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Chapter 4.

“When do you think you will be ready to do that thing with Sandra?”

“I've already started.”

“You have?  You're talking to her?”

“No, I created the profile.  I am online.  I'm just posting little stuff.  I want to have a presence there before I start talking to her.”

“Well then what are you posting?”

“Well on The Bold and the Beautiful, Carter has a major epiphany about his new love life.  I could see it from a mile away, but he finally realized it, and now what is he going to do?  I mean, Aye Dios Mio.  That started an entire conversation with some of the other posters.”  Justin seemed excited about his posts.  More excited than Micah thought he should be.

“You posted about a soap opera?”

“Not just that.  The bread you just ate.  I posted about that.  Didn't it taste different?  That's because I added some real Mexican spices to give it some gusto.”  Justin said 'Gusto' with a Mexican accent.

"Yes, it was very tasty.  How many posts have you made?”

“I guess about a dozen by now.”

“A dozen?  And you still haven't messaged Sandra?”

“No, not yet.  Soon though.”


“Besides these are just text messages.  I'll do the video ones also.  I'm not ready for those.”

“Why not?”

“I'm just not ready for a conversation yet.”

“It's taking a while.”

“I don't care.  I just want it to turn out right.”

“Let's play some video games?” Micah said when he was done with dinner.

“I can't.  I want to finish this book.  I had to leave off at the most exciting part.”

“What's it called?”

“It's called 'Moonlight Road'.  Erin Foley goes into a cabin.  She has this thing for Aiden Riordan, who is a doctor.  Not that she knew after first.  They could be good for each other.  But Aiden has this ex-wife.  I just have to finish it.  I just have to!”

“OK, dude.  You do what you have to do.  I'm out of here.  Later.”


Micah shook his head as he exited the house.

Justin was lying to his friend.  He wanted to finish the novel, but that wasn't why he asked Micah to leave.  Tomorrow, Justin was planning on seeing Martina's priest.  He wanted instruction on how to become a Catholic.  He wanted to read up on it first before seeing the priest.  He felt that if he had already done some research and showed it, the priest would know that he was serious.

Justin looked on Google and typed “How to become Catholic.”  The first thing he noticed was a wikiHow article “'ow to Become Catholic: Thirteen Steps.'  He clicked on that.  His journey into becoming Catholic had begun.

Chapter 5

Martina knocked on Justin's door unexpectedly.  She wasn't scheduled to clean his place and Justin hadn't asked her to be here for some other reason.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to ask you how it went with Father Carlos.”

“It went very well.  He is a very kind and caring man.  I like him a lot.”

“I knew you would.”

“Is that it?”

“Yeah, I have a million errands today.”

“Like what?  Maybe I can help?”

“Let's see, besides grocery shopping and stuff like that, I have to drop these clothes off at the church.  I'm donating them.  They are very nice, but my closets are full, and the seasons are changing.”

“I can do that for you.  I wanted to see Father Carlos again.”

“Would you?”

“Si, no problem.”

“I have a few bags.”

“Let me take them.  I'll take care of it.”


Justin took the bags of clothing in.  Instead of just bringing all of them to the church, he removed all the dresses to keep for himself. He felt he might need them later. Justin returned the rest and included a $200 donation for the apparel he kept. The church usually sold the donated stuff for two or three dollars, so the money more than made up for what he kept.

Justin did as promised and brought the bags of clothes along with $200 of his own money to the church.  It was gratefully accepted, while there, Justin received more instruction on his quest to become a practicing Catholic.

Returning home, Justin took the time to see his new dresses. Most were casual dresses that Martina wore frequently. There was also a couple of dresses that Martina liked to wear while working. These resembled uniforms. Finally, there was a dress that would clearly be worn on Sunday morning to attend church. Justin took all his new apparel and hung them up carefully in the closet in one of the guest rooms. Most of the bedrooms in Justin's house weren't needed as he didn't have a family.

Martina came to Justin's house more and more often, but not to clean. Justin didn't have any problem cleaning his house himself. He was one person alone and could straighten up any mess that he made. His house was always spotless. There was plenty of time to clean up his small messes and vacuum, dust, whatever during the commercials of the soaps he loved.  If the straightening up took a bit longer than the commercial, he could use his TIVO to back up and see what he missed.

The point of Martina's visits was to help Justin learn Spanish, become a better cook, and learn more Catholic doctrine.  Presumably, Justin was doing all these things because his girlfriend was Hispanic, like Martina, and these things would bring Justin and his girlfriend closer together.  Martina respected Justin for what he was doing for his lady.  Justin was quite a 'Caballero' (gentleman) she thought.

Justin also paid Martina more to help him with the aforementioned, Spanish lessons, etc. than for cleaning. That was why Martina could donate her older clothing. She was buying new stuff with the money she was getting.

“Hello, stranger,” Justin heard when he answered his cell.

“Hola, Sandra. Why did you say that?”

