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Chapter 6

Justin was embarrassed to get women's lingerie, but he knew he had to.  He drove to a store two dozen miles away to purchase what he wanted even though there was a store less than five miles away.

Justin's heart was beating in his chest as he entered the Walmart.  He didn't go straight to the woman's underwear section.  He instead walked right by it.  He wanted to get himself lost in the rows of lingerie without anyone seeing him. He didn't want the women (strangers) who happened to be buying lingerie to think he was buying woman's underwear for himself. He felt self-conscious.

He passed by the section, looked for where the items he wanted were but didn't enter. He circled the store, looking for this and that. He selected items he didn't need to have an excuse when he was checking out. He didn't plan on going to a register with a cashier. He would use self-checkout.

Finally, after over fifteen minutes in the store, Justin entered the women's underwear section. He went to the back where he could be partially hidden and looked at the packages of panties. He wanted something plain, white and in a package. Something he could justify to himself that his girlfriend asked him to pick up.

The first thing he did was look at the outer package to determine the proper size. He listed his hips as being 42. That meant he needed a size 7 or a size 8. Justin decided on a size 7. He found a six-pack of women's white cotton briefs for $11.99 and threw it into his cart. He hid it under the decoy items that he had selected.

He was about to leave when he saw women's cotton briefs, also in a six-pack, but these were in fashion colors. “Should I get them all in white? Will they look right with the dresses I want to wear?” Justin wondered.

“Let me get the assorted color ones instead,” Justin reasoned. He didn't really need more than one and what could it hurt to have them in many colors; including a pair in white. The extra dollar in price didn't concern him.

It really didn't matter, as he was going to buy a slip. The slips job was to hide the panties from being seen anyway.

Justin left the Lingerie area and circled the store again. His heart was beating. But he had to return, he needed a bra (in the proper size), a slip, and some hose. It took almost an hour to get what he wanted. Every time a woman would enter the area, he would have to scurry away and come back later.

Justin paid for his items in the self-checkout.  He paid in cash and made sure that his 'special items' were hidden from anyone's gaze. No one looked, nor cared what he was doing. He put his stuff into the passenger seat next to him and started to drive home. When he was stopped at a red light, he looked into his packages to inspect when he bought. He could check the styles now that he was alone in his own car away from prying eyes.  The light would turn green, and he would drive off, only to stop at the next light and look again.  Eventually, he arrived at his own house.

Justin stripped off all his clothes to put on his new purchases. He ripped into the package containing the panties and put them on first. He selected the one in a light teal color for no particular reason.  Then he removed the bra from its box, it was an 18 Hour ultimate lift and support wireless bra. That is what the box said it was. It sounded right. The most important thing was the bra size: 38D. He put his arms through the loops and then tried to hook it in the back. It had a triple hook-and-eye back. It was tough for him to get the hooks in properly. There were three of them.

Justin took the bra off. He decided to hook the fasteners before putting them back on. There were three columns, he selected the largest column. Then he pulled the bra on like a t-shirt. The cups were empty but rigid enough to not sag.

Hanes nude pantyhose were next. He had a devil of a time getting those up his legs, but he managed to do so. Finally, he pulled the white slip up his legs and to his waist just below where the pantyhose extended.  It was at his 'natural' waist.  “Should I pull it up to the top band of the pantyhose?  He wasn't sure.  Justin didn't know hose could be pulled up that high.    Just decided to leave everything where it was.

Dressed in his lingerie, Justin put on the same casual dress he had on before. Then completed his look with a pair of wedge sandals. It increased his height by two and a half inches.

Then he sat down to put on his new makeup, eye shadow, and a little blush. That is when he noticed. Justin was horror-struck, he had forgotten to remove his lipstick when he left for the  Walmart. He had been wearing it all this time. “Aye Dios Mio!” he said out loud even though no one was around.

But he recovered a moment later and smiled at himself for being so stupid. Then he applied his eye shadow and eyeliner the best he could. Finally, he put on some blush and walked the room with his computer setup. To look at his faux picture on the monitor.

Justin set the computer image to have a neutral background and stood in front of the monitor while wearing his sheer black dress.  It was him and it wasn't him.  It really didn't look anything like him, but it moved as he moved.  It was definitely the image of a woman.  A petite, plus-sized woman wearing the same dress as he was wearing, although it looked much better on 'her' than it did on him.  Justin put one foot in front of the other as he had seen models do and placed his hands on his hips.

"Mi nombre es Rosa Lopez," he said.   The computer heard what he said and repeated the words in a soft feminine voice with even more of an accent than his own.

Then he adjusted the neutral background to one of a woman's bedrooms and took the same pose as before.

"Hermosa," which means beautiful in Spanish, he whispered quietly.

Justin in his monitor's eye certainly looked the part. He also sounded the part, but he wasn't ready to try to contact Sandra. He needed one more test. “I'm going to spend an entire day as Rosa and then I'll be ready,” Justin said to himself.

“Tomorrow, I'll spend the entire day inside and be Rosa all day.”

