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Chapter 13.

“Angela,” Justin called, “I have a friend who knows all about cheerleading. She wants to teach you some basic steps. Would you like to meet her?”

“Yeah, I sure would.”

“Great, I'll introduce you tomorrow.”

When it was time, Justin gave Micah the leotards and tights he had bought. They were black tank leotards and white cotton tights. If Micah was still 'thinking straight' he would never wear anything like this. He had never worn anything so form-fitting.  Not even a Speedo.

Micah put them on without a second thought. He looked silly wearing the basic leotard. The outline of his penis could also be clearly seen.  Micah didn't adjust his penis to fit more comfortably as he didn't even know he had one the first place.

Justin logged on and waited for Sandra. He had immediately converted to his Rosa persona.  While waiting, she looked up recipes.

“Sandra, I would like you to meet my daughter, Angela?” Rosa asked. 

Angela appeared cute as a button to Sandra, a pretty pre-teen girl.

“Hiya,” Sandra said in a higher-pitched voice than she would use with Rosa.

“Hi!” was Sandra's response.

“Your Mommy says you want to be a cheerleader?”

“Yeah, I want to very much. It would be so cool.”

“Do you know any moves?”

“Only what I have seen.”

Angela jumped around throwing her hands in the air.”

“That's great. But let's see if I can show you how to do it better.”


“Start with your feet together and your hands on your hips.”

Angela did as instructed.

Rosa went into the other room. She wanted to give Angela space.  Justin's personality returned.  He didn't go to watch what was happening, he knew he was recording the whole thing. He would watch it later. He would not only see how Angela looked to Sandra, but how Micah actually looked.

Sandra taught Micah the basic moves, also jumps that were similar to jumping jacks, lunges, skips, and other steps. She concluded with a simple front flip.

“That's enough,” Sandra announced. “Why not practice what I taught you.”

“Can we do this again?”

“Sure, how about tomorrow?”


“Call your Mommy, I want to talk with her.”

“OK,” Micah said and then called out, “Mommy!!!”

Justin entered the room. He allowed Rosa to take over his personality again and chatted with Sandra about this and that. They started with what Sandra thought of Angela.  Then the chat of friends began. It ended when Rosa had to make lunch for Angela and herself. Today it would be quesadillas.

Meanwhile, Angela was in the other room perfecting his front flip.

When Rosa returned to the computer, Sandra wasn't there. Rosa made her semi-daily post which required her to look up some material. Then she straightened up the house. With a 'little one' around there was more to do than when Justin/Rosa lived alone.

Justin was starting to spend more time as Rosa than he ever did before. Was it Rosa who was watching the Spanish language soaps in the midday, or was it Justin? As the days continued, it was getting harder to tell where Justin ended, and Rosa began or vice-versa.

When 'Mommy' was busy with other things, Angela would use the computer to play her games. The hypnotic messages reinforced her personality.

Later that night, Justin saw the recording of Sandra with Angela. Angela looked so cute trying the moves that Sandra suggested. Micah, on the other hand, looked awkward lots of the time. Justin was going to send Micah home, now that he had shown Angela to Sandra, but when 'Angela' asked to practice more with Sandra and they agreed to try every day, that sealed Micah's fate. “He can't go home now. Sandra will be expecting him. He'll have to stay here.”

Justin arranged for the rent on Micah's apartment to be paid and his mail picked up. 'Angela' would be staying with 'Rosa' for a long while.

While 'Angela' was staying with Justin, Justin would have to stay in Rosa mode.  He would continually have to wear dresses. Justin didn't mind.  He had grown addicted to his daily soaps and loved his trashy romance novels whether they were in English or Spanish.

Justin also home-schooled, Angela.  He had to, there wasn't any other excuse for Angela not to go to school with the other eleven-year-old.

Angela had contact with other girls through the computer.  She joined multiplayer games where other children could be found.  The computer setup that Justin had bought for Micah was brought to Justin's house.  It was necessary; so that Rosa and Angela could be online at the same time.

Justin added lines to Angela's hypnotic profile which stated she was a very good girl and that she would never do what she knew she shouldn't, such as play with matches. This would allow Justin to leave her alone when Justin had to leave. Such as when he would visit Father Carlos for religious instruction or just get groceries. Justin went to Church three times a week. He was already in his mind a devout Catholic. He said the Rosary every day. (Rosa said it also, thus it was said twice a day.)

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I wonder when Rosa will buy hormones for her and Angela so their bodies will match their minds


Little girls who are going into the 6th grade don't take hormones.


I could’ve sworn I was older than 10 in the 6th grade which is when girls are suppose to start to develop. Plus Rosa will probably get it for herself at least before long.


I'll let you check your records for how old you were in the 6th grade. I didn't say in the 6th grade I said going into the sixth grade. Why would Rosa get hormones for herself or Angela, Angela is just a kid and Rosa thinks she is already a 'pretty' woman.