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Gerald Sanford's girlfriend had shown him an article on this place.  It was real virtual reality.  Not just that silly visor that you put over your face, but the real thing.  It claimed to be a complete total immersion experience that encompassed not only all five senses, but more senses that a person didn't even think of, such as a sense of balance or position in space when one's eyes were closed.

Gerald read the article and then backed it up with everything he could find on the Internet.  The company and technology seemed to be legitimate.  It piqued his interest, but it wasn't for several more days that he felt he had to try it.  But he knew it would be expensive.  Certainly, more than he could afford.

Gerald was a junior executive at a large international company.  He was an up-and-comer.  Although he hadn't arrived yet.  Thus, his hesitancy to even find out how much it would really cost.

It was a complete surprise when Gerald's girlfriend made it possible for him to experience this new technology.  He didn't ask her where she got the money.  He didn't care.

Gerald Sanford entered the virtual reality lab.  He was greeted by a pretty lab technician with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

“Please sit down, Gerald.” the technician requested.  The technician knew that he was excited.  Gerald tried to mask his excitement, but it was a losing battle to try.  There weren't any last-minute jitters.  The technician was ready for those.  She didn't need to hold his hand to coax him.  He was already all in.  He would agree to anything.

Gerald was already wearing the loose-fitting bathroom and nothing under as requested.  It didn't hurt matters that the technician was a pretty blonde who was wearing the same bathrobe.  She didn't need to, she had only done it for Gerald's sake.

“Hello, Gerald.  As you know this is a total immersion product.  You won't only see what is happening, you will feel it as if you are living it in real-time.  It will feel like you are living a new life all of your senses will be involved.”

“Really?  All senses?  Even taste?”

“Yes, you won't only feel, see and hear things, but you will smell and taste too.”

“I don't believe it.”

“Yes you do.  If you, hadn't you wouldn't be here.”


“This experience will be unlike any other you had had before; we have to run some tests on you to make sure you are up to it.”


“You know, we'll check your heart, sight, hearing all sorts of things.”

“Is it necessary?”

“It's absolutely necessary.  Are you ready?”


“Good, now the first thing I need to know is what type of experience do you want?  I mean who do you want to be in this reality?”

“How about a high powered executive.  Let me see what it's like to already be on top.  Can you do that?”

“Sure.  No problem.  We have a program that simulated the raise of an executive in the 1940s.  You can be more powerful back then than you can now.  So many rules for behavior and such.  I have an idea.  How about we start you off at the beginning and in the VR you will rise to the top.  That'll be more fun.

“Great idea.  I love it.”

“Great, I'll program that in.  In the meantime take this?” the technician handed Gerald a glass with a clear liquid inside.

“What's this?”

“It's a contrasting agent.  It'll make it easier to for the device to see your heart,” the technician lied.  “Drink it up.  It should have a pleasant taste.  It's not an ice cream soda, but it's not horrible.”

Gerald took the drink and sniffed it.  It smelled OK.  Then he drank it down.

“Let's give it a second to work.  In the meantime, put this in your ears so she can test your hearing.

Gerald put the headphone type device over his ear.

“Can you hear me?”


“OK, there will be a series of tones, wait for them.  When you hear them, press this button.”

The first tone sounded.  Gerald pushed the button.  Then the second and more.  Gerald drifted off to sleep in the 'middle of the test.

It appeared that he was in a different time.  He was back in the 1940s.  He marveled at how real everything felt.  In front of him was a building, but it wasn't an office building.  It was a school.  Somehow, he knew the place right away.  It was Westport High School.  He had never gone there before, but he knew that was where he was.

He entered the building, and he knew where to go.  He walked instinctively down the hall and came to a door.  It was the door for Miss Harrison's typing class.  Gerald knew he was a junior in high school.

“I didn't think I would start all the way back in high school.” he thought.

The color scheme started off a bit monochromatic, but it adjusted as he walked through entered the classroom.  “Hey something is wrong,” he said out loud.

“Give it some time, the VR needs to adjust.  Soon it'll all look perfect,” Gerald was told.

Then he noticed something else.  He was wearing a skirt.  It should bother him but it didn't.  Instead, he enjoyed the new sensations.  He could not only feel the swish of the skirt as he walked but also the pantyhose encasing his legs and the bra surrounding his torso.  But what was really mind-blowing was the feel of breasts on his chest.  They felt real like they were attached to his body.

