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Chapter 1.

“I tell ya, man,” Micah told his friend Justin, “she is talking about you behind your back.”

“Sandra? No never. I love her and she loves me!” Justin insisted.

“No, I'm telling you. She talked about you behind your back. She says you are immature and naive. She is only with you because of your wallet and your big dick.”

“Well, I do have a big dick.”

“Dude, come on.”

“No, I have one. You've seen it. It's fucking huge. Here, I'll show you.”

“I don't want to see your dick.”


“But I'm warning you. She doesn't care about you. She talked behind your back.”

“Have you ever heard her say anything?”

“No, I'm not around her. But that is what she says to her friends.”

“So, they could be lying to you.”

“I'm sure they are not. Why would they?”

“They must have their reasons.”

“Why would Sandra want you?”

“Well, there is that big dick you mentioned.”

“She fell in love with your dick? Come on. Before her, you hadn't had any girls.”

“I had a few.”

“Very few. But what would a gorgeous girl like her want with you?”

Micah knew Justin Pritchard very well. They had been friends since they were schoolboys together. Justin was 27 years old. He was five foot eight and 205 pounds. With brown eyes and curly brown hair. He was a computer nerd who made a lot of money creating an app that took off when a video about it went viral. Whether it was his brains that made him rich or just dumb luck was hard to tell. But he had plenty of money for a man that young.

“She loves me, that is all that matters.”

“She doesn't. She just wants what you can give her.”

“You don't know what you're talking about. When we are together, I know she loves me. I love her. We love each other!”

Micah could see that he wasn't doing any good, so he just said, “Look, man, I'm just telling you.”

Several days later, Justin contacted Micah through a video version of Messenger. Justin's face appeared on Micah's screen and of course, Micah's face appeared on Justin's.

“I was thinking about what you told me,” Justin said with a bit of worry on his face. “I do think that Sandra loves me. But I need to find out one way or the other.”

Still feeling frustrated that Justin would not take his word, Micah responds in a neutral voice, "It's true. I'm telling you.”

“But you haven't heard it.”


“I need to hear it for myself.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“I'm going to become her friend and talk to her. If she says something like that then I'll know.”

Raising an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”

“Look at this picture.”

Justin held up a picture of a young woman with long slightly wavy dark brown hair with a part slightly off-center on the left side, and brown eyes framed by thin eyebrows that tapered toward the outside of her face. She was a woman in her thirties of obvious Hispanic descent.

“Who is that? Your new girlfriend?”

“No, this person doesn't exist. But she is pretty. Now watch this.”

“Watch what?”

Micah looked the screen as Justin put on a wig that matched the woman's hair on his own head.

“Man, you look ridiculous.”

“I'm not done.”

Micah could tell that Justin was using his mouse to select something. Instantly, Justin's face disappeared, and it was replaced with the face of the young Hispanic lady. Except for the clothing which Micah could see (the top of Justin's shirt) hadn't changed.

“What do you think now?”

The woman's face and especially her mouth moved in sync with Justin's words.

In a snarky voice, “Very funny!”

“No, you think it'll work?”

“What will work?”

Well, here is what I have in mind. I join Sandra's Facebook-type group. You know the one she has for mothers of cheerleaders. I'll say I'm a mother looking for advice. I'll say my daughter is about to enter Middle School. That I want to know what to do to help my daughter. I'll establish a friendship and see what she has to say about me.”

“That sounds stupid. Just like your male voice coming out of that woman's mouth.”

“Oh, I can fix that.”

Justin used his mouse again to select a new voice.

“How does this sound?”


“How about this?”

“It's OK, I guess. Come on, this is stupid!” annoyed with his friend.

Justin ignored him. He made more changes to the voice, the final one added a Hispanic accent to his now feminized voice.

“It will work. Admit it, you think I'm pretty! Don't you?” Justin smiled. On Micah's computer, the smiling face of a pretty Hispanic woman appeared. She didn't have any makeup on.”

Jokingly, “You need some lipstick.”

“I have some,” Justin smiles.

Micah assumed that he would add lipstick through computer manipulation. But he didn't. His masculine hand appeared before his face with a tube of red lipstick and applied it to his lips.

Surprised, “Why did you do that?”

“You told me to put on some makeup.”

“I mean why didn't you do it digitally?”

“It's more flexible this way. I add makeup to my own face, and it put it on the digital face. The same with the hair. It works better this way.”

“If you say so.” The effect did look real to Micah. Although Micah thought that Justin could put on the lipstick better. He said so. “Well, if it works like this you should learn how to apply lipstick.”

“I will.”

With the feminine accented sound of the voice and the moving image of the faux image, Micah did think it was a good illusion.  Not that Micah would admit it to Justin.

