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Miles Stevenson collected what he needed before getting out of his car. There were the general supplies that he needed for all his students, pencils, a pencil sharpener, blank paper, a calculator, a straight edge, a compass, and other things. He had them in his office supplies bag. He also picked up the textbook that he would need for this particular student: pre-algebra. He also had a special sheet of problems he made himself. Finally, he had a big bag of lollipops. Lollipops were cheap and a great way to win over the student. It could also be used as a bride to keep the student-focused for the last ten minutes of the session.

Miles had been a tutor for four years now. He liked it better than teaching a class. The interaction was more personal. The student had to stay focused because the tutor was sitting right next to them and had his eyes on the student.

Miles didn't bother to check his appearance. He was wearing his usual button-down shirt and a pair of slacks and black shoes. He randomly selected the outfit. He didn't care which shirt went with which pants as long as they were both dress shirts and dress pants. The only reason to select one shirt over the other was the weather, short sleeves for the warmer days and long sleeves for the colder. But other than that, it didn't matter to him at all.

Miles walked up the door with his supplies in hand and rang the doorbell. He waited for a moment for the door to be answered. It could be the girl he was tutoring, or it could be her mom. It didn't matter much either. This time it was the girl: eleven-year-old Maria Kaneholani. Maria was dressed much more casually than Miles was. She wore a graphic tee that came down to her hips over a pair of black leggings and pastel socks. She didn't wear any shoes. She was at home relaxing before Miles arrived.

Miles followed her to the work area. Miles never walked through the house. He was limited to the hall and whatever nook was set up for the tutoring experience. Miles prided himself that he was all business when tutoring. He never used the restroom or found any other reason to look through the house. He stayed in his area, he thought that it was best this way.

Miles sat perpendicularly to the student but still kept his distance. This was the best way to teach and remain professional. Miles never touched his students in any way. He never patted their back or touched their hands; it's a strange world these days. Distance must always be maintained.

“What did you learn this week in class?” Miles asked.

“We learned adding and subtracting signed numbers,” Maria replied.


“Yeah, those.”

Miles started with the girl's notes and then moved on to her homework. He tried to make sure that the girl followed the proper procedure. He knew that even older students forgot to get the signs right.

Miles kept the lessons light and sometimes small talk entered the conversation. This time Miles had gotten a new student who he knew was in Maria's grade. He asked Maria about him.

“Hey, do you know John Kelly?” Miles asked.

“John Kelly?”

“Yeah, I'm going to start tutoring him tomorrow.”

“I think so.”

“What's he like?”

“I don't know. He's just a boy.”

“Is he in your class?”

“Yeah, he is. He's been in my class since second grade; I think.” Maria was in sixth grade now. This was her first year in middle school.

“Is he a nice boy? Is he smart?”

“I don't know. He seems OK.”

Miles could tell there was something more to her impression of John but didn't press. Instead, he offered her a lollipop and returned to subtraction of signed numbers.

The Trait Swapper could be anywhere and as fate would have it, it was hovering nearby Miles and Maria.

The session ended; Mrs. Kaneholani paid Miles. He took his supplies and exited the house.

The next day, Miles was getting ready for his new student. He didn't know why he felt nervous as he prepared for the session. Miles took his shower and decided to scrub himself extra clean. He blow-dried his hair after and made sure his hair was combed properly. He wanted to look especially good for his new student. Instead of taking any old dress shirt, he picked a nice blue one to go with darker blue pants. Instead of putting it on immediately, he ironed both the shirt and pants to make sure they looked fresh. Finally, he polished his shoes before dressing in any of his apparel. He was happy when he was properly dressed in his crisp shirt and pants, and his polished shoes.

Miles drove to the house of his student. He didn't want to be late. He was 30 minutes early. He had to drive away; he didn't want to arrive too early either.

When it was time, he was back in the boy's driveway. He looked at himself in the rear-view mirror and was pleased with his appearance. He made sure his shirt was properly tucked before ringing the doorbell. He rang the bell and waited for the door to open.

Mrs. Kelly, not her son, opened the door. Miles was a bit disappointed.

Miles followed Mrs. Kelly into the house. She called out, “John, come down here! The tutor is here!”

Miles waited. He had butterflies in his stomach. He had never felt this way for any of his other students. Then he saw John, Miles thought that John was gorgeous. He was the cutest eleven-year-old there was. Miles was crushing on John. The Trait Swapper had transferred all of Maria's feelings to Miles.

Marie had a crush on John for at least two years, ever since she turned nine and started puberty. Sometime after her first period, her feelings for John had changed. She didn't think as she told Miles that he was just a boy. But she thought he was the cutest boy in her class (maybe the world). She was too shy to talk to him, but she hoped that John would talk to her.

All of those feelings had been transferred to Miles. They were his feelings now. He couldn't help himself, he loved John. Now he was going to spend an entire hour with John, he was so happy. He hoped that John would like him too. “God, he's got to like me!” Miles wished.

“Hello, John, I'm Mr. Stevenson...but you can call me Miles.”

“Hi, Miles.”

“Are you ready to get started?”

“I guess so.”

They took a seat.

“So, what did you learn in class today?”

“Numbers with signs attached. You know how to add and subtract them.” Miles should have known; John was in the same class as Maria. He felt stupid for asking such a dumb question.

“I'm sure you are very smart and can do these easily.”

“I guess.”

“Oh my god,” Miles thought, “How could I have been so stupid.”

“Do you want a lollipop?”


“Here take your pick!”

John looked through the bag of pops and took his favorite. Miles thought it was going well. He hoped that John would like him.

They got down to work. Miles showed John how to do the problems. John wasn't as smart as Maria, but Miles didn't notice. Miles started a discrete distance from John but soon moved closer and closer. Soon they were on the same side of the table. Miles wished he could snuggle up with John. Miles loved him so much. He touched his hand when he could or patted him on the back when John got the answer right. Miles was in heaven.

Miles gave john a bunch of problems to work on.

“You do these while I go to the bathroom, OK?”


“Where is it.”

“It's just down the hall.”

Miles wanted to see John's room.  Miles wanted to know everything about John, seeing his room would help.  Miles purposefully passed the bathroom hoping to pass John's room.  HE passed by the door and looked in.  He saw John's stuff.  The typical items in a room that a boy lived in.

“Mr. Stevenson,” John's mother said.

“I'm sorry I was looking for the bathroom.”

“It's right there.”

Miles entered the bathroom and closed the door.  He checked his appearance in the mirror before leaving.  He combed his hair and then returned to where John was sitting.

The hour flew by. John had gotten six lollies from Miles. More than Miles had ever given to any of his other students.

Miles was paid by Mrs. Kelly and left.

“See you next week,” Miles called to John.

About two hours later, Mrs. Kelly called Miles. “I'm sorry, but I don't think John needs a tutor. Thank you for coming,” was all she said.

Heartbroken Miles ran to his bedroom. He threw himself on his bed and cried.

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