“I'm a woman,” he stated.

“Oh, I'm sorry.  I was supposed to be in the simulation with you.  I was supposed to be your secretary.  I guess we made a mistake.  If you want to fix it, you'll have to get out now and we'll reset.  It'll take two hours to do that though. What do you want to do?”

“I guess it's OK.  But I will become an executive?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

It was both strange and exhilarating to feel and be dressed like a woman.  It might be fun to continue.

“Will everyone treat me like a girl?”

“They will.”

“What the hell, I'll find out how the other half lives.

He was carrying a book in his left hand and reaching for the doorknob to enter.  He could feel the shoulder-length hair on his neck.  He could feel the swish of his skirt and it brushed against his nylon-covered legs.  He was wearing small heels but yet he felt shorter than his normal height.  Under his clothes, he could feel the heft of his breasts and the swell of his hips.  The void between his legs was completely unnoticed.  He wasn't even concerned about that.  It was just VR.

Gerald was amazed at the realism.  He felt like he was really a girl in a high school in the 1940s.

“What year is this anyway?” Gerald questioned.

“!941.  I'm going to feel into you some facts of where you are and who you are supposed to be.  OK?”


As he made his way to a seat in the front right of the class.  He heard of what was his or should he say her life.  He was being fed everything she should know.  Her name was June Woods.  She was sixteen years old.  This was her junior year in high school.  She was entering his typing class.  She had excelled in typing class.  Her mind was wandering through his academic career.

It didn't seem to take any time to get to her seat, but in the real-world time passed rapidly.  Much more rapidly than it was now.  By the time June took her seat, she had an entire lifetime of knowledge.  Or so it seemed.

Experiences were rushing through her mind.  He could almost hear the words but not quite.  She just knew that if she needed to answer a question about herself, she would know exactly what to say.

“I've been in so many things.  I'm the secretary of the freshman class.  I've been elected president of my campfire girls' group.  Last month I read and prepared an article on the American Indian before the school Historical Society (this was in the 1940s, the native Americans were referred to as American Indians then.)   For the past two years, I've been the social chairman in my church.  Last summer I was cabin leader at camp.  Mother says I am in too many things.”

June used the pronoun 'I' when referring to herself.  These events and activities were a part of her history, not some other person named June.

The new thoughts running through his mind didn't distract June from her typing assignment.  She started by typing her name and today's date.  He typed “June Woods, January 27, 1941.”  These facts seemed commonplace to him.  Somewhere in the back of 'his' mind, he knew these things weren't really true.  But June ignored that.

Typing comes easy to me, I can type over seventy words a minute.  It was one of the fastest rates in the class.  I'm pleased that I'm doing so well.

When class was over and the other students exited the room, June stayed behind.  She wanted to look over the classes she wanted to take in the Spring semester.  She looked at the list of classes.  June was unsure which classes to take.

English, everyone took that.  She checked that box.

Drama, Journalism, and public speaking, June didn't have any interest in those.

Looking down at the Math Group, she took basic Algebra but didn't like it.  As for geometry (plane or solid), trigonometry, or college algebra, they all seemed too hard to her.  Commercial Math was for her.  It would fit perfectly for her career.  What did she want to do again?  “Yeah, work in an office.”

June was interrupted when Miss Harrison handed her a note.  “Thank you very much,” June said with a big smile.  It's important to be pleasant to everyone and show gratitude.  June didn't exactly think these thoughts, she just knew them to be true.

The note was from the high school counseling department.  It said that Mr. Adams wanted to see her.  June knew that he was the school career counselor and where his office was.  She remembered seeing him before.

She wanted to be an executive at a large corporation.  That is what she wanted.  He would help her.

June entered Mr. Adam's outer office and spoke to the receptionist.  June knew her too, it was Mary who was a senior at the school helping out for extra credit.  Mary had been friends for years.  They lived on the same block.  Last year, June attended Mary's sweet sixteen.  Gerald was so involved in June's life that he didn't even think these thoughts strange.  He hardly thought of himself as Gerald anymore.

“Hello, June.”

“Hello, Mary.”

“You're right on time.  Just a minute. I'll see if Mr. Adams is busy.”  A moment later Mary smiled and said, “Go right in.”

June was happy that she was prompt.  It's important that people know they can count on you.

