that time, Martina got to thinking, “Justin is rich, why should he be rich and I'm not?   Look at how I'm helping him. He never once offered money for this. He expects me to do it for nothing. Maybe he'll give me a few bucks, but for what I am doing I should get more...much more!”  Martina decided to add some things that would make Justin give her a whole lot of money.

“OK, here it is. I explained how it works, just in case, there are some complications that I have forgotten. I can't be there while you are doing it. If I see the computer, I'll become Rosa again and then I don't know what will happen. Remember the most important thing to start with is to change the nighttime subliminal messages to return me to normal. Those messages are turned off. You have to turn them back on.”

“Fine, I'll take a look.” Martina purposefully used the phrase 'Take a look' instead of fixing it. She was already thinking about how to make it benefit her.

Martina found the profile file and saw what was written there. It must be a much longer list than Justin had said. It started the same, but there were many things added.  The instructions were giving him traits that were making Rosa and by extension Justin into a proper lady.

Each change to the profile was built upon the ones that went before. She saw what went wrong. Rosa added a statement that said, 'I will become more and more a lady every day, while I'm awake and asleep.'

It was the asleep part that had done Justin in since the nighttime hypnosis tape had never been turned off. Or maybe Rosa had turned them on. It didn't matter, this was the real problem. Justin was being subjected to the new profile that Rosa had changed during the day during the nighttime.

Martina hatched a plan. She could get everything that belonged to Justin and remove Justin completely without killing him. Martina could make Justin be Rosa full-time. He would be a happy Hispanic woman who was very religious and earned her money as a housekeeper. Justin would become her housekeeper permanently.

The first thing she did, was to make a new profile for Justin, then under both Justin's and Rosa's profiles, Martina added the line near the very top, “Martina is your best friend. You love and trust her completely. You agree with everything she says.”

“How did it go?” Justin asked.

“It went great. No problem. You should see a big improvement tomorrow. I'll be back then. Martina believed that the suggestions would start in the morning.

Martina was even more apprehensive than Justin was. Both their lives would change starting tomorrow. Martina had started the ball in motion. All she had to do was see that the ball kept on going in the right direction.

Martina got up early and headed towards Justin's place. She entered his house, Justin, still dressed in his nightgown, was making breakfast for Angela. Angela was sitting patiently as she always had. She was a good girl.

“How do you feel? You look better.”

“Yeah, it's like I have a great weight off my shoulders. I know I'm going to be fine.”

“I still have some entries to make in your profile. We have to go slow as you said. But soon, all will be as right as rain.”

“Thanks so much. I don't know what I would have done without you.”

Justin was agreeing with everything that Martina said just as she wanted. She would now start to make changes to Justin and Rosa of a more permanent nature.

“You finish having breakfast. I'll log on and make today's changes. It'll take a while. Before you know it, you won't have any problems at all.”

“Mucho gracias.”

Martina went into the computer room and connected to the program. She looked over all the entries. Martina had used the night to think about what she wanted to be done and how to do it. Rosa would have to develop the proper feminine appearance outside the VR or the computer. The first step was to put her on hormones.

Martina looked down the list of traits that Rosa possessed.

She started with; Rosa has endometriosis. She has been taking hormone pills to eliminate its pain. The proper pills are on their way, she'll take them religiously to avoid the pain.

Martina knew that Rosa wouldn't develop big boobs and a bubble butt all of a sudden, but she was on her way.

Another trait that was added was the length of time that Justin would think of himself as Rosa. Justin and Rosa both loved soap operas. Martina added that whenever 'they' watched the soaps, Rosa would be the one who actually watched them. Later, Martina would add that Rosa cooked the meals; Rosa did all the housework; Rosa was the only one who took care of Angela. Justin's time in charge of his own life would dwindle to only certain times when it was absolutely necessary.

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