Justin disrobed all of Rose's apparel and got into his own. This time he made sure to remove all makeup from his face. Then he drove to the grocery store and bought the ingredients he would need to cook authentic Mexican meals, from a breakfast burrito to tlayudas for dinner and quesadillas for lunch. Next, he bought a nightgown to sleep in and a pair of fuzzy slippers to wear to bed. Finally, he bought a crucifix on a gold chain. The crucifix was the one thing that he would never take off. He enjoyed wearing it most of all. His Catholic training was taking root.

Returning home, he put his groceries away and looked forward to an entire 24 hours plus of being Rosa. He put the necklace around his neck and spent his last few hours as Justin.

When it was about time to go to bed, he took off all his clothes and threw them into the hamper. He took a shower and dressed in plain panties and his new nightgown. He was Rosa now and for the next 24 hours. He slipped his feet into his fuzzy slippers and headed towards his bed.

Justin got in and turned on some music. He had prepared this music for this day; it had a subliminal message. It repeated over and over, “Tu nombre es Rosa Lopez. Soy 34 years old. You were born in San Agustin, Mexico. You immigrated to the United States when you were four years old...” Justin couldn't consciously hear the message, but he knew it was playing under the music. He picked up one of his romance novels and read it until he fell asleep.

Chapter 7.

In the morning, 'Rosa' got out of bed and brushed his teeth and his hair. Then he made himself the breakfast burrito. He returned to his room and got dressed in a new pair of panties, a bra, and his dress. He didn't need to wear his slip or hose, since he wasn't going out today. But he did put on his wedges.

He took his laundry out of the hamper and prepared to wash it. He separated the colors from the whites and the delicates from the ordinary clothes. He placed what was needed into the washer and soaked the more delicate clothes by hand. He returned to the bedroom and to make his bed.

He watched his morning shows on TV. There were a few hours yet before the soaps he loved would come on.

One load of laundry come out and he put a second load in. The wet clothes were put into the dryer. (Those that didn't need to be drip-dried.) A little light cleaning until lunch and then his soaps.

His entire day was uneventful. The ordinary day of a woman in her thirties. The only time he opened the front door, was to retrieve a package that arrived from Amazon. No one saw him though. He ended the day, the same way he had the night before. He took off his day clothes, took another shower, and then put on his nightgown again and went to bed. Listened to music and read his romance novel and he was asleep. It was a successful full-day living as Rosa Lopez.

Chapter 8

Justin woke up in the morning, he was still wearing his nightgown.

“Wow, I was Rosa all day,” Justin marveled at himself.  It was the most exciting day in his life in he didn't know how long.  Ironically, during the most exciting day all he did was stay at home and do housework.

Justin wished he could do it for another day in a row. It was fun to pretend you are someone else. But ironically, he couldn't do it today since he had an appointment with Father Carlos. He was getting more religious instruction on how to be a good Catholic. He couldn't miss it.  He couldn't show up to that wearing a dress and the rest of his feminine attire.

Justin took off his nightgown and was about to take off his panties, when he thought, “What the hell?” Justin didn't want to take off his crucifix necklace. He would hide it under his shirt, and no one would know. He would do the same with his panties. Who would know that he wore panties instead of male briefs under his pants? Instead of wearing black socks, he doubled down and wore black pantyhose instead. He didn't wear hose yesterday when he was Rosa all day, but he would wear it today when he was back to being plain old Justin. Then he got dressed in his normal suit and dress shirt. It was his secret what he wore underneath

Justin showed up on time for his instruction. He was so involved in what he was learning that he had completely forgotten about the lingerie he was wearing. It felt perfectly normal to be wearing what he was by the time he exited the church.

As he drove home, Justin's mind returned to what he had done the day before. He remembered all that he had done. It was all quite ordinary but doing it as Rosa made it seem exciting to him. Justin got an inspiration, he could relive it again by watching the surveillance footage from his home security cameras. He could see what it looked like.

Justin found the footage and started to watch as he went about his day as Rosa. But his own body in the dress distracted him. It didn't take long for another flash of insight. Justin downloaded the surveillance footage to his computer and then processed it using his AI software. It converted the images of Justin pretending to be Rosa into footage of Rosa going about her day.

The pictures looked clear as day and realistic. The person in his house yesterday didn't appear to be him anymore. It was a petite, plus-size, Hispanic woman. He smiled at himself. She wasn't doing anything special, washing clothes, preparing meals, eating them, watching TV, and doing housework, but Justin couldn't take his eyes off the screen.

Tomorrow he would be Rosa again, but that time he would log onto Sandra's website and contact her. Whether or not Justin discovered that Sandra was talking about him behind his back, wouldn't matter anymore. It was just too much fun to pretend to be someone else. Tomorrow for two out of three days, Justin will be Rosa instead of himself.

Justin returned to Rosa's apparel.  He watched his soaps, practiced his Spanish (with Martina over his computer with a ZOOM type app), and read the pamphlets that Father Carlos gave him at their last meeting.

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