June felt totally relaxed as she entered the office.  She stood erect with her chest out taking confident strides.  She didn't even notice the swish of her skirt anymore.  It seemed perfectly natural to her as if she had always been wearing skirts.  She didn't even think about wearing parts.  Certainly not to school or being with her friends.  She wanted to project an air of seriousness.  Mr. Adam would help her choose her classes and prepare for a career outside of high school.

“Good morning, June.”  Mr. Adams stood up as he greeted her.  He knew her name without being told.  He knew her quite well.

“Good morning, Mr. Adams,” June said showing the proper respect for one of the school's faculty or other staff.

“Would you care to sit down?”

“Thank you.  I was glad to get your note.  My program for next semester has been bothering me.”

“What have you planned to take?”

“Well, you know how much I like my work in the commercial department.  I thought perhaps I should cancel history and physics.  I don't need either of them.”

“Indeed, a pretty girl like you with such large tits and a nice ass doesn't need either of those things.”

When Mr. Adams said 'pretty girl like you with such large tits and a nice ass' bothered June for an instant.  But it passed quickly.  Soon any discomfort was gone.

“I want to take office practice and advanced dictation.  I want to become a stenographer.”  June said it and she meant it.  She didn't have any aspirations to run a company, just be part of a secretarial pool or maybe the person secretary of one of the executives.  She was glad that she was pretty.  That would help her get a job.  The world was full of 'ugly girls' who could type.  She wanted to succeed.

“Yes, that sounds like a reasonable plan.  You are certainly pretty enough to work in an office.  What size are your breasts?  If you don't mind me asking?”

“They are 32C, but I think I'm still growing.”

“Good.  Good.  But what do you think stenographers do to earn a living?  Have you ever visualized yourself in a secretarial position?  What do you think the work would be like?”

"Yes, I think I have an idea.  If I was doing stenographic work in an office.  I imagine there would be some boring stuff like routine typing, checking others, and retype copy.  There would be other boring duties like filing.  This would be balanced when I would take my steno-pad and go to the boss's office.  He would close the door and I would do what was expected of me.  Anything that the boss wanted.  And that's my idea stenographic work, Mr. Adams.”

“Yes, that's clerical work.  But aren't there other types of clerical work that require more training, more skills, and further education?  Perhaps in your case, it might be better to think beyond mere routine typing, and filing, and shorthand?”

“But we don't have such courses at Westport High School!  Where can I get training for other kinds of 'clerical' work?  What other types of office jobs are there?”

“Suppose we can see if we can find the answers to your question?  Let me see your hands.”  Mr. Adams stood up.  June followed suit.  He placed June's hands on his crotch.  June's hands were very smooth.  She could feel Mr. Adam's hardening cock under his pants.  She rubbed the outside of his pants softly.

“Very good.  I think you might have what it takes. Let me see if Miss Harrison can take you to see how employment in an office environment really is.”

A short time later in Miss Harrison's classroom, “Miss. Harrison can you take June here to Messon's office so she can see some examples of really advanced clerical work.”

“I think so.”

“Miss Harrison, do you think I can talk to one of the private secretaries who work for a top executive of the company?” June asked.

Mr. Adams excused himself.  He had to wipe up the inside of his pants in the men's room. He didn't want a spot to creep out.

“Oh, I am sure that can be arranged.  An acquaintance of mine who is a secretary.  I'll call and make an appointment with her.

June put on a jacket and accompanied Miss Harrison to the office.  Before leaving the school, June made sure her lipstick was fresh, and her pantyhose didn't have any runs in them.  She had to reapply her lipstick; she had smudged it with Mr. Adams before leaving his office.

June and Miss Harrison greeted Miss Lee, the head secretary and office manager at Messon's

“Hello, Miss Harrison.  Come on in.”

“Hello, Miss Lee.  This is the young lady I was talking to you about this morning.”



“I would like her to see how a real business office operates,” Miss Harrison said.

“I'm very glad to help her.  I've arranged for us to spend the next hour together.  Can you give us a little privacy?”

Miss Lee took June by the shoulder.  Miss Lee's hand dropped from June's shoulder to her butt.  Miss Lee squeezed it.  She was pleased.  Then she unbuttoned her jacket.  June didn't protest at any of these things.

“Turn around so I can see all of you.”  After about half an hour, June got redressed and Miss Lee escorted her to the routine clerical department first.

