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Chapter 14

Martina came to the house unannounced. She hadn't talked to Justin for a while and wanted to see how things were going. Justin and Martina had become good friends. As she walked onto the driveway, she saw Angela playing in the backyard. Angela was dressed in her leotards and tights. There was a mat covering the grass for safety's sake. She was doing her practicing cartwheels. It was clear that she wasn't very good at them, but she was trying over and over to perfect her technique.

It would look quite ordinary for a teen girl to be performing such moves dressed as she was. The problem was that the Angela she saw wasn't a preteen girl. she was an adult man. His hairy back could be seen peeking out from the tank straps of his leotard. When he turned Martina's way, she could see the outline of his penis under his leotard and tights.

Angela caught sight of Martina and came over.

“Hello,” Angela said innocently.

“Hello, is anyone home?”

“Just my mommy and me.”

“What about Justin?”

“No, Justin here.”

“Justin moved?” Martina thought.  “Why didn't he tell me?”

“How long have you been living here?” Martina asked.



“Yeah, I've always lived here with my mom.”


“Yeah, are you a friend of my Mommy?”

“Maybe? Who's your Mommy?”

“Rosa Lopez.”

That name sounded familiar to Martina.  Rosa Lopez contributed a lot to the web page run by Father Carlos.  Martina wondered if this was the same person.

“Yeah, I'm a good friend of Rosa.”

“Hey, I'm practicing my cartwheels, wanna see?”


Angela did an awkward cartwheel.  She didn't have the coordination that she thought she had.  If she had done it in front of the VR computer, it would have looked, very nice, but in real life, it looked as silly as what it was; a man wearing a little girl's athletic wear trying a cartwheel.  It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

“Very good!” Martina said.  “But I should see your Mommy now.”

“Oh.  You can come in through the back.  It's open.  Mommy is on the computer.”

Angela's personality was one that was sweet, innocent, trusting, and naive.  She had been 'programmed' that way.  She also didn't have experience with anyone other than Mommy, Sandra, and the kids she interacted in on the various game forums she played on with other little girls.

“I'll do that.”

Martina entered the house.  The decor had changed radically.  The home was spotless, but it also had a homey, lived-in feel.  There was certainly a woman's touch when it came to the new decor.  She would also detect the Mexican influence on interior design.  There were colorful walls, decor, carpets, and religious icons.  The rooms were crowded with Mexican-styled ornaments of all kinds.  There was an absence of masculinity or Americana in the house.  She could hardly find anything that was here from her last visit.

“This can't be Justin's house,” Martina thought.

Martina walked to the computer room.  He knew where it was.  The halls as well as every room she saw was in a Mexican style just as the main living room was.

Martina looked into the computer room.  She could see Justin sitting in a chair, but he couldn't see her.  Justin was dressed in a black floral print wrap-style dress with a V-neck.  It was mostly black but had scores of small flowers all over.  It had long sleeves and extended past Justin's knees.  Rosa would never wear a dress without sleeves, nor anything short.  She thought those things immodest.

Justin had a monitor that showed what he looked like to the world above and to the right of his head.  Martina could see how Justin was presenting himself to the world.  She could see Rosa dressed in the same dress that Justin was wearing, sitting in the same chair and apparently moving just as he was.  Justin didn't need a faux background anymore.  The background of this room was quite authentic.

Martina retreated to the hallway to make sense of what she was seeing.

After a moment's hesitation, Marina got a hold of herself. She walked right up to Rosa and asked, “What is going on!”

Rosa could tell right away that Martina was of Hispanic descent, so she asked in flawless Spanish, “Do I know you?”

“Do you know me? What are you kidding?”

“No, who are you? What are you doing here?”

“This is crazy. Why are you wearing a dress?”

“Get out of my house or I'll call the police!”

“Don't worry, I'm leaving.”

Martina turned to leave. Rosa realized something, “Angela? Where is Angela?” Rosa got out of the chair to check on 'her daughter'. This broke the trance. He was back to being Justin.

Justin ran after Martina who was only a few steps ahead.

“Martina? It's not what you think.” Justin didn't know what Martina was thinking. He really didn't know what to say at all. That is what came out of his mouth. How was he to explain what was going on?  Why he was dressed as he was?

“OK, what is it then?”

“It's, I mean it's, I was trying to find out. I mean...” Justin stammered.  He didn't know how to explain it. The truth was that Justin didn't know how it had gone this far. His life had changed in more ways than he could imagine. Somehow, he had lost control of the situation.

Justin knew that Sandra wasn't talking about him, but he couldn't stop being Rosa. After he was sure that Sandra wasn't doing what he suspected, he said to himself, “OK, I'll stop logging on as Rosa.” But he couldn't stop. He didn't want to worry Sandra when her friend disappeared. Then he decided that he would just be “Rosa less and less.” That didn't work either. He was spending more time as Rosa, now than ever. He hardly ever wore his masculine clothes. Even when he did, he usually was still wearing panties, a camisole, and his Crucifix.

He wanted to return Micah to normal, but he hadn't called Micah anything other than Angela since Micah moved in.

On the contrary, Justin treated his long-time friend as a little girl. He cooked his meals, monitored what Micah was doing, and even had him on a strict bedtime. Justin wanted out but he couldn't help himself. Whenever he tried to break free, he would go to the computer to remove the hypnotic suggestions, but when he got there, he would become Rosa again. Justin didn't know what to do.

Justin was embarrassed, but he had no other alternative. He would tell Martina everything. He would tell Martina where the hypnotic controls were and how to put the file right. If he could remove the profile of Rosa or change it to his own profile, then he could return to normal. That was his hope anyway.  He couldn't do it by himself. Martina coming over was just what he would need to get his life back. She was the only one who could help him,

“Martina, I need your help,” Justin said at last.

“I can see that. You are pretending to be someone named Rosa Lopez. You need professional help.”

“It's not that. I mean not that exactly. I don't want to be Rosa Lopez. I mean I don't want to be her anymore. I mean I never wanted to be her. It's so confusing.”

“If you don't want to be her, then stop.”

“It's not that easy. I sort of did this to myself and I can't stop.”

“Why not?”

“I hypnotized myself to be Rosa. Now I can't stop.”

“Why in heaven's name for you do that?”

Justin explained about Sandra and how he wanted to find out what she was saying about him. How wanted to be authentic. He didn't know what went wrong though.

“Listen to me,” Justin told her, “What I want you to do is to log onto the computer and erase the program.”  Then after a few seconds, Justin continued, “No, that won't work. You have to turn me back into me.” Justin was worried if she just erased the program, that he would be stuck as he was. He needed her to modify it to remove Rosa from his personality and return him to how he used to be.

“Why can't you do that yourself?”

“Because every time I get close to the computer, I become Rosa!”

“You have a bizarre problem,” Martina told him. 'Bizarre' wasn't the word she thought of really. She was being nice.   “So, what do you want me to do?”

“When you log on, go to the profile file and change it to make me myself.”

“Will it fix you immediately?”

“No, it'll take a while. But it shouldn't take too long.”

“OK, I'll do it.”

“Thank you! Thank you!”

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