“Now what?”

“Now, you come over here and we create a proper profile for my new persona.”

“I'll be right over.” Micah came right over. Justin's scheme was fascinating, but he was more interested in the software. He wanted to see it in action. By in-action, he meant using himself as the 'model'.

“What we need to do is come up with a believable profile for me,” Justin stated, “Pull up that bean bag in the corner and we'll begin.”

“In a minute, let me see your software work.”

“OK, here we go, log on. Good, now look over there, that is how you would look to someone else.”

Micah saw his own picture as there wasn't an overlay.

“I look normal.”

“I know. Let's give you the image I was using.”

A moment later, Micah saw his face shift to the same Latina that he had seen before. The only difference was the clothes that 'she' was wearing and the hair on top of her head. Those were his.

Micah turned his head to a profile and the image did the same. It did it in seemingly real-time. There wasn't a delay at all. This was due to the processing speed of Justin's PC.

“Wow, how fucking fast is your computer, Justin. It must have cost a pretty penny.”

“Yep, my friend. About $10,000”

Micah turned his head left and right, he made some funny faces to see how his 'model' would look. She mimicked him exactly.

“It'll look better if you wear this wig,” Justin reminded Micah.

Micah put on the long wig and looked again. This time he smiled. His smile became pretty on the Latina's face. Then he shook his head. He wanted to see how the image fared with hair moving across his face. The image was excellent. It even showed the shadow of his hair upon his face.

“Want to see it with another image?”


“How about this one?” Justin said without waiting for an answer. This time underneath the long hair was a younger woman, maybe 22 or so. She was a white woman with greenish eyes. Her face lit up when Micah smiled at her.

Before Micah could say anything, Justin changed the look again. This time it was the look of an older woman. She was either retirement age or close to it. The skin was wrinkled with crow's feet by the eyes and brown age spots.

“Hey!” Micah shouted. “Younger please.”

“OK, how about this?”

This time, it wasn't a picture of a woman at all. Under the wavy hair that he was wearing, he saw the face of a young girl around ten years old. She had the same brown eyes as the Latina, but her skin was fresher. She had a look of innocence even though she had Micah's shocked expression.

“Awe, don't you look cute!” Justin told him.

“Yeah, whatever.” Then a second later, Micah asked, “What about the voice.”

“I got that.” Put on these headphones so you can't hear what you are saying...Ready...Here try this?”

“OK,” Micah said. Positioning the headphones, he heard the high-pitched voice of a little girl.

“Hey, that isn't funny,” he heard in that same high-pitched voice.

“I think it's cute.”

“No, it's not.”  His face was almost in a pout.

“It goes with your face.”

Micah stuck out his tongue, the image on the screen did the same in a childish manner.

“OK, I didn't ask you here for you to play around. It's time to get this profile up?”

“Fun is fun, but are you serious?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“You can really make everyone believe you are a woman?”

“You saw me. I look like a woman.”

“Yeah, but there is more to convincing someone you are a woman than looking like one.”

“Like what?”

“Well, you don't know how to put on makeup.”

Saying with confidence, “I'll watch some videos on YouTube. I'll figure it out.”

“And the mascara, and eye shadow, and all that stuff?”

“Hey, I'll be on the internet. I don't have to do all of that.”

“You have to at least do the lipstick right. You can't have it look like a man put it on you.”

“I'll practice. I promise. But that isn't important now. It's the profile that I have to do now.”


"Who do you want to be?”

“Let's see, I think I should go with the picture I got, so I guess I'm Hispanic.”


“I don't want her to know it's me and if I'm not 'white' that will be better.”

Looking concerned, “What do you know about being Hispanic?”

“What is there to know. I have an accent. I didn't say I got off the boat yesterday. It'll be fine.”

“OK, then what do you need from me?”

“Let's do the easy stuff, like height and weight first.”

“I guess five foot four or maybe five foot six and 125 pounds.”

“Is that fat for a woman? Aren't Latinas usually a bit shorter?”

“Well 5'4” might be OK for a Latina, but let's make it 135. She needs a bigger butt.”

“Latinas have twenty pounds just in their butt?  OK, 135 pounds. But she won't be seeing my butt. Next, let's see where she is from. She can't be too close. I don't want Sandra visiting her.”

“Ten miles?”

Thinking, “Naa, 50 is better. How about at Springfield?”

“I guess so.”

“She's 34 just like Sandra and has one child who is 11. Wait, I forgot the most important part. What is her name...and her daughter too?”

Looking surprised, “Her daughter?”

“Yeah, she needs a daughter. You know the one who is going to join cheer in middle school.  Yes, that one. I was thinking Rosa for the mother and Angela for the daughter.”