“Many of our girls begin there after graduating from high school.” Miss Lee explained.

Continuing, Miss Lee explained, “Look at Miss Andrews butt.  It's bigger than yours.  Some of our executives like secretaries with large round rears.”

“Others prefer women with more on top.  But all our executives like girls with a pretty youthful face such as yours.”

“While waiting for the executives, we keep our secretaries busy typing this or that.  It's not exciting but it has to be done.  If the executives like you, you won't have to do too much of that.  But you do need to keep your typing speed up.”

“Look at Doris over here.  She's gained a bit of weight and spends a lot of time typing.  But she has promised me she has gone on a diet.  Haven't you honey?”

“Yes, Miss Lee,” Doris replied.  She knew that if she didn't lose at least 20 pounds she would be fired.

“Norma over here is building up the strength in her hands and arms.  It takes stamina to satisfy the needs of many executives during long 'meetings'.”

“I thought she is just making copies.”

“Well, technically she is.  But we are a modern office.  We have electrical copying machines.  We keep this here to help out girls' buildup strength in their fingers and endurance.

“It is not uncommon to find men doing this type of work.  A few of our executive prefer male secretaries.  We don't discriminate here.  However, girls are preferred on routine jobs which require speed and accuracy and a softer touch.”

“I'm still amazed at the amount of ability the girls need to do many of these jobs.”

“Well June, did you have a good time at Messon's office yesterday?”

“Yes, I did, but Mr. Adams do you think I can make a go of it?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Well, I talked to Miss Lee who has just the type of job I'd like someday.  She said I would need some additional training.  Do you think I should ask the boys I know about helping me get that training?”

“Before I answer that, let's look at your experience and records.  Then you and I can think through to an answer.”

“Your last boyfriend was very pleased with your performance.  See your grade.  He gave you a 96 and 98.  The one before gave you 85 and 84.  You showed definite improvement.”

“Isn't 98 almost a 100?”

“Yes, but a 100 rating is perfect on this test.”

“Your record in school with your teachers shows that you use your abilities efficiently.  I am also personally pleased with your performance when you came in here yesterday.”

"I'm definitely interested in secretarial work.  I'm more confident after talking with Miss Lee.  But some of my classmates have told me their vocational interests have changed.  I'm afraid I may change too.”

“Your interest must change too as you grow more mature.  As you fill out in your hips or bust.  But on our tests of vocational interests, your likes and dislikes are similar to women in secretarial occupations.  I would say your choice of secretarial work is a good one.  However, you have to remember you'll have to start at the bottom and work up to that position.  Do you like bottoms?”

“I don't mind starting anywhere.”


“You realize with your visit with Miss Lee, of course, that there are many many ways in which you can use your interest in commercial occupations.  Later you may wish to shift to other interesting positions others avoid.  You should not worry about the narrow specific type of job until you have some years of experience.”

“But Miss Lee stressed, and I thought for myself that the girls in the office work closely with each other and must be well-liked.  Do you think I have the personality for that work?”

“I heard from both Miss Harrison and Miss Lee the natural talents they think you have.  I can't predict for certain just how your personality may develop.  But what you say points to the likelihood that you will continue to be sociable and cooperative.”

“I would like to talk to you again about this.”

“And I would like to talk to you at least twice each semester.  You see this problem of making a choice is not a simple one and it can't be decided in a single day.  We'll review your tentative choice as you learn more about yourself and your capabilities.”

“Thank you very much.  You've helped me a lot.”

Gerald's girlfriend could see Gerald on the monitor.

"The look on Gerald's face is priceless."

"That isn't Gerald anymore.  That is June."

"How long has he been in there?"

"A few hours, but in his time, it's been years.  Not that he knows he is in there.  He thinks he is living his, I mean her life."


"But it's time for him to go home now."

"What do you think will happen?"

"It won't be pretty.  He thinks he is and has always been June Woods, a woman living in the 1940s.  It'll be quite a shock for her to find out he had a man's body.  That the year isn't 1947.  He can't stay here.  Other people want to use the machine."

<Gerald after waking up in the current year>

Film images: Coronet Instructional Films

Other Images by:

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Photo by Sergey Torbik from Pexels

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash



I like this version is more detailed also it was a good choice to add her girlfriend as a character. You did a great job narrating June's sensations and thoughts. The end is better in this one