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Chapter 9.

In the morning, Justin got out of bed. He was wearing his nightgown and placed his feet into his fuzzy slippers. This was the day he was going to contact Sandra. He couldn't contact her so early though. He had to wait a few hours. Justin could feel the tension in his stomach and chest as he prepared breakfast. Today, he was having Black Bean Huevos Rancheros. Justin was becoming a very good Mexican cook.

After breakfast, he got ready for his chat with Sandra. He washed his face thoroughly and then selected one of his casual dresses. This one was truly modest; his breasts were fully covered. He didn't think that Sandra would see his legs at all, but despite that, he put on his taupe-colored hose and wedged sandals. He put on a slip 'just to be safe' and then lowered his dress over his shoulders. It covered his bra completely. He reached behind him and zipped it up to the bottom of his shoulder blades and fastened the button above the keyhole slit. Finally, he took care to put on his makeup. He wanted to look casual, not overly made up. It took him over an hour to find the correct look. This wasn't helped by the fact that he was looking into his mirror which showed his face, not Rosa's.  Maybe next time, he would put on his makeup in front of his monitor which would show Rosa's face.

Sitting in front of the computer, he posted the recipe for Black Bean Huevos Rancheros to his account. He had been posting for quite a while. He had a presence at this site. He had become a liked regular.  His posts got many likes and he had comment conversations with many posters.  Justin waited for Sandra to log on. He knew she would soon.

“THERE SHE IS!” Justin shouted into the empty room.

He looked at the button that would establish a connection and invited Sandra to join him.

Doubt appeared in his mind. “Should I do this?” wasn't the top concern in his mind. His biggest concern was “Will I be convincing?”

Sandra knew Justin so well. If he let any part of his real personality slip through, she would notice immediately. How could he hide the parts of himself that he wasn't even aware of? He couldn't. He knew that. He would have to control every aspect of his personality; every subconscious expression. He would have to not only pretend that he was Rosa Lopez a 34-year-old Hispanic immigrant woman, BUT HE WOULD ALSO HAVE TO BE HER. HE WOULD HAVE TO BE HER IN EVERY WAY.

Justin knew he wasn't ready to try. He would have to convince himself that he was Rosa. He knew what he had to do. He had to use self-hypnosis.

His computer would help him. He would write a program that would hypnotize him as long as he believed it, it would work. It would be his choice to be Rosa Lopez so his subconscious mind wouldn't rebel at the thought.

Justin disconnected the connection before Sandra had replied to his request.

Justin was relieved.  He knew he wasn't really ready.  He put his efforts into becoming the best Rosa he could.  He found the software he needed; he would just have to incorporate what details he needed to feed into his mind.

He wrote it down: I am:

1. Rosa Lopez

2. 34-Year-Old Woman

3. Mother of Daughter, 11 Y.O. Angela

4. Angela (my daughter) Wants to Join Cheerleaders in Middle School (Reason for contact)

5. Mexican

6. United States Immigrant

7. Lives in Springfield

8. Catholic

9. Fluent in Spanish

10. Secretary at a Law Office

11. A Person Who Loves to Cook

12. A Person Who Loves Soaps

13. A Person Who Loves Romance Novels

14. Very Feminine

15. Very Modest

Was that the complete list? Justin didn't know. He would think about it and then add more if he had to.

The final step was the way out. He didn't want to be Rosa forever. Just while he was online with Sandra. He programmed it (which would be programming himself) to instantly become Rosa when using the software and to return to himself when he logged off. That would do it.

As soon as he logged off, he would return to himself. He couldn't stay on forever, he would have to eat, pee, or fall asleep. That is when he would return to himself. But as long as he was logged on, he would be Rosa and have all of her attributes.

He waited for a while to make sure he had the list complete. Then he would start the hypnosis session.

Justin spent the day living as Rosa. This amounted to simply cleaning the house and doing what she liked, eating Mexican foods, watching soaps, and other women's programs. But the last of the soaps had ended by 4:00. Instead of starting dinner instead, Justin turned on Univision and watched TV in Spanish. He was surprised that he had learned enough to understand what was said and going on, more or less.

Ideas occurred to Justin while he was watching TV.  He extended his list of traits that Rosa had to have.

I am Rosa and...

16. The Image I see on the monitor Is the real me

17. I Have Friendly Disposition

18. I Love to Smile and Giggle

19. I Have a stormy relationship with my boyfriend Jorge, like in the novel ….

20. I Like to Talk about my relationship troubles with my friends

21. I Want to be Sandra's friend

When Justin saw this last one, he decided that he should bring it up the list. It wasn't the least important thing. For his purposes, it was one of the most important things on his list.