“Last name? How about Lopez?  That is common for Hispanics.”

“Rosa Lopez sounds like a real person. She's 34, 5'4”, 135 pounds (big butt) and lives in Springfield. What else do we know about her? We need to be specific. We can't make things up later. That is a sure way to get caught. Sandra can't know it's me.”

Continuing as if from inspiration, Justin stated rapidly "I got it, she's not married. I mean she's divorced with a new boyfriend that she complains about. If I, I mean Rosa, talk about my boyfriend, then Sandra might talk about hers. How does that sound?"

“Sounds good.”

“I think she should be Catholic. Most Latinas are Catholic.”

“She's Catholic? What do you know about being Catholic?”

“As much as Sandra. It won't make a difference. I'm just giving Rosa some depth. Hey, every Sunday. Rosa and Angela go to church. They get all dressed up and go to church.”

“Sure, whatever. Make her very Catholic.”

"How big are her tits?" Micah asked.

"Umm, 36 D. I think that'll go with her big butt."

"I was just kidding."

Justin ignored what Micah said. he continued, "I guess that makes her 36-28-38. That sounds right."

"What size dress does she wear?"

"I'll have to look it up.  let me see?"  Justin looks at the Macy's web page, selected a dress at random, and after looking at the size chart announced that Rose wears a size 8.  It says a size 8 is 36.5-30-39.5.  I guess with luck she might fit into a size 6 too.

“Is her butt to small for a Latina? I can give her a 40-inch butt if you like.”

“I guess.”

“What the hell, let's make her a pear shaped. She now has a 42-inch butt. Let me write that down. 36D-28-42. Got it.”

"Give her small feet?"

"Sure, what the hell? Size 4?"

"OK, big butt, small feet. We are cooking now. Oh, yes, I forgot. She's 5'4 so she is petite."

"No, I think you have to be 5'2” to be petite."

"Let me look."

"No, 5'4” is fine. Under 5'4” is petite."

"It says under 5'4"

"5 foot three?  Happy?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good, because I would hate to see how big my ass would become if I was only 5'2” and still 135 pounds."

"You can be 133 pounds if you like."

"Thanks, I've been on a diet," Justin said sarcastically.

"Not to worry. Moving on. What does Rosa like to wear?  What is her personal style?"

“She wears sundresses and wedged heels.”

“Do you know what a sundress is?  You can't wear sundresses when it's cold.”

Justin looks it up. “Wow, I didn't know there were so many varieties.”

“Do you still prefer sundresses?  I mean all the time?”

“Only, in warm weather.”

“What do you wear the rest of the time? Still mostly dresses?”

“Have a hard time fitting in jeans so dresses and tights are the way to go.  Pastel colors should do.”

“OK, so she'll like pinks, yellows, and light blues. That's nice. Low neck or high neck? Remember she's very Catholic with big boobs.  So, there is a conflict between showing off her boobs and being modest.”

“I think a good middle would do. She likes V-necks but not ones that go down too far.”

"OK, what does Rosa do for a living?  She can't do nothing.  She has to support her daughter...not to mention eat herself.”

“She could be a secretary for a law firm.  That will give me an excuse to miss a regular meeting and set up situations to complain about so Sandra will feel like she can complain to me.”

“Does that mean she wears skirt suits to work? How fast does she type? Does she take dictation?”

“Yes, skirt suits. 60 words a minute.  She has all the secretarial skills.”

Micah pauses and thinks, “You know you’ll need to type fast to her and not to make mistakes as you type. What else?”

“Weren't you paying attention, it'll be a video chat.  I don't need to type at all.  But I've been around a keyboard forever.  I can type.

"We know she had a boyfriend, what does he do?  A plumber sounds right."

“Yeah, a plumber sounds good.”

“He has to be a younger man like you. Not Rosa's age.”


"She should complain about him that he is immature and smells when he comes home. But at least he makes a lot of money? I mean you should complain."

Continuing, Micah said, "He's taller than her, say 5'6" and fat?"

"I'm not fat!"

"Yeah, right. But the boyfriend who is a plumber is?"

"OK, let's give her a couple of hobbies and wrap this up for now."

"Yeah., um, likes to read romance novels and likes to watch dramas on television. Likes the sun as well as fashion and make-up."

“Those last two things aren't how a woman would put it.”

“Enjoys being out in nice weather and fashion magazines.”

"Let's have a beer and watch some TV and figure the rest if any later."

"How about a drama with some wine and cheese on crackers?"

Micah gave Justin a look.

"OK, just kidding.  Sounds like a plan."

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This story is pretty interesting, using virtual technology to "change" yourself this could be the star of something great