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Chapter 10.

Justin sort of fell into an entire routine.  He had instruction with Father Carlos two to three times a week.  That didn't include attending Church every Sunday morning.  During the week, he had to watch his soaps.  After watching them for so long, he became addicted to them.  He had to know what was happening.  He didn't need to, but he had gotten so invested that he couldn't stop.  Martina didn't clean his house anymore; he did it himself.  The truth was that he would never let his house ever get messy.   Regardless, he kept in touch with Martina constantly.  He couldn't talk to her when she was working for other people, but there was time for his Spanish lessons and to add to his growing recipe book of authentic Mexican cuisine.  Not to mention, Justin's time doing his own work for his next project.

Besides his life as Justin, Rosa had her own life.  She wrote Justin's articles for the video-messenger app that she shared with Sandra.

Justin stumbled upon her writing by accident.  He was just looking over Rosa's video conversation with Sandra and discovered that while Sandra excused herself for one reason or another, Rosa might post an original article.  Justin read it; it seemed very authentic.  It discussed which Daily Affirmations a Catholic Woman should say every day.  Justin didn't mind.  This was one less thing he had to do himself.  (Justin never realized the irony in his own thought.)

Rosa also did research online to write her articles.  Justin skipped over them.  He was only concerned with Rosa's conversations with Sandra.

At the door, there was a package.  It was addressed to Rosa Lopez, but it had his address.  It was a rather large padded envelop.  Justin picked it up and opened it.  Inside he found several Romance Novels.  He hadn't ordered them.  Apparently, Rosa had.  He hadn't read any of these before, although he had read close to a hundred by now.  They were quick reads.  The difference between these and his usual novels was that these were written entirely in Spanish.  They didn't just appeal to any woman, but particularly to women of Hispanic descent.

Justin picked up the first one.  It was entitled 'Quédate a mi lado.'  Justin knew that meant, 'Stay by me'.  Justin opened the book; he could understand what was written.

Instead of returning the novels, he started to read them at night.  They allowed him to relax before he fell to sleep.

The novels were only the first of the packages ordered by Rosa.  A later package contained Rosary Beads.  Justin knew what the meaning of the beads was.  He couldn't send them back.  Another package contained a pretty comforter.  Justin decided to think of these packages as little gifts from Rosa.  He kept them all and put them in the appropriate places.  The comforter, for example, was placed on his own bed.  A little later, sheets and pillowcases arrived.

It wasn't until much later that Justin realized Rosa, the name, was part of Rosary Beads.  He thought her name meant rose.  But for the religious, there was this added connection to the Rosary.  Both Justin and Rosa said the Rosary separately each and every day.

Justin was only half listening to Rosa's conversation with Sandra.  He was also doing his laundry.  He had to wash not only his clothes but Rosa's also.  It was strange that even Justin started to think of Rosa as a real person.  A person who was distinct from himself.

Chapter 11.

Looking through Rosa's chats with Sandra, something Sandra said caught his attention.  “Rosa, can I meet Angela.  I can teach her a few things to get started in cheer,” Sandra asked.

“Rosa told the truth.  “Angela isn't here right now.  But I'll ask her and see if she wants to.  I'm sure she will.”

Then the conversation continued.

Justin had forgotten all about Angela.  If someone was going to be Angela it would have to be Micah.  Justin should get Micah to do it.  If he won't, then maybe a little hypnotic persuasion could convince him.  In the meantime, if Micah is going to do it, he'll need to be properly attired.  Justin ordered some leotards and tights for his friend and soon-to-be faux-daughter.

“He'll never go for it,” Justin thought.

Justin phoned Micah. “Micah, where ya been? I haven't seen you in ages. Come on down and we'll hang out and play some video games. Have some good food and drink some beer. Why not stay over for a few days.”

Micah had been calling Justin, but he was always busy. It would be nice to be with his friend.

“'Sup, Dude,” Micah asked at the door.

“I've been busy. But let's not talk about that. Let the games begin!”

Nothing was better than playing a game on Justin's system. No home computer was faster, nor was any monitor bigger. Justin served nachos with all sorts of dips, some simple such as sour cream and guacamole to complicated like spinach and cheese (espinaca y queso) and all types in between. Justin did tell Micah that he prepared it himself. The beer was of course Dos Equis Lager.

When Justin thought the time was right, “Man, I have something to ask you,” Justin tentatively said.


“You remember that thing with Sandra?”


“Well, I've been working on it for a while now.”

“How is it going?”

“Good, sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“I hit a snag.”

“She caught you?”

“No, nothing like that. She thinks I'm Rosa a Hispanic woman.”

“So, what is the trouble?”

“Let me show you.”

Justin showed Micah the recording of Rosa talking with Sandra.

“No, way? Look at you. It looks so real. If I didn't know better, I would swear that is a real person.”

“I've done a lot of research.”

“Then what is the trouble?”

“You'll see.”

After a few minutes, the recording came to the part where Sandra asked to meet Angela.

“So, what's the problem?”

“Sandra wants to see Angela.”


“I can't be Angela and be Rosa at the same time. I need someone...”

“No way!” Micah cut him off.  Micah knew what Justin was about to ask.


“Come on. You want me to be Angela?”

“Just for a little while. She'll show you how to do easy cheerleading moves. Just do what she says. You don't have to be good at it.”

“You're crazy.  She'll probably ask me to do splits, I can do that I'm a guy.”

“Beginners aren't expected to do that.  You'll be fine.”

“I don't care, I'm not doing it.”

“It's not that bad.”

“I suppose you want me to wear a dress too?”

“Not a dress. Wait right here.”

Justin returned with the leotards and tights.

“You have to be kidding me.”

“It's not that bad. Sleep on it. If you still don't want to do it tomorrow, then I'll understand.”

“I'll never do it.”

“OK, stay the night. We'll have some more beer watch some movies. See what happens in the morning.” Justin threw Micah another beer.

Justin made sure that Micah became nice and drunk. Then he put him to bed in a room with the hypnotic tape going.

In the morning, Justin carried on as if nothing had happened. Justin knew that Micah had to think this was his idea.

“I've been thinking,” Micah said. “I'll do it, but you have to do something for me.”


“You know your computer set up?”


Buy me one and I'll do it.”

“It costs TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!” Justin complained. He wasn't shocked at the request. That was the idea that he put into Micah's head. It wouldn't be the only hypnotic suggestion that Justin would give him.

“That's my price.”

“You're hitting me up for 10K?”

“Look at what you are asking me to do.  Do you know what people would say if they saw me in a leotard?”

“Look how you dressed now.  It'd be an improvement.”

“Fuck you!”

“Yeah, yeah.  You'll have to stay here and practice your part. If you do, then I'll give you what you want.”


“OK, try these on,” Justin requested.

“Computer first.”

“Hey, you said you'd do it.”

“After I get my computer.”

“If I get you one, how will I know.”

“You have to trust me, man.”

Justin wasn't worried. This was how he planned it out. “OK, I'll have it sent to your house. But when you get it.”  The computer was already ordered on Amazon, it would be at Micah's house in a few days.


“I'm going to include lots of games and other software. You have wanted to try.  I'm also going to include some dance games too.”

“Why those?”

If you see them, it'll add more credibility with Sandra.”

“Whatever.  I won't play them.”

“Suit yourself.  But at least you will have them.”

Justin had complete access to what would be Micah's computer. Every game he played would include hypnotic suggestions. The suggestions would start small, but they would grow.  As time passes, the only games that would be played on that computer would be appropriate for a pre-teen girl.

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