“Because I haven't seen you.”

It was true since Justin started his project, he hadn't seen Sandra very much.  He talked to her on the phone at least every other night, but they didn't go out on dates.  Justin didn't have time.

“You know I've been busy with work.” Sandra didn't know exactly what Justin did.  She knew it had to do with computers and that he was making a lot of money for it.  But she couldn't possibly know the technical aspects of what he was doing nor how long it should take.

Justin was living off of work he had done previously and didn't need to work again to have a comfortable life.  Sandra didn't know that.

“But that isn't any reason we can't go out every once in a while.”

“Si, you're right. OK, I'll take you out.”  Justin was still sprinkling Spanish words into his everyday talking patterns.  He had told Sandra that 'his newest project had to be useful for both an English and Spanish speaking audience.  So, he was learning Spanish. “Let's go to Girasoles. I heard their food is muy bueno.”  Girasoles is a Mexican restaurant nearby.  Their prices are a little pricey, not that that mattered to Justin.  What he really wanted to do was to compare their cuisine with the dishes he was preparing himself.

Justin and Sandra had a lot of fun on their date.  Justin let Sandra do most of the talking.  He peppered her with questions about what was keeping her busy.  Sandra enjoyed the new Justin who didn't talk about himself often.

Justin had to let Sandra do all the talking, he couldn't tell her about the things he was doing. He couldn't tell her about the soap operas he watched every day.   He couldn't tell her about his Catholic instruction.  He couldn't tell her about his cooking lessons.  Finally, he couldn't tell her about his work as he wasn't working very much anyway.

The closest thing to work (or at least programming) that he was doing was to expand his VI deepfake video program.  Previously, it could re-digitize another face over his that mimicked how he was talking and his facial expressions in real-time.  His new software was expanded to the rest of his body. It could redraw his whole body and send that image to the person he was communicating with.  It could make his body look like a short woman's body just as he had described in his profile.

Justin had thought of creating it after he acquired Martina's apparel.  When he put on one of her dresses, on the remote screen, it wouldn't look like Justin was wearing it, but a petite woman was.  It would give the illusion of wide hips and the swell of breasts as well as all the other aspects of a womanly body and face.  It was a work of genius that could do such a thing flawlessly in real-time.

The program could even make his awkward dancing style seem smooth and graceful to the remote user.

It was time for Justin to start testing his deepfake video chat more seriously.  He logged onto his account and set it to video mode.  No one but himself would see it as he tested the software.  He sat in front of his computer and looked at the image he was broadcasting.  He saw himself with the face of the Latina he had previously seen.  She still had his hair and wasn't wearing any makeup.  He left his seat to fix that.  He retrieved his wig and fetched a tube of lipstick.  He applied the lipstick to his lips.  He had practiced on and off since the first time he tried it.  His technique had improved.  Then he put on the wig and was ready to see himself.

When he sat down in front of the monitor for a second time, the image was improved.  The lipstick, but especially the wig enhanced his feminine appearance.  He turned his head to the left and right to see his profile.  It was flawless.

With his initial test done, Justin increased the scope of his test.  It would not replace his body with the body he had selected.  It was as his profile described.  His skin was as dark as his face, his hands and arms were relatively thin, he was short at 5'3” with D-cup breasts and wide hips.  His body would be in a pear shape.

But he couldn't see all that from where he was sitting, it only showed his face.  He brought his hand to his mouth and saw the thin delicate fingers of its new image.  It looked nothing like his real hand. It didn't look out of place next to his feminized face anymore.  His hand was missing something he thought, he needed some rings.   All the girls he knew, including Martina and Sandra all wore rings on their fingers.  He decided to should get some for himself.

Justin got out of his seat and moved it out of the way. Then he took several steps back so he could see himself on the monitor.  Only his top half was being shown.  His shoulders looked narrower than he knew his shoulders should be.  His skin looked smoother and darker and what appeared under his shirt looked like the swell of real breasts.  It made indentations in his shirt as well as generated shadows underneath 'his' breasts' which looked a hundred percent genuine.

He swiveled his torso while keeping his face turned towards the monitor.  He kept a close eye on his chest.  His faux boobs seemed to extend past where his chest should end on the monitor.  They looked completely real.  They also seemed to sag a big due to gravity.

“Justin, you're a genius!” he said to himself.  No one else could create such realism in real-time.  There wasn't a hint of lag between his movements and the movements on the screen. He did have state-of-the-art equipment, but it was still very impressive.

He returned to his position of standing and facing the screen.  He took his hands and placed them over his boobs.  They seemed to wrap around them even though there wasn't any swell to actually wrap around.

Then he caught himself. I'm supposed to be modest.  I can't do this.  That isn't appropriate.”

“No one is watching,” he thought.

“That doesn't matter. This isn't for fun.  I have to stay in character when I'm broadcasting.  It doesn't matter if anyone else is looking.”