Like Santa Claus, Justin looked over his list and checked it twice. He programmed it into his computer and then added it to the subliminal music he listens to every night. Today, despite being dressed like Rosa, he was Justin. But tomorrow he would think he was Rosa for real.

With that, he added one last thing to his list.

22. I enjoy being Rosa Lopez.  Rosa Lopez is who I truly want to be.

It was a new day when Justin woke up. He had spent many hours listening to the same hypnotic messages. He wasn't only subjected to the message at night, but also while he was at his computer.  He would reinforce that he was Rosa even while he already thought that he was her.

There were several hours before “Rosa' would be able to chat with Sandra. Justin used the time to wash and drip-dry his dresses. He had been wearing them for many days now and they needed to be cleaned. Justin would have to wait until his apparel was ready before chatting with Sandra. The only dress he had that wasn't dirty, was a dress designed to be worn at church. That type of dress wouldn't be appropriate to wear when trying to have a casual conversation with Sandra.

His morning was thrown off by this development. He didn't take his nightgown off either, he didn't have anything else to wear. Plus, even though he could machine wash his panties, he couldn't do that for his hose or his bra. Not if he didn't want to risk ruining them.

By the time it took for his outfit to be properly washed and dried, it would be passed two o'clock. He had to hurry. Sandra wouldn't be on for a couple of hours yet, but he wanted to spend a long while talking to her. If he waited too long, then their time together would be limited.

“Maybe I should do this tomorrow?” Justin asked himself.

“No, I waited long enough. I'm just stalling. I have to do this now!”

With time running out, Justin sat in front of the monitor. He made sure that his dress was perfect as well as his makeup. He put his hand over the crucifix by his heart and then activated the video chat feature. His eyes glazed over for a second.  He wasn't Justin anymore. It was Rosa.  At least, that is who she thought she was and always had been.

Rosa looked to activate a video chat session with Sandra. Sandra entered the chatroom. She appeared in a box on the top right of Rosa's screen.

“Hola, Senorita Sandra, can I have a word with tu?” Rosa said with a genuine smile on her pretty Hispanic face.

When the session was over, Justin found himself heading towards the bathroom. He had to pee. He didn't remember anything about what happened with his conversation with Sandra. It wasn't his conversation, he was gone. It was Rosa's conversation.

He continued to the bathroom. He did need to pee. He reached under his dress, pulled down his panties and pantyhose. Held his slip at the hem of his dress with one hand and peed standing up as a man would.

Justin didn't consider that he wouldn't remember what went on in his session. It didn't matter too much, he had it recorded. He could watch it on his monitor in his bedroom. He couldn't watch it in front of his computer monitor, he would revert back into Rosa if he tried.

Justin positioned the time code to the proper place and watched the conversation. Rosa was as he had seen her before, but she was different also. She was effortlessly feminine in her facial expression. It was so subtle that Justin couldn't describe what Rosa was doing differently than when Justin was in control. But the change was also undeniable.

The person who was shown on the monitor wasn't Justin with the help of computer trickery imitating a Hispanic woman. It was Rosa Lopez acting like herself. There was concern on her face, she was worried about her daughter. There was also apprehension of asking a stranger for help. As the conversation continued, Rosa's demeanor changed.  She showed sincere gratitude that Sandra was going to help her. Justin didn't know whether he could be so convincing no matter how much practice he had. Rosa believed what she was saying. Justin could also try and simulate that. This hypnotism idea was definitely the right thing to do.

Justin watched the conversation between the two 'women'. Sandra was being quite empathetic. Sandra saw the concern in Rosa's face and tried to lighten the mood. Rosa's apprehension slowly faded as it would in a real conversation. Sandra understood Rosa's concerns and soothed her feelings. She got Rosa to smile. The women gained a rapport. They were becoming friends.

Sandra told a story that Justin knew very well. He had heard it many times before. But for Rosa, the story was new and quite endearing. Rosa's joy was genuine, and her expressions were open and natural. It ended when Rosa said she had to go. Rosa needed to use the bathroom and then make dinner.

Sandra told her “Goodbye, don't hesitate to contact me again if you have any more questions.”

"Si, I surely will,” Rosa said. Then she turned off the program and headed towards the bathroom.

That was when Justin regained control of his body.

“That went well,” Justin stated out loud to no one.

Justin let it all play out naturally.  He knew that eventually, he would find out if Sandra was talking about him behind his back.  But in the meantime, he was very busy.  Between his life and Rosa's, he didn't have a spare minute.

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