Justin took a few more steps back to see the rest of his body.  He saw his torso narrow a bit to his waist and then start to swell again as it showed more of his hips.  His hips were huge as compared with his torso.  Definitely a pear-shaped figure.  This is what he had planned, but he was still a bit surprised when he saw it himself in real-time.

Justin's hands traced the outline of his body, from just below his breasts to his narrower waist and then out to his large hips.  His real body wasn't in a proportion anything like that of the illusion was perfect.  Soon his hands dropped out of the frame.


He kept his head in place again as he turned his body to show his butt.  It swelled as he expected it would.  He had a bubble butt now.  It was large, round, and stuck out several inches more than his real butt ever could.  He resisted the impulse to squeeze his own butt.  He had to stay in character.

With the first test successful, Justin knew what he had to do next.  He would have to put on one of the dresses and see what that would look like.  Of Martina's former dresses he had in the closet, Justin chose a dress in a style he had seen Martina in before.  Justin couldn't be certain if she had worn this particular dress to his house.  It was a short sleeve, lay-down collar dress with a V-neck.  It was black with cyan accents on the end of the sleeves and at the pockets on the bodice.

The tapering of the dress should emphasize a narrow waist and the widening of the hips.  Justin couldn't see those things on his own body.  Although he could see his hair peeking out at the V-neck but of his bodice.  Martina was at least a half foot shorter than Justin so on Justin the dress descended to just above his knees.  He could see his own hairy legs below.

Justin returned to see himself on his monitor.  The change was miraculous.  His chest hair was gone.  It was replaced with a smooth neck and the swell of the top of his breasts under the garment.  The dress looked longer now.  It didn't extend to only above his knees, now it seemed to hide his knees completely.  Justin didn't know exactly how far it extended; he was standing too close to the monitor.  In the monitor, the tapering did its job. It emphasized his narrow waist and wider hips.  It even made his butt look better when he twisted around to see it.

Justin took a few more steps back. The hair on his legs was gone. His legs looked narrower and shapelier than before. He lifted one leg to see his tiny feet.

When he put his hands on his hips and smiled, he looked both pretty and professional.

“Micah was right,” Justin thought, “I do need some eye shadow.  A little blush wouldn't hurt either.”

Justin turned off the messenger program and sat in front of his computer again.  He looked for more videos on how to apply eye shadow and blush.  (He didn't need foundation or concealer though; his face was already perfect.)

While watching a tutorial on applying makeup video,  Justin's mind started to wander.  He was still wearing the professional-looking dress that Martina usually wore when she was working.  “How would I look in a more casual dress?”

Justin exited his seat and found another dress.  This was much more casual.  It was made of softer, less rigid material than the dress he had on.  It also had a lower neckline.  He put it on. Similar to the dress, he had been wearing, this dress was too short for him.  On Martina, it extended well past her knees. O n him, it hardly covered his knees at all.

He appeared in front of his monitor again.  He looked at himself.  As with his former dress, the length readjusted itself to the proper length.  Justin marveled at how it did so flawlessly.

Next, Justin looked at his upper chest.  This dress was still modest (by today's standards) but the tops of his breast weren't hidden by his dress anymore. The artificial intelligence that recreated the image not only showed the top of his breasts which it obviously couldn't see for real but also showed them sagging under his dress.  The softer, more flexible material would allow his breasts to sag if he didn't wear a bra under the dress.  “I'm a genius, it looks so natural,” he said to no one.

Justin jumped up and down to see the effect on the screen.  His simulated breasts under his dress seemingly bounced with every leap.  As they would if he had them in real-life.  They moved in a similar rhythm as the hem the skirt of his dress.

He couldn't wear this dress without wearing a bra, just as Martina had to.  Justin even more so since his profile listed him as having larger breasts than Martina had.  Justin would have to buy a bra, there wasn't any doubt about that.

Justin danced around the room to watch his faux reflection move.  It moved with a grace and fluidity of movement that Justin didn't have.  He noticed a slight lewdness as the material of his dress was a bit sheer.  He could see the outline of his butt and legs underneath.  He turned around and shook his but from side to side.  The big, rounded butt on the screen mimicked his movements.  He also noticed a jiggle in his backside similar to his bouncing boobs from before.  He could also make out his male briefs from under his skirt.

Justin realized he would have to buy a slip to prevent that effect if he ever stood in front of the monitor.  He might even have to wear a pair of real woman's panties too.  He didn't think he had to, but the idea intrigued him.  Maybe just to see what he looked like.  He would get some underwear: bra, panties, slip.  If he was going to buy all that, maybe he should buy some hose too.  Finally, his image looked short because he wasn't wearing heels.  Martina always wore heels to make up for her height, he should too.

“Time to go on a shopping trip to get underwear and shoes I need,” Justin thought.  He smiled.  It looked pretty as he was still wearing his lipstick.  Once again, he realized that he did need the same makeup for his eyes and some blush to look even prettier.

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